Student Opportunities
The Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering is committed to supporting the success of our students. From academic advising to student opportunities, plenty of possibilities are available to fit a range of learning styles. Options include design competitions at professional conferences, studying abroad for the Unit Ops lab, and researching the multifunctional fibers bioinspired by insect antennae.

Get Involved
Clemson University prides itself on providing opportunities to extend experiences beyond the classroom. Our students are encouraged to participate in student organizations & government, research opportunities with professors, cooperative education & internships, and study abroad experiences.
Academic Support
The role of advisors is to confirm that your plan of courses is appropriate and you are on the correct path towards graduation. Your advising appointment is an opportunity to ask questions regarding the curriculum, research opportunities, co-ops and internships, study abroad, or graduate school.
- Change of Major
- Curriculum Requirements
- Advising Worksheets
- Course Registration
- Academic Forms
- Scheduling Questions

Academic Achievements
Honors and Awards
Every year, we recognize the outstanding talent of our students and faculty in the areas of leadership, research, and academic achievement. The honors are bestowed at department, college, and university levels, with department awards including the top senior, the top junior, and the top undergraduate researcher of the year.
Graduate Fellowships and Awards
Fellowships are competitive funding options that generally do not require teaching or research requirements. The graduate studies committee identifies and nominates outstanding applicants for competitive enhancements.