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College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences

Faculty and Staff Profile

Ron Gimbel

Professor & Director, Clemson Rural Health


Phone: 864-656-1969


Personal Website:

Educational Background

2005 Ph.D. Public Administration & Policy SUNY Albany (NY)

1990 M.A. Management Webster University (MO)

1989 BS Liberal Arts Regents College of SUNY Albany (NY)

Courses Taught

• HLTH 8120 - Clinical and Translational Science
• HLTH 8130 - Population Health & Research
• HLTH 6000 – Selected Topics in Health
• HLTH 4600 - Health Information Systems
• HLTH 4990 - Independent Study: Innovations in Asthma Care
• HLTH 4990 – Independent Study: Medical Informatics


Dr. Gimbel arrived to Clemson as the Department Chair/Head, Public Health Sciences in July 2014 and held the position until July 2021 when he stepped off to serve as Director, Clemson Rural Health. Working with a talented leadership team, Dr. Gimbel is seeking to expand the university's leadership in rural health statewide. The Clemson Rural Health organization operates rural health clinics, a fleet of mobile health units, telehealth services, remote patient monitoring, and other technologies. The team seeks to reduce premature death rate, reduce preventable hospitalization, and enhance overall wellness in underserved and rural communities. Clemson Rural Health is an academic unit that supports health professions student experiences / mentoring and is currently developing the SC Rural Primary Care Research Network that will host clinical, translational, and population-health research in underserved and rural communities.

Research Interests

Dr. Gimbel is an active researcher with interest in projects at the intersection of health services research, medical informatics, and population health. Specifically, projects that leverage technologies to improve access to health care, shape decision making (patients to clinicians), and ultimately improves health outcomes. He also leads a variety of interdisciplinary sponsored projects to advance the goals of Clemson Rural Health. Dr. Gimbel devotes substantial attention to mentoring his leadership team and graduate students.

Research Publications

1. Melvin CL, Sterba KR, Gimbel RW, Lenert LA, Cartmell KB; SC Safer Together Team. Dissemination and Implementation of a Google Apple Exposure Notification System for COVID-19 Risk Mitigation at a National Public University: Protocol for a Pilot Evaluation Study in a Real-World Setting. JMIR Res Protoc. 2022 Jan 19;11(1):e32567. doi: 10.2196/32567.

2. Woo M, Mishra P, Lin J, Kar S, Deas N, Linduff C, Niu S, Yang Y, McClendon J, Smith DH, Shelton SL, Gainey CE, Gerard WC, Smith MC, Griffin SF, Gimbel RW, Wang KC. Complete and Resilient Documentation for Operational Medical Environments Leveraging Mobile Hands-free Technology in a Systems Approach: Experimental Study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2021 Oct 12;9(10):e32301. doi: 10.2196/32301.

3. Kar, S., Mishra, P., Lin, J., Woo, M.J., Deas, N., Linduff, C., Niu, S., Yang, Y., McClendon, J., Smith, D.H., Smith, M.C., Gimbel, R.W., Wang, K.C. "Systematic Evaluation and Enhancement of Speech Recognition in Operational Medical Environments," 2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2021, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/IJCNN52387.2021.9533607.

4. Zhang, L., Hsieh, M.C. , Rennert, L., Neroda1, P., Wu, X.C., Hicks, C, Wu, J., Gimbel, R.W. “Diagnosis-to-surgery interval and survival for different histologies of stage I–IIA lung cancer.” Transl Lung Cancer Res. 2021; published May 20, 2021. doi: 10.21037/tlcr-21-168

5. Woo, M., Devane, A.M., Lowe, S.C., Lowther, E.L., Gimbel, R.W. “Deep learning for semi-automated unidirectional measurement of lung tumor size in CT.” Cancer Imaging, 2021;21:43. DOI: 10.1186/s40644-021-00413-7.

6. Sava, M.G., Pirrallo, R.G., Helsel, B.C., Tian, J., Carbajales-Dale, P., Wang, K.C., Bruch, J., Gimbel, R.W. “Diabetes patient surveillance in the emergency department: Proof of concept and opportunities.” West J. Emerg Med; 22(3):636-643. DOI: 10.5811/westjem.2020.12.49171.

7. Woo M, Heo M, Devane AM, Lowe, S.C., Gimbel, R.W. “Retrospective comparison of approaches to evaluating inter-observer variability in CT tumour measurements in an academic health centre.” BMJ Open 2020;10:e040096. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-040096

8. Rennert, L.M., Zhang, L., Lumsden, B., Harwood, K., Tyler, L., Ashby, M., Hanna, J.W., Gimbel, R.W. “Factors influencing lung cancer screening completion following participation in shared decision-making: A retrospective study in a U.S. academic health system.” Cancer Treatment and Research Communication, 2020; 24:100198.

9. Gimbel, R.W., Rennert, L.M., Crawford III, P.F., Little, J.R., Truong, K., Williams, J.E., Griffin, S.F., Shi, L., Chen, L., Zhang, L., Moss, J.B., Marshall, R.C., Edwards, K.W., Crawford, K.J., Hing, M., Schmeltz, A., Lumsden, B., Ashby, M., Haas, E. & Palazzo, K. “Enhancing patient activation and self-management activities in patients with type 2 diabetes using the U.S. Department of Defense mobile health care environment: A feasibility study,” Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2020; 22(5):e17968. doi:10.2196/17968.

10. Woo, M, Lowe, S.C., Devane, A.M. & Gimbel, R.W. “Intervention to reduce interobserver variability in computed tomographic measurement of cancer lesions among experienced radiologists,” Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology, 2020; Jan 10. [Epub ahead of print]. doi: 10.1067/j.cpradiol.2020.01.008.

11. Zhang, L., Babu, S.V., Jindal, M., Williams, J.E., Gimbel, R.W. “A patient-centered mobile phone app (iHeartU) with a virtual human assistant for self-management of heart failure: Protocol for usability assessment study,” JMIR Research Protocols, 2019; 8(5): e13502.

12. Gimbel RW, Pirrallo RG, Lowe SC, Wright DW, Zhang L, Woo MJ, Fontelo P, Liu F, & Connor Z. “Effect of clinical decision rules, patient cost and malpractice information on clinician brain CT image ordering: a randomized controlled trial,” BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 2018 Mar 12;18(1):20. doi: 10.1186/s12911-018-0602-1.

13. Gimbel, R.W., Shi, L., Williams, J.E., Dye, C.J., Chen, L., Crawford, P., Shry, E.A., Griffin, S.F., Jones, K.O., Sherrill, W.W., Truong, K., Little, J.R., Edwards, K.W., Hing, M., & Moss, J.B. “Enhancing mHealth technology in the patient-centered medical home environment too activate patients with type 2 diabetes: A multisite feasibility study protocol,” JMIR Research Protocols, 2017; 6(3): e38.

14. Pollock, J., Shi, L. & Gimbel, R.W. “Outdoor environment and pediatric asthma: An update on the evidence from North America,” Canadian Respiratory Journal, 2017; Article ID 8921917, 16.

15. Burke, H.B., Becher, D.A., Hoang, A. & Gimbel, R.W. “The adoption of an electronic health record did not improve A1c values in Type 2 diabetes,” Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics, 2016; 23(1) 1-6.

16. Bunt, C.W., Burke, H.B., Towbin, A.J., Hoang, A., Stephens, M.B., Fontelo, P., Liu, F. & Gimbel, R.W. “Point-of-Care estimated radiation exposure and imaging guidelines can reduce pediatric radiation burden,” Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 2015; 28(3) 343-350.

17. Burke, H.B., Hoang, A., Becher, D., Fontelo, P., Liu, F., Stephens, M., Pangaro, L.N., Sessums, L.L., O’Malley, P., Baxi, N.S., Bunt, C.W., Capaldi, V.F., Chen, J.M., Cooper, B.A., Djuric, D.A., Hodge, J.A., Kane, S., Magee, C., Makary, Z.R., Mallory, R.M., Miller, T., Saperstein, A., Servey, J., & Gimbel, R.W. “Electronic health records improve clinical note quality,” Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2015; 22(1)199-205.

18. Burke, H.B., Hoang, A., Becher, D., Fontelo, P., Liu, F., Stephens, M., Pangaro, L.N., Sessums, L.L., O’Malley, P., Baxi, N.S., Bunt, C.W., Capaldi, V.F., Chen, J.M., Cooper, B.A., Djuric, D.A., Hodge, J.A., Kane, S., Magee, C., Makary, Z.R., Mallory, R.M., Miller, T., Saperstein, A., Servey, J., & Gimbel, R.W. “QNOTE: An instrument for measuring the quality of EHR Clinical Notes,” Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2014; 0:1-7 (on-line first doi:10.1136/amiajnl-2013-002321).

19. Gimbel, R.W., Fontelo, P., Stephens, M.B., Olsen, C.H., Bunt, C., Ledford, C.J.W., Cook, C.A.L., Liu, F., & Burke, H.B. “Radiation exposure and cost influence physician medical image decision-making: A randomized controlled trial,” Medical Care, 2013; 51(7):628-632.

20. Johnson, H, Fontelo, P, Olsen, CH, Jones, K, & Gimbel, R.W. “Family nurse practitioner student perception of journal abstract usefulness in clinical decision-making: a randomized controlled trial,” Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 2013; on-line first: DOI:10.1111/1745-7599.12013.

21. Hanson, J.L., Stephens, M.B., Pangaro, L.N., & Gimbel, R.W. “Quality of outpatient clinical notes: A stakeholder definition derived through qualitative research,” BMC Health Services Research, 2012; 12(407): doi 10.1186/1472-6963-12-407.

22. Gimbel, R.W., Ledford, C. & Stephens, M. “Medical education in the United States: A new frontier for social marketing?” Social Marketing Quarterly, 2012;18(4):293-302.

23. Gimbel, R., Olsen, C., Williams, P. & Stephens, M. “Social marketing and student documentation of asthma care: A quasi-randomized controlled trial,” Family Medicine, 2012; 44(2):121-7.

24. Do, N., Barnhill, R., Heermann-Do, K., Salzman, K. & Gimbel, R. “The Military Health System’s personal health record pilot with Microsoft® HealthVault™ and Google® Health,” Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2011; doi: 10.1136/jamia.2010.004671.

25. Stephens, M., Gimbel, R. & Pangaro, L. “The RIME/EMR scheme: An educational approach to clinical documentation in electronic medical records,” Academic Medicine, 2011; 86(1):11-14.

Honors and Awards

Editor’s Choice, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA) on manuscript titled “The Military Health System’s personal health record pilot with Microsoft HealthVault and Google Health, 2011.

College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences | 116 Edwards Hall