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College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences

Faculty and Staff Profile

Natallia Sianko

Associate Professor
Graduate Coordinator

Office: 123-B Brackett Hall

Phone: 864-656-0683


Educational Background

Ph.D. International Family and Community Studies
Clemson University 2012

B.A. Linguistics and Foreign Language Education
Minsk State Linguistic University 2006

Courses Taught

Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences (SOC 4060/6060)
Social Research Methods II (SOC 3040/3041)
Globalization and Social Change (SOC 4330/6330)
Departmental Professional Development Seminar (SOC 8970)
Research Methods in International Family and Community Studies I & II (FCS 8130, FCS 8340)


Natallia Sianko is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice at Clemson University. Dr. Sianko also serves as Graduate Coordinator for the Department's interdisciplinary program MS in Social Science. Prior to beginning her academic career, Dr. Sianko served as a Policy Fellow for the American Orthopsychiatric Association [now Global Alliance for Behavioral Health and Social Justice] in Washington, DC. As a broadly trained social scientist, Dr. Sianko's work is informed by combining insights form different substantive areas, disciplines and methodologies (e.g., teen dating violence, democratic socialization, developmental science, policy analysis, qualitative and quantitative approaches). Since beginning her appointment, Dr. Sianko has pursued research activities that contribute to scholarship in two broad themes: (a) promotion of social justice and human rights, with a special focus on children and youth and (b) application of evaluation research to measure achieved outcomes and identify unmet needs.

Research Interests

Teen Dating Violence
Post-communist Democratization
Youth Civic Engagement
Child and Family Well-being
Social Justice & Human Rights (incl. children’s rights)
Indicator Development & Evaluation Research

Research Publications

Sianko, N., Kunkel, D., Burke, S., Duncan, S., & Small, M. (in press). Psychosocial Determinants of Adolescents’ Attitudes toward Disclosing Dating Violence. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.

Sianko, N., Kapllanaj, M., Kunkel, D., Small, M. A. & Fino, E. (2024). Social-Relational Contexts of Child Participation: Profiles of Children’s Views in 18 Countries. Child Indicators Research. DOI: 10.1007/s12187-024-10136-3

Abazi-Morina, L., Sianko, N., Small, M. A. (2024). Treating survivors of wartime sexual violence in Ukraine: Insights from the Balkans on improving social welfare programs and reducing stigma. Kontakt: Journal of Nursing and Social Sciences. DOI: 10.32725/kont.2024.025

Sianko, N. & Kunkel, D. (2022). Longitudinal patterns in adolescent intentions to seek help for dating violence: A latent transition analysis. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 51, 673-693. DOI:

Kapllanaj, M., Sianko, N. & Gjedia, R. (2022). Exploring afterschool activities by socio demographic characteristics and subjective well-being. In G. Rees, D. Benatuil, M. Lau & H. Tiliouine (Eds.), Handbook of Children’s Risk, Vulnerability and Quality of Life: Global Perspectives. Dortrecht, Netherlands: Springer-Verlag.

Sianko, N., Small, M. A., Kapllanaj, M., Fino, E. & Mece, M. H. (2021). Who will sustain a culture of democracy in post-communist states? Examining patterns of democratic competence among youth in Albania and Belarus. Social Indicators Research, 162, 351-375. DOI: 10.1007/s11205-021-02840-2

Sianko, N., McDonell, J. R. & Small, M. A. (2021). Who to tell? A latent class analysis of adolescents’ intentions to disclose dating violence. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 5(1), 105-127. DOI: 10.1007/s42448-021-00098-2

Sianko, N., Balidemaj, A. B. & Small, M. (2021). The importance of the right to science during pandemics. Kontakt: Journal of Nursing and Social Sciences. DOI: 10.32725/kont.2021.012

Sianko, N. & McDonell, J. R. (2021). Neighborhood characteristics and children’s safety. In F. Maggino (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-being Research. Dortrecht, Netherlands: Springer-Verlag.

Bruk, Z., Ignatjeva, S., Sianko, N. & Volosnikova, L. (2021). Does age matter? Life satisfaction and subjective well-being among children aged 10 and 12 in Russia. Population Review, 60(1), 75-96.

Sianko, N., Kapllanaj, M. & Small, M. A. (2020). Measuring children’s participation: A person-centered analysis of children’s views. Child Indicators Research, 14(2), 737-767. DOI: 10.1007/s12187-020-09775-z

McDonell, J. R., & Sianko, N. (2020). Neighborhood, neighborliness, and family and child well-being. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. Advance online publication.

Sianko, N., & McDonell, J. R. (2020). Is family functioning stable and consistent over time and stakeholders? A comparison of adolescents’ and caregivers’ views. Children and Youth Services Review. DOI:org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.104996

Sianko, N., Kunkel, D., Thompson, M., Small, M. A. & McDonell, J. R. (2019). Trajectories of dating violence victimization and perpetration among rural adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48(12), 2360-2376.
Sianko, N., Mece, M. H., & Abazi-Morina, L. (2019). Adolescent and caregiver views on family functioning: Interactive influence on teen dating violence. Family Process. DOI:10.1111/famp.12489

Sianko, N. (2019). Democratic culture in Belarus: Insights on democratic citizenship, trust and participatory intentions among adolescents. Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization 27(2), 187-213.

Sianko, N., Hedge, J., & McDonell, J. R. (2019). Differential adjustment among rural adolescents exposed to family violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. DOI: 10.1177/0886260516645574

Sianko, N. & Small, M.A. (2017). The future of GIS in social sciences. Kontakt: Journal of Nursing and Social Sciences, 3, 169-170. DOI: 10.1016/j.kontakt.2017.08.001

Wyndham, J.M., Vitullo, M.W., Kraska, K., Sianko, N., Carbajales, P., Nuñez?Eddy, C., Platts, E. (2017, July). Giving meaning to the right to Science: A global and multidisciplinary approach. DOI: 10.1126/srhrl.aao4380

Hedge, J., Sianko, N., & McDonell, J. R (2017). Professional help-seeking for adolescent dating violence in the Rural South: The role of social support and informal help-seeking. Violence Against Women. DOI: 10.1177/1077801216662342

Sianko, N. & Small, M. A. (2016). Current trends and challenges in studies of democracy. Kontakt: Journal of Nursing and Social Sciences, 18, 1-2. DOI: 10.1016/j.kontakt.2016.01.003

Talwar, G., Sianko, N., Baugh, S., & Brodsky, A. E. (2012). Talking about immigration: Community voices on service, research, and policy needs. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 82, 431-436.

Gust, L. & Sianko, N. (2012). Can policy reform reduce restraint and seclusion of school children? American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 82, 91-96.

Sianko, N. (2011). Gender equality and women’s mental health: What’s on the agenda? American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 81, 167-171.

Sianko, N. (2011, July). Introducing Ortho: The American Orthopsychiatric Association. Psychology International, 22(2), 9-10.

McLeigh, J. D. & Sianko, N. (2011). What should be done to promote mental health around the world? American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 81, 83-89.

Melton, G. B. & Sianko, N. (2010). How can government protect mental health amid a disaster? American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 80, 536-545.

McLeigh, J. D. & Sianko, N. (2010). Where have all the children gone? The effects of the justice system on America’s children and youth. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 80, 334-341.

Honors and Awards

Excellence in Research Publication, SACJ, CBSHS (2022)
Judith Torney-Purta Outstanding Paper for New Scholars (2017)


Google scholar profile

College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences | 116 Edwards Hall