The Creative Inquiry (CI) office solicits proposals from project mentors. Mentors can be individual faculty members or teams of faculty, staff, postdoctoral students and graduate students.
CI projects encompass multiple types of experiential learning (e.g., service learning, community outreach, global studies, creation of artistic exhibits) with a key emphasis on research.
CI projects must continue for at least two (preferably four or more) sequential semesters. Preference will be given to proposals that are new, innovative, have clearly define goals and objectives as well as address the broader impact(s) of the project. All projects must incorporate team-based research or creative activities, critical thinking and hands-on engaged learning.
Deadline to submit new proposals for fall: June 30.
Submissions will be reviewed beginning March 1.
Click to see a quick tour of the Creative Inquiry Project Manager or get started now by clicking the button below.

Important Information
Proposing a New Project
- First, review the comprehensive list of active projects to prevent duplication or to find potential collaborators.
- Projects can involve students from your own and/or other departments. Many of the most successful projects are cross-disciplinary.
- If you work with an outside business, industry, agency or private group you can include your CI project team.
- Identify a CI course to be used for your CI project and obtain permission from the department chair to teach this course.
- Utilize the Office of Teaching Effectiveness and Innovation (OTEI) teaching resources and syllabus templates.
- Submit your project proposal.
Managing Your Project
Once your proposal is approved:
- Use the CI project manager to edit, update information, add courses, and accomplishment/reports.
- Each semester you must enter your CI Course and section numbers on the 'course' tab.
- Review the Procedures for Spending CI Funds page.
- Reporting: Annual reports (for the academic year) are required and due no later than 30 June. You may enter project accomplishments at any time in the project manager (they will automatically populate in your annual report for that year).
- Present CI project research at the annual Focus on Creative Inquiry Poster Forum.
Students Conducting Research for Credit – Medical Coverage
- Undergraduate students conducting research for credit (i.e. not in a paid position such as a student worker, etc.) are NOT covered under the university’s workers compensation program in the event of an accident.
- In such cases, any medical costs incurred that are not covered under the student health fee, may have to be paid by the student.
- It is recommended that students and parents consider the risks associated with the work to be conducted and determine the need for additional medical insurance coverage (if applicable).
- A list of services covered and not covered under the student health fee, as well as a link to purchase the Student Health Insurance Plan can be found here:
Budget Information
Once a CI project is approved,a budget will be awarded each academic year if the following criteria are met:
- Annual reports are entered by June 30 each year
- Course number(s) and section(s) are entered on the course tab of the CI project manager ( every semester
- CI project team presents at the annual Focus on Creative Inquiry poster forum
Award levels: Funding levels vary. Teams of 6 or more students arere eligible to request > $2000 per semester.
Fund balances: Each CI project has a unique budget account number. The budget is housed in the department of the primary faculty team leader. All spending should be done through your department office (not the CI office). The account balance appears on the CI Project Manager Budget page and can also be found in your FBIS page.
Funds do not carry over across fiscal years. The deadline to spend CI funds is March 27 of each year.
Allowable expenses: Funds should support CI team research activities, such as by purchasing supplies for the project.
Prohibited expenses: CI funds cannot be used for faculty, staff, or student salaries. CI funds cannot pay honoraria or be used for professional development.
Project Funding
- Eligible projects receive fall budgets on the week of September 7.
- Eligible projects received spring funds the week of January 20.
Eligibility:- Annual reports entered by the deadline (June 30)
- Courses entered in CI project manager on the first day of classes each semester
- CI project participation at FoCI within the past two years
- ≥4 students enrolled in CI Courses
- CI courses are courses listed as Creative Inquiry courses in the University Catalog or course sections approved by the CI office and committee to have a CI attribution added in Banner
- Please reference the Policies and Procedures for Spending CI Funds to see what are allowable versus not allowable expenses.
- Conference travel grants are available to partially support mentor and students travel to professional conferences in order to present their CI project research.
- All travel must follow university policies and procurement procedures. Appropriate departmental and/or college permissions are required.
How do I credit Creative Inquiry on my poster or presentation?
CI credit statement for publications and presentations:
Appropriate phrases include:
“This project is supported by the Clemson University Creative Inquiry program.” (If CI is your only source of support)
“This project is partially supported by the Clemson University Creative Inquiry program.” (If you have other financial supporters)CI logos for use on presentations and posters:
Photography permission
Creative Inquiry welcomes your contributions of photographs depicting your project's activities, especially photos that include Clemson undergraduate students. If your photos include people other than Clemson students or employees, we must have signed permission forms from each of these people. Parents permission is required for photos of children (under age 18).
Print copies of the Photo Permission Form for Minors and the Photo Permission Form for Adults. Keep these forms handy when you are photographing your project activities and participants. When you send photos to the Creative Inquiry office, please also send a copy of the permission forms. This will ensure that we can use your photos to publicize your work.
Photos for publicity purposes should be high-resolution, at least 200 (preferably 300) pixels per inch.
Intellectual property information and documents
- Guidelines for Course Instructors and Student Course Project Supervisors
- Sponsored Student Project Agreement
- IP Rights Summary
- Student Participation Agreement- For Use in Sponsored Course Projects
Copyright information
See copyright information at