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College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences

Faculty and Staff Profile

Skye Gerald Arthur-Banning

Professor and Program Coordinator, Sport and Recreation Management

Office: 120D Sirrine Hall

Phone: 864-656-2206


Educational Background

PhD Parks, Recreation and Tourism (Amateur Sport)
University of Utah 2005

MS Sports Medicine
Oregon State University 2000

BPhed Physical Education and Athletic training
Brock University, Canada 1997

Courses Taught

PRTM 3500 - Global Challenges (Using sport to support Mental Health Initiatives)
PRTM 4540 - Trends and Issues in Sport Management
PRTM 3600 - Amateur Sport Management
PRTM - 3910 - The Power of Sport
PRTM 2540 - Introduction to Sport Management
PRTM 8020 - Group Process in PRTM
PRTM 4980 - Tanzania Service Learning Study Abroad (2011, 2013, 2015, 2017)
PRTM 3900 - Paralympic Mega Sport Events Study Abroad trips (2010 Vancouver, 2012 London, 2014 Sochi. Pyeongchang)


Dr. Skye G. Arthur-Banning is a Professor within the Department of PRTM. His primary research interests are centered around Mental Health and Sport, Para/adaptive sport and amateur sport development and has secured over $1.8 million as Principal Investigator to support the programming and research. He currently serves as the Director of Research and Development for the US Center for Mental Health and Sport, is the Head of Officials for the International Federation of Cerebal Palsy Football, serves as the Vice-chair on the Board of Directors for the United States Association for Blind Athletes, as well as a International Paralympic Committee NPC Development Mentor. He has Co-authored 3 books, one text book on Recreational Sport: Program Design, Delivery and Management, edited 2 other books; Youth Sport In America: The Most Important Issues in Youth Sports Today and Sports Global Influence: A Survey of Society and Culture in the Context of Sport in addition to publishing 50+ peer reviewed manuscripts, delivering 200+ International, National and State level presentations, seminars or trainings as well as contributing to many major mainstream media publications. Finally, he is a Research Fellow with the United States Center for Mental Health and Sport, a Robert H. Brooks Sports Science Institute Faculty Fellow, a Center for Addiction and Mental Health Research Affiliate Faculty and serves as an expert witness on a number of legal cases focused largely on best practice in Amateur sport, preventing sexual and physical abuse in sport or supporting the development of mental health action plans.

Research Interests

Mental Health and Sport
Adaptive and Paralympic Sport
International, National and Community Sport Development
Sportsmanship and ethical behavior in sport
Youth Development through sport
Military veteran rehab through sport

Research Publications

1. Oh, Y.S. & Arthur-Banning, S. G. Mamo, Y., & Chiu, W. (2024). Does a Professional Sport Team’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiative Increase Fans’ Trust in the Team and CSR Participation Intention? A Mediation Model. Sport Marketing Quarterly.
2. *Henriquez, M. Beaskoetxea, E. O., Reina, R., Castillo, D., Cornejo, M.I., Iturricastillo, A., Arthur-Banning, S. G. & Yanci, J. (2024). Assessing the Match Physical Responses of International Referees for Footballers with Cerebral Palsy: A Tournaments and Halves Comparative Analysis. 24(5), 1595. Sensors. (Impact Factor: 3.9, cite score 6.8).
3. Fridley, A., Stokowski, S., Arthur-Banning, S.G., Aicher, T. J., & Croft, C. (Accepted September, 2023). Leveraging the forgotten inherent relationship: Marketing college athletics to faculty. Sport Innovation Journal.
4. *Oh, Y.S. & Arthur-Banning, S. G. & Chiu, W. (2023). Philanthropic CSR participation intention among sport spectators and fans within the psychological continuum model. Journal of Leisure Sciences.
5. *Orem, G., Arthur-Banning, S. G., Domka, M. & Stokowski, S. (2023). A Comparison of Club Sport Athlete Moral Reasoning on the Field to their Moral Reasoning in Daily Life Situations (Special Issue). Journal Of Character Education, 19(1), 57-72. Issn: 1543-1223.
6. *Oh, Y. S., Mkumbo, P, Arthur-Banning, S. G. & Choi, J. (2023). The Effects of Perceived Musical Fit on Sport Consumer Behaviors: Examining the Mediating Role of Consumer Emotional States. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing. DOI: 10.1504/IJSMM.2024.10061635
7. Carter, A. D., Stokowski, S., Corr, C., Arthur-Banning, S. G., & Godfrey, M. (2023). Involving Athletes: Implementing a Human Resource Development Approach among the NCAA and Member Institutions. Journal of NCAA Compliance, 2023(3), 1, 11-16.
8. * Jolly, K. G.,Stokowski, S.,Paule-Koba, A. L., Arthur-Banning, S.G., & Fridley, A. (2022). “They roll different”: International Division II tennis athletes’ initial transitions to the United States. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, 15, 690-713.
9. *Solomon, B. D., Jolly, K. G., Stokowski, S., Ehrlich, S. C., & Arthur-Banning, S. G. (2022). Who is NIL leaving out? Challenges and solutions for international student-athletes [Special Issue]. Sports Innovation Journal, 3(SI), 69-80.
10. *Wilkerson, T. A., Fridley, A., Arthur-Banning, S.G., Aicher, T. J., & Stokowski, S. (in press). “Gonna Mess with Your Head”: The Role of Mental Health in the Lived Experiences of Black Male Football College Athletes, Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics.
11. Stokowski, S., Fridley, A., Croft, C., Stensland, P., & Arthur-Banning, S. G. (2022). Athlete identity and mental health among NCAA Division III student-athletes, [Special Issue], Journal of Athlete Development and Experience. Vol 4(1), 71-82.
12. Sutton, K., Godfrey, M., Arthur-Banning, S. G., & Stokowski, S. (2021). A case study of ACC network fall programming during COVID-19. Kentucky SHAPE Journal.
13. Arthur-Banning, S.G. & Windbiel, K. (2022). Recreational Programming for Children with Autism: Using Applied Behavior Analysis Values to Encourage Participation. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.
14. Stokowski, S., Fridley, A., Croft, C., Stensland, P., & Arthur-Banning, S. G. (2022). Athlete identity and mental health among NCAA Division III student-athletes, [Special Issue], Journal of Athlete Development and Experience.
15. Domka, M. Arthur-Banning, S. G., Oh, Y, & Windbiel, K. (2021). Clemson University Paralympic Soccer: Virtual Dinners at Camp for Veterans with Disabilities. Schole: Special Issue "Share Your Pivot: Advice for the Journey". SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education, DOI: 10.1080/1937156X.2021.1962217
16. Domka, M. Arthur-Banning, S. G., Oh, Y, & Windbiel, K. (2021) Clemson University Paralympic Soccer: Active Soccer Sessions for Veterans with Disabilities. Schole: Special Issue "Share Your Pivot: Advice for the Journey".
17. Oh, Y. S., Arthur-Banning, S. G., Domka, M, & Garst, B. (2021). A University-Based VA Adaptive Sport Camp: Perceived Program Quality and Need Satisfaction Among Military Veterans with Disabilities. Palaestra.
18. Dorsch, T. E., Blazo, J. A., Arthur-Banning, S.G., Anderson-Butcher, D., Jayanthi, N., Hardiman, A., Farrey, T., Solomon, J., & Lerner, J. B. (2021) National Trends in American Youth Sport during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Understanding Parents’ Perspectives and Experiences, Journal of Sport Behavior.
19. James, R, & Arthur-Banning, S.G. & Domka, M. (2021). Exploring the Impact of Soccer Camp on Social Identity for Youth with Cerebral Palsy. Journal of Sport for Development, 9(2).
20. Oh, Y. S. & Arthur-Banning, S. G. (2021). Delivering a Multi-institutional Short-term Faculty-led Paralympics Study Abroad Program: The PyeongChang 2018 Paralympic Winter Games" Schole: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education.
21. Arthur-Banning, S.G., Garst B., Oh, Y.S. & Domka, M. (2021). University-Based Adaptive Sport Camps as a Model for Engaging Injured Military Veterans in Community Development. Journal of Parks and Recreation Administration, 39(3).
22. Oh, Y. S. & Arthur-Banning, S. G. & Domka, M. (2020). SWOT Analysis on the Potential Growth of a Five-a-side Blind Soccer Program Across the United States: An exploratory Case Study Approach. Sport In Society. 24(9) DOI: 10.1080/17430437.2020.1768242
23. Arthur-Banning, S. G., Jameyson, D., K. Black, & P. Mkumbo (2018). An Epidemiology of Sport Injury Rates Among Campus Recreation Sport Programs; 3(2), Rehabilitation Science.
24. Arthur-Banning, S. G., Wells M.S., Malcarne, B & Oh, Y.S. (2018). Determining If Competition Level Matters in Developing Positive and Negative Youth Sportsmanship. American Journal of Sports Science. Vol. 6, No. 2, pp.38-46.
25. Arthur-Banning, S.G. (2016). Communication, Sport and Disability: The Case of Power Soccer. International Journal of Sport Communication, Volume 9(3).
26. Arthur-Banning, S.G. (2017). Youth Sports In America: The Most Important Issues in Youth Sports Today. ABC Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. ISBN: 978-1-4408-4301-3.
27. Gagnon, R.J., Stone, G.A., Garst, B.A., & Arthur-Banning, S.G. (2016). Competitive climbing: From leisure pursuit to lifestyle sport. Journal of Unconventional Parks, Tourism, and Recreation Research, 6(1), pg 2-12. ISSN 1942-6879.
28. K. Schwab, E. Legg, P Tanner, D. Timmerman, D. Dustin, & S.G. Arthur-Banning (2015). Career Paths In Sport Management. Schole: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education: 30(2).
29. Arthur-Banning, S, G., Colistra, C.M., Barcelona, R.J., Orem, G. L, (2015). An Integrative Review of Sport Research in Selected United Stated Recreation. Applied Recreational Research and Programming Annual; Volume 5, 22-59.
30. Arthur-Banning, S. G. & Wells, M.S. (2016). Sports Recent Representation in the Leisure Environment. Sport, Identity and Community. ID-Press, Oxford, England, ISBN: 978-1-84888-452-6.
31. Arthur-Banning, S.G. & Waliaula, S. (2015). Introduction Chapter. Co-editors of the Book derived from the 2nd Global Conference on Sport: Probing the Boundries. Title: Sports Global Influence, publishing. ISBN: 978-1-84888-387-1.
32. Arthur-Banning, S.G. & Wells, M.S. (2015) Sports Positive Potential: Professional and Youth Sport through the Lens of Positive Psychology, Sport Boundaries, Sporting Events and Commodification. ID Press, Oxford, UK.
ISBN: 978-1-84888-388-8.
33. Wells, M.S. & Arthur-Banning, S.G. (2015). Sport is Good? Looking at Sport Involvement through the Lens of Positive Psychology. Chapter 5 in Sports Global Influence: A survey of Society and Culture in the Context of Sport. ISBN# 978-1-84888-387-1
34. Barcelona, R.J., Arthur-Banning, S.G., & Wells M.S. (2015). Recreational Sport Management: Program Design and Delivery. Chapter 3 (Sport-for-Everyone: Diversity and Inclusion). Human Kinetics. ISBN-13: 9781450422390
35. Barcelona, R.J., Arthur-Banning, S.G., & Wells M.S. (2015). Recreational Sport Management: Program Design and Delivery. Chapter 16 (International Perspectives). Human Kinetics.ISBN-13: 9781450422390.
36. Barcelona, R.J., Arthur-Banning, S.G., & Wells M.S. (2015). Recreational Sport Management: Program Design and Delivery. Chapter 5 (Program and Event Planning). Human Kinetics.ISBN-13: 9781450422390
37. Morris, E. L., Arthur-Banning, S.G. & McDowell, J (2014). Career Strategies of Millennial Generation Female Assistant Coaches. Journal of Intercollegiate Sport, 7, 175-197.
38. Schwab, K. A., D. Dustin, Arthur-Banning, S. & Wells, M. S. (2013). Choosing Sport Management as a College Major. Schole: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education, 28(2).
39. Arthur-Banning, S.G. & Wells, M.S. (2013). Sport Experiences for Young Athletes: Intentional Programming Matters. Game Changer: The Transformative Potential of Sport; ID Press, Oxford, UK.
40. Wells, M.S. & Arthur-Banning, S. G. (2013). The Value and Importance of Positive Sport Experiences for Young Participants. Its How you Change the Game. Probing the Boundaries of Sport, ISBN: 978-1-84888-180-8.

Honors and Awards

Research Fellow: The United States Center for Mental Health and Sport (2021-)
Robert H. Brooks Sports Science Institute Fellow
Center for Addiction and Mental Health Research Affiliate Faculty (
Clemson University Service Learning Faculty Fellow Award (2011-2012, 2012-2013)
College of Health, Education and Human Development Award of Excellence in Teaching, 2010-2011.


US Center for Mental Health and Sport Research Fellow

RHBSSI Faculty Fellow

Center for Addiction and Mental Health Research Affiliate Faculty

College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences | 116 Edwards Hall