Gerald Lehmacher
Physics and Astronomy
Associate Professor
Kinard Lab 105 [Office]
Kinard Lab 313B [Lab]
Educational Background
M.S., Physics, University of Bonn, 1988
Ph.D., Physics, University of Bonn, 1993
Profile/About Me
I am a rocket scientist, i.e., using suborbital sounding rockets to study the upper atmosphere, since my graduate work at the University of Bonn. My research is often complemented by radar and satellite data analysis.
Research Interests
Dynamics of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere
Selected Publications
Lehmacher, G. A., Wu, H., Kudeki, E., Reyes, P. M., Hysell, D. L., & Milla, M. (2020). Height variation of gaps in 150 km echoes and Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model electron densities suggest link to upper hybrid resonance. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125.
Lehmacher, G. A., Kudeki, E., Reyes, P. M., Lee, K., Heale, C. J., and Snively, J. B.. (2019), Gravity wave ducting observed in the mesosphere over Jicamarca, Peru. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 124.
Lehmacher, Gerald A., Miguel F. Larsen, Richard L. Collins, Aroh Barjatya, and Boris Strelnikov (2018), On the short-term variability of turbulence and temperature in the winter mesosphere, Ann. Geophys., 36, 1099–1116, 2018.