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College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences

Faculty and Staff Profile

Tara Trask

Senior Lecturer
Undergraduate Studie Coordinator


Phone: 864-656-3233


Personal Website:

Educational Background

2021 University of Georgia Ph.D.

2015 University of Georgia M.A.

2013 Mississippi State University B.A.

Courses Taught

POSC 1020 Introduction to International Relations
POSC 1040 Introduction to Comparative Politics
POSC 1010 American National Government
POSC 4470 International Law
POSC 3610 International Conflict
POSC 4890: Special Topics - Human Rights


Dr. Tara Trask is a Lecturer in the political science department, primarily teaching courses in international relations and comparative politics. She particularly values bringing her research on international human rights into the classroom, and currently offers three Creative Inquiry courses to mentor undergraduate students through producing political science research. These include: International Child Rights, Laws & Vows: Child Early Forced Marriage in the U.S., and International Juvenile Justice. Within the department, she serves on the department's Curriculum and Inclusive Excellence Committees. She is also Mental Health First Aid certified and a member of the CBSHS’s Teaching Effectiveness Community.

Research Interests

My research focuses on child-early-forced-marriage (CEFM) as a human rights issue in international law, domestic law, and local-level practice. I also have projects related to human security, foreign aid, and development. Additionally, I conduct pedagogical research on the role of student engagement and course design on learning outcomes.

College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences | 116 Edwards Hall