Research InterestsDr. Rosopa’s research interests are in two broad areas--quantitative analysis and topics germane to organizational psychology. He blends statistics and organizational research.
Dr. Rosopa's quantitative research interests are in applied statistical modeling especially with applications in organizational research. Dr. Rosopa published a paper that compares different methods for testing the equality of independent slopes on their conditional Type I error and power under various conditions of heteroscedasticity. This research has implications not only for testing interactions in general, but also with differential prediction in the context of human resource selection. In other research, no procedure exists for comparing the equality of three or more independent rWGs. Such a procedure could prove very practical in research that involves 'clustering' including employees clustered within a team (in organizational research), students clustered within a classroom (in educational research), and soldiers clustered within a team and teams clustered within a squad (in military research).
Dr. Rosopa’s substantive research interests include individual differences (e.g., personality, cognitive ability), stereotypes and fairness in the workplace, occupational health and stress (individual-level & team-level) and cross-cultural issues in organizational research. Dr. Rosopa was a Co-PI on Clemson's NSF ADVANCE grant ($3.4 million). This grant supported a variety of initiatives that promoted gender equity at Clemson University, where the percentage of women STEM faculty is notably below the percentage of women PhD graduates available at the national level and below that of our peer institutions. Dr. Rosopa engages in interdisciplinary research. For example, he is a Co-PI on an NSF NRT grant ($3 million) titled "NRT-AI: Harnessing AI for Inverse Design Training in Advanced and Sustainable Composites." Dr. Rosopa is also a Co-PI on two research projects funded by the U.S. Department of Defense. These projects (totaling $2 million) support the operational performance of soldiers in the U.S. Army. Research Publications* graduate student
Hobday, J. V., Gaugler, J. E., Joly, L. K., Rosopa, P. J., Graham, B. A.*, Cicchinelli, A., Lunde, A. M., &
Mittelman, M. S. (2024). Efficacy of the CARES® Dementia 5-Step Method for Hospitals™
online training and certification for hospital staff. Geriatric Nursing, 60, 440-447. link
Britt, T. W., Pirrallo, R., Rosopa, P. J., Hirsh, E., Moschella, P., Bessey, A.*, Klinefelter, Z.*, Barrows, C.,
Reddy, K, Faulkner, M., & Fowler, L. A. (2024). Perceived work demands and emergency department crowding as predictors of objective stress among emergency physicians: A shift-level approach. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 66, 654-658. link
Solini, H. M.*, Rosopa, E. B.*, Rosopa, P. J., & Pagano C. C. (2024). Quantifying accuracy on distance estimation tasks: A Monte Carlo study. Behavior Research Methods, 56, 6198-6222. link
Graham, B. A.*, Pool, R. N.*, Rosopa, P. J., Roma, P. G., & Russell, D. W. (2024). Emphasizing the importance of social comparison: A multilevel analysis of safety compliance. Safety Science, 172, 106407. link
Flathmann, C.*, Schelble, B. G.*, Rosopa, P. J., McNeese, N. J., Mallick, R.*, & Chalil Madathil, K. (2023). Examining the impact of varying levels of AI teammate influence on human-AI teams. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 177, 103061. link
Datu, J. A. D., Rosopa, P. J., & Fynes, J.* (2023). Does relational mobility moderate the associations between core self-evaluations and psychological well-being? A cross-national investigation in the Philippines and United States. Current Psychology, 42, 13927-13937. link
Rosopa, P. J., & King, B. M. (2023). Analysis of variance: Univariate and multivariate approaches. In R. Tierney, F. Rizvi, K. Ercikan, and G. Smith (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education (4th ed.), 529-535. Elsevier. link
Taffe, K., Ferrand, Y., Khoshkenar, A., Fredendall, L., San, D., Rosopa, P. J., & Joseph, A. (2022). Operating room design using agent-based simulation to reduce room obstructions. Health Care Management Science, 26, 261-278. link
Pool, R. N.*, Rodriguez, A. B.*, Cranmer, G. A., Rosopa, P. J., Muñiz, Z. J., & Schaedel, D. O. (2022). Beyond the classroom: A comparative examination of parental and peer support on students’ socialization. Communication Research Reports, 39(5), 266-278. link
Khasawneh, A., Chalil Madathil, K., Taaffe, K., Zinzow, H., Ponathil, A., Chalil Madathil, S., Nambiar, S., Nanda, G., & Rosopa, P. J. (2022). Dynamic simulation of social media challenges participation to examine intervention strategies. Journal of Computational Social Science, 5, 1637-1662. link
Rosopa, P. J. (2022). Machine learning and the science of teams. In B. Murray, J. Dulebohn, and D. Stone (Eds.), Managing team centricity in modern organizations, pp. 53-76. Charlotte, NC: Information Age. link
Höfrová, A.*, Moore de Peralta, A., Rosopa, P. J., Small, M. A., & Steele Payne, K. (2021). Faculty perception of the contribution of start-up packages to professional development. Innovative Higher Education, 46, 481-497. link
Rosopa, P. J., Xoxakos, P.*, & King, C.* (2021). Mediation: Causal mechanisms in business and management. In Oxford Encyclopedia of Business and Management. Oxford University Press. link
Khasawneh, A., Chalil Madathil, K., Zinzow, H., Rosopa, P. J., Natarajan, G, Achuthan, K., & Narasimhan, M. (2021). Factors contributing to adolescents’ and young adults’ participation in social media challenges: A survey study. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting, 4(1), e24988. link
Britt, T. W., Shuffler, M. L., Pegram, R. L.*, Xoxakos, P.*, Rosopa, P. J., Hirsch, E., & Jackson, W. (2021). Job demands and resources among healthcare professionals during virus pandemics: A review and examination of fluctuations in mental health strain during COVID-19. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 70, 120-149. link
Schroeder, A. N., Rosopa, P. J., Whitaker, J. H.*, Fairbanks, I. N.*, & Xoxakos, P.* (2020). Heteroscedasticity in organizational research. In E. F. Stone-Romero and P. J. Rosopa (Eds.), Research methods in Human Resource Management: Toward Valid Research-based Inferences, pp. 67-86. Charlotte, NC: Information Age. link
Rosopa, P. J., Fynes, J. M.*, D'Souza, K. B.*, & Xoxakos, P.* (2020). In pursuit of inclusivity: A review of human resource management research and practices involving LGBT employees. In D. L. Stone, J. H. Dulebohn, and K. M. Lukaszewski (Eds.), Diversity and inclusion in organizations, pp. 165-192. Charlotte, NC: Information Age. link
Rosopa, P. J., McIntyre, A. L., Fairbanks, I. N.*, & Brown, K. N.* (2019). Core self-evaluations, job complexity, and net worth: An examination of mediating and moderating factors. Personality and Individual Differences, 150, 109518. link
Borzendowski, S. A. W.*, Tyrrell, R. A., Sewall, A. A. S.*, Britt, T. W., & Rosopa, P. J. (2019). Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior to drivers’ use of high beam headlamps. Advances in Transportation Studies, A49, 61-74. link
Rosopa, P. J., Brawley, A. M.*, Atkinson, T. P.*, & Robertson, S. A.* (2018). On the conditional and unconditional Type I error rates and power of tests in linear models with heteroscedastic errors. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 17(2), eP2647. link
Sytine, A. I.*, Britt, T. W., Pury, C. L. S., & Rosopa, P. J. (2018). Savouring as a moderator of the combat exposure-mental health symptoms relationship. Stress and Health, 34, 582-588. link
Zinzow, H., Brooks, J. O., Rosopa, P. J., Jeffirs, S., Jenkins, C., Seeanner, J., McKeeman, A., & Hodges, L. F. (2018). Virtual reality exposure therapy for driving anxiety and aggression in veterans: A pilot study. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 25, 296-309. link
King, B. M., Rosopa, P. J., & Minium, E. W. (2018). Statistical reasoning in the behavioral sciences (7th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. link
Rosopa, P. J., & Kim, B. (2017). Robustness of statistical inferences using linear models with meta-analytic correlation matrices. Human Resource Management Review, 27, 216-236. link
Stone, D. L., & Rosopa, P. J. (2017). The advantages and limitations of using meta-analysis in human resource management research. Human Resource Management Review, 27, 1-7. link
Rosopa, P. J. (2017). Bootstrapping. In S. G. Rogelberg (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of industrial and organizational psychology (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. link
Brooks, J., Seeanner, J., Hennessy, S., Manganelli, J.*, Crisler, M.*, Rosopa, P., Jenkins, C., Anderson, M., Drouin, N.*, Belle, L., Truesdail, C., & Tanner, S. (2017). Interactive tools for measuring visual scanning performance and reaction time. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 71, 1-5. link
Switzer, F., Roth, P., & Rosopa, P. J. (2016). Power and errors in adverse impact indices. Human Performance, 29, 159-171. link
Sewall, A. A. S.*, Borzendowski, S. A. W.*, Tyrrell, R. A., Stephens, B. R., & Rosopa, P. J. (2016). Observers’ judgments of the effects of glare on their visual acuity for high and low contrast stimuli. Perception, 45, 755-767. link
Rosopa, P. J., Datu, J. A. D., Robertson, S. A.*, & Atkinson, T. P.* (2016). Core self-evaluations and subjective well-being in the U.S. and the Philippines: The moderating role of self-construal. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 57, 50-56. link
Rosopa, P. J., Schroeder, A. N.*, & Doll, J.* (2016). Detecting between-groups heteroscedasticity in moderated multiple regression with a continuous predictor and a categorical moderator: A Monte Carlo study. Sage Open, 6, 1-16. link
Doll, J. L.*, & Rosopa, P. J. (2015). Workplace romances: Examining attitudes, experience, conscientiousness, and policies. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30, 439-453. link
Healy, S.*, Manganelli, J.*, Rosopa, P. J., & Brooks, J. O. (2015). An exploration of the nightstand and over-the-bed table in an inpatient rehabilitation hospital. Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 8, 43-55. link
Borzendowski, S. A. W.*, Stafford, A. A.*, Rosopa, P. J., & Tyrrell, R. A. (2015). Drivers' judgments of the effect of headlight glare on their ability to see pedestrians at night. Journal of Safety Research, 53, 31-37. link
Xi, Y.*, Rosopa, P. J., Mossey, M.*, Crisler, M. C.*, Drouin, N.*, Kopera, K., & Brooks, J. O. (2014). The reliability of a Vision Coach task as a measure of psychomotor skills. Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 28, 444-454. link
Mossey, M. E.*, Xi, Y., McConomy, S. K.*, Brooks, J. O., Rosopa, P. J., & Venhovens, P. J. (2014). Evaluation of four steering wheels to determine driver hand placement in a static environment. Applied Ergonomics, 45, 1187-1195. link
Rosopa, P. J., Schaffer, M. M.*, & Schroeder, A. N.* (2013). Managing heteroscedasticity in general linear models. Psychological Methods, 18, 335-351. link
Rosopa, P. J., Schroeder, A. N.*, & Hulett, A.* (2013). Helping yourself by helping others: Examining personality perceptions. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 28, 147-163. link
Walker, A.*, Muth, E., Switzer, F., & Rosopa, P. J. (2013). Predicting team performance in a dynamic environment: A team psychophysiological approach to measuring cognitive readiness. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 7, 69-82. link
Goodenough, R. R.*, Brooks, J. O., Crisler, M. C.*, & Rosopa, P. J. (2012). Developing a driving simulator based functional object detection task. Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 26, 240-256. link
Muth, E. R., Moss, J. D.*, Rosopa, P. J., Salley, J. N.*, & Walker, A. D.* (2012). Respiratory sinus arrhythmia as a measure of cognitive workload. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 83, 96-101. link
Stone-Romero, E. F., & Rosopa, P. J. (2011). Experimental tests of mediation models: Prospects, problems, and some solutions. Organizational Research Methods, 14, 631-646. link
King, B. M., Rosopa, P. J., & Minium, E. W. (2010). Statistical reasoning in the behavioral sciences (6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. link
Stone-Romero, E. F., & Rosopa, P. J. (2010). Research design options for testing mediation models and their implications for facets of validity. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 25, 697-712. link
Rosopa, P. J., & Schroeder, A. N.* (2009). Core self-evaluations interact with cognitive ability to predict academic achievement. Personality and Individual Differences, 47, 1003-1006. link
Rosopa, P. J., & Stone-Romero, E. F. (2008). Problems with detecting assumed mediation using the hierarchical multiple regression strategy. Human Resource Management Review, 18, 294-310. link
Smith-Jentsch, K. A., Scielzo, S. A., Yarbrough, C. S., & Rosopa, P. J. (2008). A comparison of face-to-face and electronic peer-mentoring: Interactions with mentor gender. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 72, 193-206. link
Stone-Romero, E. F., & Rosopa, P. J. (2008). The relative validity of inferences about mediation as a function of research design characteristics. Organizational Research Methods, 11, 326-352. link Honors and Awards
- Outstanding Contribution to Literature (2023) for 2013 article published in Psychological Methods. Department of Psychology, Clemson University.
- Distinguished Doctoral Mentoring Award (2022). Clemson University Graduate School.
- Outstanding Contribution to Literature (2020) for 2008 article published in Journal of Vocational Behavior. Department of Psychology, Clemson University.
- Excellence in Reviewing Award (2018, August). Human Resource Management Review.
- Graduate Teaching Excellence Award (2013-2014). College of Business & Behavioral Science, Clemson University.
- Outstanding Faculty Publication (2013) for 2013 article published in Psychological Methods. Department of Psychology, Clemson University.
- Outstanding Contribution to Literature (2013) for 2008 article published in Organizational Research Methods. Department of Psychology, Clemson University.
LinksVideo: Getting to know Dr. Rosopa
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Association for Psychological Science