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College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences

Faculty and Staff Profile

Snehal Lopes

Post Doctoral Fellow

Office: Clemson Nursing, Suite 205



Educational Background

Ph.D Applied Health Research and Evaluation
Clemson University 2022

M.S. Applied Health Research and Evaluation
Clemson University 2019

M.A. Sociology
Mumbai University 2011


Snehal Lopes is a Postdoctoral Fellow working on Clemson University-Prisma Health Addiction Medicine Center collaborative projects. She has prior experience as a research assistant in the public health field (2017-2022) working primarily as a project coordinator for clinical trial studies among various populations including persons with substance use, diabetes, depression, ADRD (Alzheimer's Dementia and Related Disorders) and low physical activity levels. She has gained experience with different phases of project development from proposal development to planning and implementation. Her skills extend to data management and analysis using quantitative and qualitative methods as well as the conduct of systematic review.

Research Publications

Lopes, Snehal S., Lu Shi, Laksika Banu Sivaraj, Khoa Truong, Laura Rolke, Smith F. Heavner, and William T. Basco Jr. "Dispensed opioid prescription patterns, by racial/ethnic groups, among South Carolina Medicaid-funded children experiencing limb fracture injuries." Academic pediatrics 22, no. 4 (2022): 631-639.

Zhang, Lingling*, Snehal Lopes*, Tara Lavelle, Karyn Ogata Jones, Liwei Chen, Meenu Jindal, Heidi Zinzow, and Lu Shi. "Economic Evaluations of Mindfulness-Based Interventions: a Systematic Review." Mindfulness (2022): 1-20. (*Co-first authors)

Xia, Tong*, Snehal Lopes*, Liwei Chen, Rebecca Roth, Heidi Zinzow, Karyn Jones, Lingling Zhang, Lu Shi, and Meenu Jindal. "A feasibility study on low-dose mindfulness-based stress reduction intervention among prediabetes and diabetes patients." Complementary Therapies in Medicine 65 (2022): 102810. (*Co-first authors)

Jones, Karyn O.*, Snehal S. Lopes*, Claire Kelly, Ralph S. Welsh, Liwei Chen, Mark Wilson, Meenu Jindal, Heidi Zinzow, Lingling Zhang, and Lu Shi. "A qualitative study on participants’ experiences with a community-based mindful walking intervention and mobile device activity measurement." Complementary Therapies in Medicine 57 (2021): 102640. (*Co-first authors)

Shi, Lu*, Ralph S. Welsh*, Snehal Lopes*, Lior Rennert, Liwei Chen, Karyn Jones, Lingling Zhang, Bailey Crenshaw, Mark Wilson, and Heidi Zinzow. "A pilot study of mindful walking training on physical activity and health outcomes among adults with inadequate activity." Complementary therapies in medicine 44 (2019): 116-122. (*Co-first authors)

Jones, Karyn Ogata, Snehal Lopes, Liwei Chen, Lingling Zhang, Heidi Zinzow, Meenu Jindal, Michael Mclain, and Lu Shi. "Perceptions about mindfulness-based interventions among individuals recovering from opioid and alcohol use disorders: findings from focus groups." Complementary Therapies in Medicine 46 (2019): 131-135.

Agnisarman, Sruthy, Amal Ponathil, Snehal Lopes, and Kapil Chalil Madathil. "An investigation of consumer's choice of a healthcare facility when user-generated anecdotal information is integrated into healthcare public reports." International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 66 (2018): 206-220.

Scharett, Emma, Kapil Chalil Madathil, Snehal Lopes, Hunter Rogers, Sruthy Agnisarman, Shraddhaa Narasimha, Aparna Ashok, and Cheryl Dye. "An investigation of the information sought by caregivers of Alzheimer's patients on online peer support groups." Cyberpsychology, behavior, and social networking 20, no. 10 (2017): 640-657.

Zinzow, Heidi, Lu Shi, Lior Rennert, Liwei Chen, Snehal Lopes, Lingling Zhang, Karyn Jones, Meenu Jindal, Claire Stam, and Michael Mclain. "Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of mindfulness-based relapse prevention for opioid use disorders." Contemporary Clinical Trials 99 (2020): 106182.

College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences | 116 Edwards Hall