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Faculty and Staff Profile
Theresa MeltonAssistant ProfessorOffice: 109 Sirrine Hall Phone: 864-656-4849 Email: tmelto5@clemson.edu | |
Educational BackgroundPh.D. Education and Human Development Concentration: Research Statistics and Evaluation M.Ed. Education and Human Development Concentration: Research Statistics and Evaluation B.A. Sociology | Courses TaughtYDP 8050 Youth Development in the Context of Family
ProfileDr. Theresa N. Melton is an assistant professor within Youth Development Leadership at Clemson University. Prior to this role, Dr. Melton served as a postdoctoral researcher with The Pennsylvania State University and the University of Guam. Before working in academia, Dr. Melton worked as a Grant Research Analyst and Account Manager for National 4-H Council, where she oversaw the 4-H National Mentoring Program and conducted evaluations of the Well Connected Community and Bechtel initiatives. With funding from the John Templeton Foundation, Dr. Melton is currently collaborating with Outward Bound International and researchers from Penn State University and the University of Utah on a three-year global research project to explore how outdoor experiential education can be adapted to build character across cultures. In addition to this project, Dr. Melton has partnered with the SEAS Islands Alliance, an NSF INCLUDES Alliance that engages Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, in an attempt to utilize a strength-based approach to broadening participation in STEM. Dr. Melton also serves as a member of the Outward Bound International Research Advisory Committee and as a junior member of the research board for the National Mentoring Resource Center. | |
Research InterestsDr. Melton’s research focuses on examining the role of youth development interventions and programming. Her research also focuses on strengthening the partnership between researchers and youth development practitioners and expanding the research methods applied to research on adolescent development, specifically exploring equity-based methodology. Her specific research interests include:
Research PublicationsMelton, T. N., Agans, J. P., Lawhon, B., Mateer, T., Freeman, S., & Taff, B. D. (2022). “Pick Your Team Wisely”: A Case Study of a Long-Standing Research-Practice Partnership. Evaluation and Program Planning, 95. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2022.102169
Honors and Awards2018 Marjorie Hare Andrews Fellowship, University of Virginia
LinksLinkedInResearch Gate NSF INCLUDES SEAS Islands Alliance Outward Bound International |