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College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences

Faculty and Staff Profile

Leslie Ravan

Director of Undergraduate Studies and Principal Lecturer

Office: 459 CU Nursing, Greenville and

Phone: 864-720-2059


Vita: View

Educational Background

DNP Doctor of Nursing Practice
Clemson University 2024

MS Nursing Education
Clemson University 2011

ADN Nursing
Indian Hills Community College 2004

BSN Nursing
The University of Iowa 2008

Courses Taught

Nursing of Adults II, Simulation Lab Lead Faculty
Leadership in Nursing, Lead Faculty and Clinical Coordination
Nursing of Adults I, Clinical and Lab Faculty


I began teaching at Clemson in 2011 following the completion of my masters degree in Clemson's own nursing education track. During the time I was pursing my degree I had the privilege of working with our students as a teaching assistant. This is where I found my love for teaching and the combination of education and nursing. Throughout my time at Clemson I have primarily taught adult medical-surgical health, specifically in the simulation lab. As the lead of this course I enjoy helping the students connect classroom concepts in a hands on way that solidifies the material and helps them become proficient, practice ready nurses. I became nationally certified as a simulation educator (CHSE) and have a post-graduate degree in Interdisciplinary Healthcare Simulation. Simulation as a learning tool allows me to pursue my research interests as well in both deliberate practice and case study to simulation activities. I serve as an advisor for our Student Nurses Association and continue to practice as a registered nurse in Greenville. As the Director of Undergraduate Studies I look forward to continuing my work as a leader in the school of nursing and with the undergraduate student population that I love so much.

Research Interests

Blended methods for best practice in delivery of simulation education
Incorporating Universal Design in Nursing Education: Making it a universal practice tor provide disability accommodations for all nursing students
Mirroring the didactic experience with simultaneous simulation experience in pre-licensure education
Effectively teaching critical thinking skills to the concrete sequential thinker
Including deliberate practice in teaching modalities specifically in laboratory skills training; mastering a skill with a purposeful reinforcement regimen
Integration of web enhanced teaching in the simulation setting

Research Publications

Ravan, L. (February 2022) How healthcare and therefore nursing education is changing, simulation, and future needs we can predict. [podcast] McMillan, Pazdan, Smith, architectural firm Greenville and Southeast U.S.

Amerson, R., Bible, J., Ward, L., Fisher, E., Burgess, L. & Ravan, L. (May 2021). Nursing Education amidst a Pandemic: Mental Health in a Time of Virtual Learning. Nurse Educator.

Burgess, L & Ravan, L. (June, 2018). Case Studies: Connecting Didactics to Simulation. Poster session presented at the meeting of South East Nursing Faculty Conference, Charleston, SC.

Ravan, L., Zavertnik, J., Conger, C. & Peh, K. (April, 2018). Deliberate Practice in Nursing Education. Poster session presented at the Focus on Creative Inquiry exhibit, Clemson, SC.

Honors and Awards

Palmetto Gold Recipient, 2024

College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences | 116 Edwards Hall