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Student Health Services


Clemson University is a tobacco-free campus as of Jan. 1, 2016.  The policy was approved by the University’s administrative council, based on input from a task force comprised of faculty, staff, undergraduate and graduate students.

All forms of tobacco and smoke-related products are prohibited under the policy. Along with cigarettes, the ban includes chewing tobacco, smokeless tobacco and electronic cigarettes/vapping, which have gained popularity as a tobacco alternative.

The policy applies to all University faculty, staff, students and campus visitors and is in place for all Clemson campuses, as well as University-owned and leased facilities.

Clemson joins more than 2,000 colleges and universities that have tobacco-free policies.

Tobacco free Campus. A breath of fresh air.

Clemson University Tobacco Policy

  • I. Policy Statement

    Clemson University is a tobacco-free institution. No smoking or other use of Tobacco Products is permitted on University Property. This policy is intended to discourage tobacco use and includes a ban on selling, free sampling or littering of any and all Tobacco Products on University Property.

  • II. Reason for Policy

    The University is committed to promoting a healthy, safe and attractive environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors on University property. There are proven health and economic benefits of eliminating tobacco use for all members of the University community. Tobacco prevention and cessation programs are most effective when supplemented by strong tobacco-free policies and when they are incorporated into a broader community effort to reduce tobacco use. Therefore the purpose of this policy is to promote a healthy environment, minimize the negative effects of passive smoke and tobacco use, maximize fire safety and promote wellness and good health habits on or within University Property.

  • III. Scope and Audience

    This policy applies to all members of the University Community. It is effective twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Signs placed at selected sites on the main campus and on properties away from main campus, owned or under the control of the University, are to provide notice of the University's tobacco policy.

  • IV. Definitions

    Exterior Space: All University Property which is not an Interior Space.

    Interior Space: All University Property which is: (a) Within the exterior walls of, or within twenty-five (25) feet of the exterior of, any leased building, structure, or enclosure; (b) within any University owned or leased vehicle; (c) on or within covered or enclosed or partly enclosed walkways connected to buildings; and (d) within the boundaries of, or within twenty-five (25) feet of the boundary of, any intramural field or University Athletics facility, structure, enclosure, field, complex, or practice area whether it be enclosed, partially enclosed, or open air.

    Tobacco Products: All forms of tobacco and smoke-related products, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, water pipes (hookah), kreteks, bidis, electronic cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff and any non-FDA approved nicotine delivery device.

    University Community: Students, faculty, staff, University affiliates, contractors and visitors.

    University Property: Property that is owned, operated, occupied, controlled or leased by the University or a University affiliated organization. For purposes of this policy, this includes but is not limited to all buildings and structures, enclosures, grounds, athletic facilities, sidewalks, parking lots, walkways and vehicles owned or controlled by the University, both on main campus and at sites away from main campus.

  • V. Responsibilities and Procedures

    Responsibilities: It is the responsibility of all members of the University Community to comply with this policy. All members of the University Community are encouraged to respectfully inform others about the tobacco policy in a continuing effort to promote compliance and enhance awareness of this policy.

    Enforcement of Policy: The collaboration and respect of all members of the University Community is essential for this policy to be implemented effectively.

    Interior Space Use: Smoking or other use of Tobacco Products is prohibited in all Interior Spaces, and violators will be subject to the following actions (“Enforcement Actions”) in addition to any applicable penalty or sanction provided for by law, regulation, or University policy:

    • Students: The individual will be referred to the Office of Community and Ethical Standards, or a designee of the office.

    • Faculty or Staff: The individual will be referred to his/her immediate supervisor. Continuing violations may result in appropriate disciplinary action up to and including dismissal in conjunction with the University's disciplinary process.

    • Contractors: The individual will be referred to his/her respective employer for suitable action. Procurement will be notified of the violation and repeated occurrences by contractor personnel can result in appropriate action under the terms of the procurement. (Notice of this policy shall be included in contracts made between the University and other parties.)

    • Visitors: The individual will be asked to leave the University facility. University Security may be notified if the individual fails to comply.

    Exterior Space Use: If someone is seen smoking or otherwise using any Tobacco Product in Exterior Space, the user may be reminded of this policy and requested that he/she comply by ceasing use of and appropriately discarding the Tobacco Product. However the use of a Tobacco Product in Exterior Space will not subject the user to Enforcement Actions relative to the enforcement of this Policy. The user in Exterior Space of a Tobacco Product that is otherwise regulated will be subject to that applicable law, regulation, or University policy.

    Selling, Offering Free Sampling or Littering: The offering for sale, selling, offering free sampling or littering of any and all Tobacco Products on University Property is prohibited and will subject the offender to Enforcement Actions as well as any applicable penalty or sanction provided for by law, regulation, or University policy.

    Exceptions to Policy: The use of Tobacco Products may only be permitted under the following circumstances:

    • Controlled research involving Tobacco Products with prior approval of the Vice President for Research and the University Fire Marshal.

    • By actors or artists who participate in University authorized performances that require the use of Tobacco Products as part of the artistic production with prior approval of the appropriate University Vice President and the University Fire Marshal if smoking is involved.

    • Educational, medically necessary or religious ceremonial purposes with prior approval of the appropriate vice president and the University Fire Marshal if smoking is involved.

    • Properties the University owns, but leases or otherwise conveys an interest (e.g. an easement) to a non-University party according to the provisions of the lease or agreement. Prior approval must be obtained from the appropriate University Vice President.

  • VI. Other

    This policy does not alter the designation of any building as a smoke free building as provided for under South Carolina Code of Laws Section 44-95-20, violation of which is a misdemeanor.

  • VII. Responsible Department/Division

    Vice President for Student Affairs

  • VIII. Effective Date

    January 1, 2016


  • Why is Clemson a tobacco-free campus?

    Clemson is committed to promoting a healthy, safe and attractive environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors on University property. This policy promotes a healthy environment, minimizes the negative effects of passive smoke and tobacco use, maximizes fire safety, and promotes wellness and good health habits on or within University property.

  • What is considered a tobacco product and therefore prohibited by the policy?

    All forms of tobacco and smoke-related products, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, water pipes (hookah), kreteks, bidis, electronic cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff and any non-FDA approved nicotine delivery device.

  • To whom does the policy apply?

    All students, faculty, staff, University affiliates, contractors and visitors.

  • Are other colleges and universities tobacco-free?

    As of July 2020, there were at least 2,511 100% smoke-free campus sites. Of these, 2,076 are 100% tobacco free, 2,130 prohibit e-cigarette use, 1,141 prohibit hookah use, 504 prohibit smoking/vaping marijuana and 571 explicitly include personal vehicles on campus in the policy protections.

  • Do students, faculty and staff have to quit using tobacco products?

    Clemson’s tobacco-free policy does not prohibit people from using tobacco. It prohibits them from using tobacco on University property.

  • If a student is ready to quit using tobacco, what help is available?

    Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), located in Redfern Health Center, offers free and confidential tobacco cessation counseling and is available for students who are dealing with stress and anxiety related to quitting tobacco.

    Medical providers at Redfern Health Center can write prescriptions for nicotine replacement therapies such as nicotine patches, gum, lozenges, inhalers and nasal spray. Providers can also write prescriptions for Bupropion (Zyban) or Varenicline (Chantix). Students can fill prescriptions in the pharmacy at Redfern Health Center, and the cost of these medications is covered by most insurance plans.

  • If a faculty or staff member is ready to quit using tobacco, what help is available?

    For subscribers of the State Health Plan or BlueChoice Health Plan, The Quit for Life Program is a FREE program designed to help you get ready to quit, take action to quit and never smoke again. Sponsored by the American Cancer Society and Alere Wellbeing, a professionally trained Quit Coach will help you stop smoking. Along with your own personal Quit Coach, you will also have access to an online Web Coach, FREE quitting aids and a quit guide. You can enroll online or call 1-866-QUIT4LIFE. There is no cost to eligible enrollees.

    For CIGNA HMO subscribers, the CIGNA Quit Today Tobacco Cessation Program is available by calling the number on the back of your CIGNA ID card. You will be able to work one-on-one with a dedicated health advocate to create a personal quit plan and improve your lifestyle.

  • What can people do to manage their cravings while on campus?

    Nicotine replacement products are available for purchase in the Redfern pharmacy and will soon be available at on-campus convenience stores.

  • Is there anywhere on campus I can smoke?

    No, all of Clemson University property is tobacco-free.

  • How will the tobacco-free policy be enforced?

    It is the responsibility of all members of the University community to comply with this policy. All members of the University community are encouraged to respectfully inform others about the tobacco policy in a continuing effort to promote compliance and enhance awareness of this policy. 

    Smoking or other use of tobacco products is prohibited in all interior spaces, and violators will be subject to University disciplinary action in addition to any applicable penalty or sanction provided for by law, regulation or University policy.

    Interior spaces include all University property which is: (a) Within the exterior walls of, or within 25 feet of the exterior of, any leased building, structure or enclosure; (b) within any University-owned or leased vehicle; (c) on or within covered or enclosed or partly enclosed walkways connected to buildings; and (d) within the boundaries of, or within 25 feet of the boundary of, any intramural field or University Athletics facility, structure, enclosure, field, complex or practice area whether it be enclosed, partially enclosed or open air. 

    If someone is seen smoking or otherwise using any tobacco product in an exterior space, the user may be reminded of this policy, and per the Enforcement Actions relative to this Policy, the user may be asked to defer to the Policy by ceasing use of and appropriately discarding the tobacco product. In addition, the user may be subject to other applicable laws, regulations or University policies beyond this Policy regarding the specific Exterior Space where the user is using the tobacco product, and the terms of those other laws, regulations or University Policies would apply with regard to appropriate enforcement action in Exterior Spaces.

  • What should you do if you see someone using tobacco?

    If you see someone smoking or otherwise using any tobacco product in an exterior space, you may remind him/her of this policy and request that he/she comply by ceasing use of and appropriately discarding the tobacco product.

  • Am I allowed to smoke in my car?
    No tobacco is allowed on University property. Tobacco is strictly prohibited in University owned vehicles and personal vehicles within the boundaries of or within 25 feet of the boundary of any intramural field or University Athletics facility, structure, enclosure, field, complex or practice area whether it be enclosed, partially enclosed or open air.

Tobacco Cessation Programs, Support and Resources

There are campus, state and national resources and support available to help you quit. Different quit options include tobacco cessation counseling, medication and text/phone/Web support.

Tobacco cessation programs provide support and encouragement to help tobacco users quit. Nicotine replacement therapies and other tobacco cessation products can help reduce withdrawal symptoms that make it harder to quit.


  • Campus


    Student Health Services

    Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), located in Redfern Health Center, offers free and confidential tobacco cessation counseling and is available for students who are dealing with stress and anxiety related to quitting tobacco. 

    Medical providers at Redfern Health Center can write prescriptions for nicotine replacement therapies such as nicotine patches, gum, lozenges, inhalers and nasal spray. Providers can also write prescriptions for Bupropion (Zyban). Students can fill prescriptions in the pharmacy at Redfern Health Center, and the cost of these medications is covered by most insurance plans.

    Faculty and Staff

    Sullivan Center

    Contact the Sullivan Center to set up an appointment with a counselor in the CUQUIT program who will help you choose the best plan for you to quit using tobacco. They offer a variety of options, from medical to psychological, to  help you quit today! Most major insurance companies will cover the cost of nicotine replacement therapy, too. These services are available to Clemson employees, faculty and staff and covered dependents. 

    Prevention Partners offer tobacco-cessation programs specifically designed for subscribers of the State Health Plan, BlueChoice Health Plan and CIGNA HMO.

    • For subscribers of the State Health Plan or BlueChoice Health Plan, The Quit for Life Program is a FREE program designed to help you get ready to quit, take action to quit, and never smoke again. There is no cost to eligible enrollees.

    • For CIGNA HMO subscribers, the CIGNA Quit Today Tobacco Cessation Program is available by calling the number on the back of your CIGNA ID card. You will be able to work one-on-one with a dedicated health advocate to create a personal quit plan and improve your lifestyle.

  • Phone

    South Carolina Tobacco Quitline 
    1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669)
    Offers free, 24/7 quit support to all SC residents. Free over-the-counter nicotine replacement therapy products (gum, patch, lozenge) are available, if appropriate.

    National Cancer Institute’s Smoking Quitline
    1-877-44U-QUIT (1-877-448-7848) 
    Offers a wide range of services, including individualized counseling, printed information, referrals to other resources and recorded messages.

Tobacco-Free Campus Window Clings

Clemson University departments can request tobacco-free campus window clings. To place a request, please contact Lauren Pollard.

Student Health Services
Student Health Services | Redfern Health Center, 735 McMillan Road, Clemson, SC 29634
P: 864-656-2233 | F: 800-747-3293 |