Clubs & Resources
Building Connections
With an engineering degree, the development of technical skills is a given. Just as important is being able to communicate your ideas with others and understand their point of view. Joining clubs and organizations, from personal interests to academic associations, is a valuable way to increase personal and professional development. Beyond the ones mentioned below, the College has a list of clubs and organizations by area.

Alpha Pi Mu
Alpha Pi Mu is the only nationally recognized American honor society for Industrial and Systems Engineering students. The Clemson chapter is dedicated to advancing the goals of the IE department by providing leadership opportunities to students as well as space to connect with peers and faculty.
Clemson HFE Society
Clemson Human Factors & Ergonomics Society is a group of students, faculty, alumni, and HF professionals passionate about facilitating discussions, promoting the field of Human Factors and Ergonomics, and improving how people interact with products and technology. Current members are from Human Factors Psychology, Industrial Engineering, Civil Engineering and the School of Computing.
Clemson Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers provides leadership for industrial engineering application, education, training, research, and development. They influence policy and implementation issues regarding sustainability, innovation and Six Sigma. And like the profession, ISEs are rooted in the sciences of engineering, the analysis of systems, and the management of people.
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences is the leading international association for professionals in operations research and analytics. They promote best practices and advances in operations research, management science, and analytics to improve operational processes, decision-making, and outcomes through conferences, competitions, networking communities, and professional development services.
Clemson VR Club
The Clemson VR Club serves to prepare students for the evolving visualization needs of our society. In addition to making virtual reality technology accessible in the Immersive Space, we host weekly meetings for the student VR community at Clemson. Join us each week for industry speakers, development workshops, and plenty of games -- no experience required.
The CECAS Graduate Student Advisory Board (GSAB) exists to encourage and advocate for graduate students and their well-being while being a bridge of communication to the administration at Clemson. GSAB promotes diversity and inclusivity as they help incorporate students into the Clemson Family.