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Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business

Profile Information

Scott Templeton

Scott R Templeton

Associate Professor
Coordinator of Bachelor-to-Master Programs for MA in Economics and MS in Economic Analytics

Office: 309G Wilbur O. and Ann Powers Hall
Phone: 864-656-6680
Fax: 864-656-4192
Personal Website:


 Educational Background

    1994 University of California at Berkeley
    Agricultural and Resource Economics Ph.D.

    1987 University of California at Santa Cruz
    Applied Economics M.S.

    1983 University of California at Santa Cruz
    Economics B.A.

Courses Taught

  • Applied Mathematical Economics
  • Creative Inquiry into Economic Development
  • Dynamic Optimization with Economic Applications
  • Economics of Environmental Quality
  • Environmental Economics
  • Managerial Economics
  • Microeconomics for Public Policy
  • Natural Resource Use, Technology, and Policy
  • Seminar in Natural Resource Economics
  • Special Topics in Natural Resource Economics


I have worked at Clemson University since July 2000. In my twenty-four years here I have taught courses in environmental and natural resource economics, microeconomics for public policy, managerial economics, environmental sustainability, applied mathematical economics, dynamic optimization with economic applications, and introductory statistics. My research interests focus on laboratory experiments about dynamic efficiency, adoption and valuation of institutional and technical innovations that affect environmental quality, sustainable use of natural resources, and regional economics. I coordinated the MA in Economics program from January 2017 until July 2024 and the MS in Economic Analytics from its inception in August 2020 until July 2024. I have continued to coordinate the Bachelor-to-Graduate parts of the MA and MS programs since August 2024. I have been a member of Clemson's Professional Graduate Business Faculty since January 2018.

Research Interests

  • I currently conduct or have conducted during the past five years economic research in three broad areas: 1) tests for dynamic efficiency of the use of non-renewable resources in laboratory experiments, 2) spread of the use of irrigation by farmers in coastal states of the South Atlantic USA during the past 20 years, and 3) consumer valuation of savings in fuel expenses and reductions in environmental impacts of automobiles.

Research Publications

  • Templeton, S. and J. Keith Gilless. 2023. Peter Berck’s Contributions to Forestry Economics. D. Zilberman, J. M. Perloff, and C. Berck (eds.) Sustainable Resource Development in the 21st Century – Essays in Memory of Peter Berck. Natural Resource Management and Policy, 57, Springer Nature: Cham, Switzerland.
  • Wood, D. B. McPherson, S. Templeton, and N. Gillette. 2023. Integrated Management of Bark Beetles: Economic Contributions of Peter Berck and Foundational Entomological Research. D. Zilberman, J. M. Perloff, and C. Berck (eds.) Sustainable Resource Development in the 21st Century – Essays in Memory of Peter Berck. Natural Resource Management and Policy, 57, Springer Nature: Cham, Switzerland.
  • Templeton, S., A. Hooper, H. Aldridge, and N. Breuer. 2018. Farmer Interest in and Uses of Climate Forecasts for Florida and the Carolinas: Conditional Perspectives of Extension Personnel. Weather, Climate, and Society 10 (1, Jan.): 103-120
  • Templeton, S., M. Shane Perkins, William C. Bridges, Jr., Heather Dinon Aldridge, and Bridget Robinson Lassiter. 2014. Usefulness and Uses of Climate Forecasts for Agricultural Extension in South Carolina, USA. Regional Environmental Change 14 (2, April): 645-655.
  • Templeton, S., William Sessions, Liv Haselbach, Wallace Campbell, and John C. Hayes. 2010. What Explains the Incidence of the Use of a Common Sediment Control on Lots with Houses under Construction? Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 42 (1, February): 57-68.
  • Templeton, S., S. J. Yoo, David Zilberman, and Andrew L. Dabalen. 2008. Household Use of Agricultural Chemicals for Pest-Soil Management and Own Labor for Yard Work. Environmental and Resource Economics 40 (1, May): 91-108.
Faculty Profile
Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business
Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business | 343 Chandler L. Burns Hall, Clemson, S.C. 29634