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Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business

Profile Information

Cheng Chen

Cheng Chen

Assistant Professor



 Educational Background

    Princeton 2014

    Hitotsubashi University 2008

    Nanjing University 2005

Courses Taught

  • Intermediate Macroeconomics, Clemson University
  • International Microeconomics, Clemson University
  • Firms in a Global Economy, Clemson University
  • Intermediate Macroeconomics (ECON2102/2220), HKU
  • Economics of Organization and Strategy (ECON6006), HKU
  • Economic Analysis for Finance (MFIN 7007), HKU


Assistant Professor of Economics, College of Business, Clemson University (2018/Sep.-)

Assistant Professor of Economics, Faculty of Business and Economics, the University of Hong Kong (2014/Aug. - 2018/Aug. and on-leave from 2018/Aug.-2019/May)

Research Interests

  • Firm Organization and Management
  • Multinational Firms and Foreign Direct Investment
  • Firm-level responses to Trade Liberalization
  • Uncertainty and Information Frictions
  • Labor Markets and Macro

Research Publications

  • “Information, Incentives and Multinational Firms,” Journal of International Economics, 2011 vol. 85(1): 147-158.
  • “Management Quality and Firm Organization in Industry Equilibrium,” American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 2017 vol. 9(4): 203-244.
  • “Import Competition, Agency Problem and Aggregate Productivity: Theory and Evidence,” European Economic Review 2019 vol. 111: 421-442.
  • “The Comparative Statics of Optimal Hierarchies” with Wing Suen, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 2019 vol. 11(2): 1-25 (lead article).
  • “Outward FDI and Domestic Input Distortions: Evidence from Chinese Firms” with Miaojie Yu and Wei Tian, Economic Journal 2019 vol. 129(624): 3025–3057.
  • “Measuring Business-Level Expectations and Uncertainty: Survey Evidence and the COVID-19 Pandemic” with Tatsuro Senga, and Hongyong Zhang, Japanese Economic Review 2021 vol. 72: 509-532 (special issue on Covid-19).
  • “Import Competition, Heterogeneous Preferences of Managers and Productivity” with Claudia Steinwender, Journal of International Economics 2021/Nov. vol.133.
  • “Learning and Information Transmission within Multinational Corporations” with Chang Sun and Hongyong Zhang, European Economic Review 2022/April vol.143.
  • “Uncertainty, Imperfect Information, and Expectation Formation over the Firm’s Life Cycle” with Chang Sun, Tatsuro Senga, and Hongyong Zhang, Journal of Monetary Economics 2023/Nov. vol 140


Faculty Profile
Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business
Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business | 343 Chandler L. Burns Hall, Clemson, S.C. 29634