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Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business

Profile Information

William Kettinger

William J. Kettinger

Professor, William S. Lee Distinguished Professor in Management Information Systems

Office: 368D Sirrine Hall


 Educational Background

    University of South Carolina 1992

    University of Massachusetts 1979

    University of South Carolina 1991

Courses Taught

  • Ph.D. Research Seminar;
  • IT Management & Planning;
  • IT for MBAs


Bill Kettinger is the William S. Lee Distinguished Professor in Management Information Systems in the Management Department at Clemson University's Powers College of Business. Prior to taking this position in 2018, he served as Professor and FedEx Chair of Excellence in MIS at the Fogelman College of Business and Economics at The University of Memphis. Before joining the University of Memphis, he served as Professor of Information Systems and Moore Foundation Fellow at the Moore School of Business of the University of South Carolina, where he taught for 15 years.

He teaches global IT management and IS research methods in Master of Business Administration (MBA) and MIS Ph.D. programs and in executive development programs both domestically and abroad. Professor Kettinger has regularly taught in the MBA programs at IMD in Lausanne Switzerland, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Vienna Austria and at the Tecnologico de Monterrey in Mexico. He was a 2013 Fulbright Scholar at the Vienna University of Business and Economics.

Dr. Kettinger has over 150 publications, including 4 books, and over 90 refereed journal articles in such journals as MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of Operation Management, Journal of MIS, JAIS, EJIS, ISJ, Decision Sciences, and Sloan Management Review, numerous monographs, book chapters, proceedings, and teaching cases. He is a Senior Editor of MISQ Executive, MIS Quarterly (emeritus) and served as an Associate Editor of MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research and JAIS and as a special editor for JMIS three times.

Research Interests

  • Digital Business Strategy; Strategic Information Management; IT Ecosystems and Platform-based Business Models; IT and the Supply Chain; IT-enabled Process Change; IT Security; IT Service Quality.

Research Publications

  • Li, H., Kettinger, W.J., and Yoo, S., (2024) "Dark Clouds on the Horizon? Effects of Cloud Storage on Security Breaches," Journal of Management Information Systems, (41:1), pp.206-235.
  • Zhang, C., Yoo, S., Li, H., and Kettinger, W. J. (2023). "The Impact of Incumbents' Operational and Governance Responses on the Sharing Economy: An Asset Orchestration Perspective,” Journal of Operations Management (69:5), pp. 706-718, (Authors in reverse alphabetical order and contributed equally)
  • Raddatz, N., Kettinger, W.J., Coyne, J., (2023) “Giving to Get Well: Patients’ Willingness to Manage and Share Health Information on AI-Driven Platforms,” Communication of the AIS, (52), pp. 1017-1049.
  • Li, H., Zhang, C., and Kettinger, W. J. (2022). "Digital Platform Ecosystem Dynamics: The Roles of Product Scope, Innovation, and Collaborative Network Centrality,” MIS Quarterly, (46:2), pp.739-770.
  • Najjar, M., Kettinger, W.J. and Kettinger L. (2022) “Information Systems Incident Recovery and Service Value: A Service-Dominant Logic View.” European Journal of Information Systems (31:4), pp. 492-524.
  • Li, H. and Kettinger, W. J., (2021) "The Building Blocks of Software Platforms: Understanding the Past to Forge the Future." Journal of the Association for Information Systems, (22:6), pp.1424-1555.
  • Kettinger, W.J., Ryoo, S., and Marchand, D. (2021) “We’re Engaged! Following the Path to Successful Information Management Capabilities,” Journal of Strategic Information Systems,(30:3), 101681, pp.1-21.
  • Henningsson, S., Kettinger, W.J., Zhang, C., and Vaidyanathan, N., (2021) “Transformative Rare Events: Leveraging Digital Affordance Actualization,” European Journal of Information Systems, (30:2), pp. 137-156.
  • Li, H., Yoo, S. and Kettinger, W.J., (2021) “The Roles of IT Strategies and Security Investments in Reducing Organizational Security Breaches,” Journal of Management Information Systems, (38:1), pp. 222-245.
  • Falagara, I., Kettinger, W.J., and Wakolbinger, T., 2020. "Digitizing the Field: Designing ERP Systems for Triple-A Humanitarian Supply Chains,” Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, (12:2), pp. 231--260.
  • Benlian, A., Kettinger, W.J., Sunyaev, A., and Winkler T., 2018. “The Transformative Value of Cloud Computing: A Decoupling, Platformization, and Recombination. Journal of Management Information Systems (35:3), pp. 719-739.
  • Henningsson, S. and Kettinger, W.J. 2017. "Understanding Information Systems Integration Deficiencies in Mergers and Acquisitions: A Configurational Perspective," Journal of Management Information Systems (33:4) pp. 942-977.
  • Hu, T., Kettinger, W.J. and Poston, R.S. 2015. "The Effect of Online Social Value on Satisfaction and Continued Use of Social Media," European Journal of Information Systems (24:4), pp. 391-410.
  • Kettinger, W.J., Li,Y., Davis, J.M., and Kettinger, L. 2015. "The Roles of Psychological Climate, Information Management Capabilities, and IT Support on Knowledge-sharing: An MOA Perspective," European Journal of Information Systems (24:1), pp. 59-75.
  • Richardson, S., Kettinger, W.J., Banks, S.B., and Quintana, Y. 2014. "IT and Agility in the Social Enterprise: A Case Study of St Jude Children's Research Hospital's "Cure4Kids" IT-Platform for International Outreach," Journal of the Association for Information Systems (15:1), pp. 1-32.
  • Kettinger, W.J., Zhang, C. and Chang K., 2013. "A View from the Top: Integrated Information Delivery and Effective Information Use from the Senior Executive's Perspective," Information Systems Research, 24(3), pp. 842-860.
  • Wakolbinger, T., Toyasaki, F., and Kettinger, W.J. 2013. "The Value of Information Systems for Product Recovery Management," International Journal of Production Research, (51:4), pp. 1214-1235.
  • Fayard, D., Lee, L., Leitch, A.,and Kettinger, W.J., 2012. "Effect of Internal Cost Management, Information Systems Integration, and Absorptive Capacity on Interorganizational Cost Management in Supply Chains," Accounting Organization & Society, (37:3), pp. 168-187.
  • Kettinger, W.J., Zhang, C. and Marchand, D.A. 2011, "CIO and Business Executive Leadership Approaches to Establishing Company-wide Information Orientation," MISQ Executive, (10:4), pp. 157-174.
  • Kettinger, W.J. and Marchand, D.A. 2011. "Information Management Practices (IMP) from the Senior Manager's Perspective: An Investigation of the IMP Construct and Its Measurement," Information Systems Journal (21:5), pp. 385-406.
  • Kettinger, W. J., and Li Y., 2010. "The Infological Equation Extended: Towards Conceptual Clarity in the Relationship between Data, Information and Knowledge," European Journal of Information Systems (19:4), pp. 409-421.
  • Davis, J. M., Kettinger, W. J., and Kuney, D. G. 2009. "When Users are IT Experts Too: The Effects of Joint IT Competence and Partnership on Satisfaction with Enterprise-level Systems Implementation," European Journal of Information Systems (18:1), pp. 26-37.
  • Li, Y., and Kettinger, W. J. 2006. "An Evolutionary Information-Processing Theory of Knowledge Creation," Journal of the Association of Information Systems (7:1), pp. 93-617.
  • Kettinger, W. J., and Lee, C. 2005. "Zones of Tolerance: Alternative Scales for Measuring Information Systems Service Quality," MIS Quarterly (29:4), pp. 607-623.
  • Kohli, R., and Kettinger, W.J., 2004, "Informating the Clan: Controlling Physician Costs and Outcomes," MIS Quarterly (28:3), pp. 363-394.
Faculty Profile
Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business
Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business | 343 Chandler L. Burns Hall, Clemson, S.C. 29634