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College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences

Faculty and Staff Profile

Lauren E. Stephens

EDGE Coordinator

Office: 119 Sirrine

Phone: 864.656.3400


Educational Background

Ph.D. Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management
Clemson University 2019

MPW Professional Writing
University of Oklahoma 2015

BS Secondary Education
University of South Carolina Aiken 2011

Courses Taught

PRTM 1980 EDGE Learning Community
PRTM 2200 Conceptual Foundations in Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management
PRTM 2220 Program and Event Planning in Parks, Recreation and Tourism
PRTM 2221 Program and Event Planning in Parks, Recreation and Tourism (Lab)
PRTM 2260 Foundations in Management and Administration of PRTM
PRTM 2261 Foundations of Management and Administration in Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management (Lab)
PRTM 2270 Provision of Leisure Services Experiences
PRTM 2271 Provision of Leisure Services Experiences (Lab)
PRTM 2290 Competency Integration in Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management
PRTM 9080 PRTM Writing Mentorship Program
PRTM 9110 Professional Issues in PRTM (Pedagogy and Classroom Management)

YDP 3000 Youth Development in Society
YDP 3050 Theory and Philosophy of Youth Development Work
YDP 3200 Youth Development in Sport and Physical Activities
YDP 3350 Youth Activity Facilitation and Leadership
YDP 3400 Delivering Effective Youth Programs
YDP 3900 Independent Study in Youth Development
YDP 4550 Youth and Technology
YDP 8010 Child and Adolescent Development
YDP 8900 The Profession of Youth Development Leadership


Lauren E. Stephens, Ph.D. is a Lecturer and the EDGE Coordinator in the Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management at Clemson University. She is passionate about student learning and engagement, where her approach to teaching is grounded in viewing her students as people first and students second. Through enacting tenants of the pedagogy of kindness, Dr. Stephens strives to form meaningful relationships with her students through the creation of a safe space where alternate viewpoints and tough questions are welcome, mutual respect is established, and trust is earned. Dr. Stephens' research explores the ways contextual factors, such as relationships and social media, influence student-athletes' perceptions of body image, eating behaviors, and related symptoms.

Research Interests

Recreation, leisure, and sport for preventative mental health
Positive youth development through sport and physical activities
Body image and eating behaviors
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)

Research Publications

*Graduate Students
**Undergraduate Students

Garst, B. A., Stephens, L. E., Parry, B., Bowers, E. P., & Quinn, W. (2023). Influence of a youth development leadership graduate degree program on the professional pathways of youth leaders. Manuscript submitted to Children and Youth Services Review.

**Wall, N., **Walter, J., & Stephens, L. E. (2023). Shared perspective: Considerations for designing a quality online learning experience. Manuscript submitted to SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education.

*Thurson, K., *Dubin, A., *McAnirlin, O., Stephens, L. E., & Powell, G. M. (2023). Virtual notebooks: Collaboration and connection during COVID and beyond. Manuscript submitted to SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation.

Stephens, L. E. (2021). More than students... A pedagogy of kindness. SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education, 38(2), 136-137. doi: 10.1080/1937156X.2021.19986434

Stephens, L. E., Bowers, E. P., Schmalz, D. L., Duffy, L. N., & Lenhoff, J. (2021). A mixed method approach to evaluating eating-related psychopathologies of collegiate student-athletes. Journal of American College Health. doi: 10.1080/07448481.2021.1947304

Stephens, L. E., Powell, G., Duffy, L. N., & McGuire, F. (2021). The interrupted semester: Thoughts and tools that move us full circle. SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education.

Stephens, L. E., Kim, G., Fogle, E. V., *Kleinbort, T., Duffy, L. N., Powell, G. M., Olsen, L. K.-P., *Kakraba Coleman, K., & Gremillion, J. P. (2021). Reducing writing apprehension in undergraduate parks, recreation, and tourism management students. Schole: The Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education.

Olsen, L. K.-P., Bixler, R. D., Powell, G. M., Garst, B. A., Stephens, L. E., & Switzer, D. M. (2021). The case for a new classification system for summer camps based on variation in their physical, social and activity structuring. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, & Leadership.

Garst, B. A., Bowers, E. P., & Stephens, L. E. (2020). A randomized study of CrossFit Kids for fostering health/fitness and academic outcomes in middle school students. Evaluation and Program Planning, 83.

*Kleinbort, T., Duffy, L., Powell, G., Fogle, E., Gremlin, P., *Kakraba, K., Olsen, L., & Stephens, L. E. (2020). Writing in the discipline: A writing mentorship program to enhance student writing skills in the leisure field. Schole: The Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education, 35(1), 46-53.

Larson, L. R., Szczythko, R., Bowers, E. P., Stephens, L. E., Stevenson, K. T., & Floyd, M. R. (2019). Outdoor time, screen time, and connection to nature: Troubling trends among rural youth? Environment and Behavior, 51(8), 966-991.

Stephens, L. E., Bowers, E. P., & Lerner, J. V. (2018). Positive youth development and adolescent eating disorder symptomatology: The role of natural mentors. Journal of Community Psychology, 46, 473-488. doi: 10.1002/jcop.21952

Coleman, B. K., Stephens, L. E., and Lintner, T. (2012). “Hometown history” setting for interdisciplinary planning. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, 6, 98-106.

Honors and Awards

2022 College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences Outstanding Teaching with Technology Award
2021 College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences Recognition of Scholarship in Journal Publications
2020 The Academy of Leisure Sciences Innovation in Teaching Award: PRTM Writing Mentor Project
2019 College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences, Doctoral Degree Teaching Award
2019 Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, Fran McGuire Excellence in Teaching Award
2017 College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences, Teaching Innovation Award, Clemson University: PRTM Writing Mentor Project
2017 UGA Innovation in Teaching Conference, Innovation in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Award Finalist: PRTM Writing Mentor Project


Body Image and Eating Disorders in Generation Z with Dr. Lauren Stephens

Pandemic Pedagogies: Teaching Students' Hearts, Not Just Their Heads

College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences | 116 Edwards Hall