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Contact Information

P: 864-656-3416

Campus Location

118 Kinard Laboratory


Monday - Friday:
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.


Profile Photo

Yao Wang

Physics and Astronomy

Adjunct Professor

Kinard Lab 211 [Office]
Kinard Lab 213 [Office]
Kinard Lab 213 [Office]

Educational Background

Ph.D., Applied Physics, Stanford University, 2017
B.S., Applied Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, 2011

Profile/About Me

Prof. Wang’s research interests lie in the theoretical elucidation of quantum many-body problems and their consequences in experimental measurements. These problems have rich applications in novel materials, quantum simulation, ultracold matter, and quantum computing. Before joining Clemson as an assistant professor, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Physics Department of Harvard University.

Research Interests

quantum many-body theory, quantum materials, nonequilibrium dynamics, quantum algorithms, advanced spectroscopies, high-performance computing, quantum simulations

Research Group (Lab)

Quantum Many-Body Theory Group

Courses Taught

Methods in Theoretical Physics I (2021, 2022)
Methods in Theoretical Physics II (2021)

Selected Publications

D. Baykusheva, H. Jang, A.A. Husain, S. Lee, S. TenHuisen, P. Zhou, S. Park, H. Kim, J. Kim, H.-D. Kim, M. Kim, S.-Y. Park, P. Abbamonte, B. Kim, G. Gu, Yao Wang, and M. Mitrano, Ultrafast Renormalization of the Onsite Coulomb Repulsion in a Cuprate Superconductor, Physical Review X 12, 011013 (2022)

J. Koepsell, D. Bourgund, P. Sompet, S. Hirthe, A. Bohrdt, Yao Wang, F. Grusdt, E. Demler, G. Salomon, C. Gross, and l. Bloch, Microscopic Evolution of Doped Mott Insulators from Polaronic Metal to Fermi Liquid, Science 374, 82 (2021)

Yao Wang, Z. Chen, T. Shi, B. Moritz, Z.-X. Shen, and T.P. Devereaux, Phonon-Mediated Long-Range Attractive Interaction in 1D Cuprates, Physical Review Letters 127, 197003 (2021)

Yao Wang, T. Shi, and C.-C. Chen, Fluctuating Nature of Light-Enhanced d-Wave Superconductivity: A Time-Dependent Variational Non-Gaussian Exact Diagonalization Study, Physical Review X 11, 041028 (2021)

Z. Chen, Yao Wang, S.N. Rebec, T. Jia, M. Hashimoto, D. Lu, B. Moritz, R.G. Moore, T.P. Devereaux, and Z.-X. Shen, Anomalously Strong Near-Neighbor Attraction in Doped 1D Cuprate Chains, Science 373, 1235 (2021)

Y. Zhou, J. Sung, E. Brutschea, I. Esterlis, Yao Wang, G. Scuri, R.J. Gelly, H. Heo, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, G. Zaránd, M.D. Lukin, P. Kim, E. Demler, and H. Park, Bilayer Wigner Crystals in a Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Heterostructure, Nature 595, 48 (2021)

Yao Wang, I. Esterlis, T. Shi, J.I. Cirac, and E. Demler, Zero-Temperature Phases of the 2D Hubbard-Holstein Model: A Non-Gaussian Exact Diagonalization Study. Physical Review Research 2, 043258 (2020)

J.P. Dehollain, U. Mukhopadhyay, V.P. Michal, Yao Wang, B. Wunsch, C. Reichl, W. Wegscheider, M. Rudner, E. Demler, and L.M.K. Vandersypen, Nagaoka Ferromagnetism Observed in a Quantum Dot Plaquette. Nature 579, 528 (2020)

Y. Wang, M. Claassen, D. Pemmaraju, C. Jia, B. Moritz, T.P. Devereaux Theoretical Understanding of Photon Spectroscopies in Correlated Materials In and Out of Equilibrium. Nat. Rev. Mater. 3, 312 (2018)

Y. Wang, C.-C. Chen, B. Moritz, T.P. Devereaux Light-Enhanced Spin Fluctuations and d-Wave Superconductivity at a Phase Boundary. Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 246402 (2018)

Y. Wang, E.W. Huang, B. Moritz, T.P. Devereaux Magnon Splitting Induced by Charge Transfer in the Three-Orbital Hubbard Model. Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 246401 (2018)

Y. Wang, B. Moritz, C.-C. Chen, C.J. Jia, M. van Veenendaal, T.P. Devereaux Using Nonequilibrium Dynamics to Probe Competing Orders in Mott-Peierls System. Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 086401 (2016)

Selected Talks

"Witnessing Transient Entanglement by Time-Resolved RIXS"
Dynamic X-Ray Scattering Workshop, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA, USA (Apr. 2022)

"Phonon-Mediated Near-Neighbor Attraction in Cuprate Chains"
Solid State & Optics Seminar, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA (Dec. 2021)

"Time-Resolved RIXS Technique and Applications Nonequilibrium Quantum Materials"
Materials Research Society Meeting 2021, Boston, MA, USA (Nov. 2021)

"Characterizing and Control Collective Excitations in Quantum Materials Aided by trRIXS"
National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan (July 2021)

"Theory for Material Dynamics and Pump-Probe Spectroscopies"
National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan (July 2021)

"Time-Resolved RIXS Theory and Applications in Quantum Materials"
NSLS-II & CFN Users’ Meeting, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA (May 2021)

Honors and Awards

2022 DOE Early Career Award, Department of Energy

2021 Frontera Leadership Resource (LRAC) Award, Texas Advanced Computing Center

2019 IUCr Young Scientist Award, Inelastic X-ray Scattering Conference

2017 – 2020 MPHQ Postdoctoral Fellowship in Quantum Science, Harvard University

2012 – 2015 Stanford Graduate Fellowship, Stanford University

2011 Guo Moruo Scholarship, University of Science and Technology of China


NetPals volunteer for underrepresented minorities in Putnam Avenue Upper School (2019)

Science judge for the Journal of the South Carolina Academy of Science annual meeting (2021)


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Contact Information

P: 864-656-3416

Campus Location

118 Kinard Laboratory


Monday - Friday:
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.