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Clubs and Organizations

Broaden Your Network

Students can broaden their horizons by joining clubs, professional societies, and other organizations. Membership and participation help sharpen career skills, expand social networks, explore interests and improve time management. Many clubs are open to a broad range of majors and interests. Their activities range from racing cars and designing medical devices to providing Haitians with clean water and learning leadership skills.

Looking down at SAE car and team

Explore Opportunities

  • Interdisciplinary Clubs

    Clemson Engineers for Developing Countries (CEDC)

    Faculty Advisor: David Vaughn

    Purpose: Clemson Engineers for Developing Countries is a student-run organization through Creative Inquiry aiming to serve the developing world and develop those who serve. 

    Who can join? All undergraduate students in any field of study. Graduate students who have participated in the program previously may have the opportunity to become an advisor for an undergraduate project group.

    When is membership recruitment? Members are recruited before the last day to register or add a class each Fall and Spring semester.

    National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)

    Main Contact: Courtland Woods

    Purpose: NSBE aims to increase the number of culturally responsible black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community.

    Who can join? Any undergraduate or graduate student.

    When is membership recruitment? Fall (preferably) and spring.

    PEER Organization

    Faculty Advisor: Lisa Jackson

    Purpose: This organization is designed for the underrepresented students in CECAS to promote professional, social, and academics on the Clemson University campus.

    Who can join? Any STEM major in the College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences.

    When is membership recruitment? Beginning of fall and spring semesters.

    Society of Hispanic Professional Engineering (SHPE)

    Faculty Advisor: Dr. Luiz Jacobsohn

    Purpose: SHPE changes lives by empowering the Hispanic community to realize its fullest potential and impact the world through STEM awareness, access, support, and development. 

    Who can join? Any undergraduate Clemson student (you do not have to be Hispanic/Latino or an engineering major).

    When is membership recruitment? Any time

    Society of Women Engineers

    Faculty Advisor: Dr. Melissa Smith

    Purpose: Society of Women Engineers is an organization focused on increasing the relationship between people in engineering programs and improving career development to succeed in industry or graduate school after graduation. 

    Who can join? Eligible undergraduate and graduate students must be in the College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences. All are welcome to attend meetings.

    When is membership recruitment? Members are recruited at Tiger Prowl in the fall and spring. For more information about joining, please email

    Tau Beta Pi

    Faculty Advisor: Dr. Steven Brandon

    Purpose: Tau Beta Pi is the oldest national engineering society in the United States honoring engineering students who exemplify academic achievement and character. 

    Who can join? Undergraduate juniors who rank in the top eighth of their class and seniors who rank in the top fifth of their class are invited for membership in Tau Beta Pi.

    When is membership recruitment? Invitations are sent out at the beginning of each semester to qualified students.

    Theta Tau Professional Engineering Fraternity

    Faculty Advisor: Dr. Martine Laberge

    Purpose: Theta Tau is a professional fraternity that focuses on improving the professional development skills of our members while also participating in community service, fundraising, outreach, and brotherhood events together.

    Who can join? Undergraduate engineering, computer science, and computer information systems majors with a GPA above 2.5 and at least one year left until graduation.

    When is membership recruitment? Within the first three weeks of the fall and spring semesters

  • Automotive Engineering

    CU-ICAR Student Association

    Faculty Advisor: Dr. Dee Kivett

    Purpose: Consists of an eight-member board that represents the automotive engineering student body. All members pay semester fees, and all automotive engineering students are encouraged to join.

    Who can join? Membership is open to all automotive engineering students.

    When is membership recruitment? Students are free to join any time of the year, and memberships are renewed annually.

  • Bioengineering

    Clemson Bioengineering Organization (CBO)

    Faculty Advisor: Dr. Delphine Dean

    Purpose: The Clemson Bioengineering Organization acts as Clemson University's graduate chapter for the Society For Biomaterials and the Biomedical Engineering Society. 

    Who can join? Clemson University Students.

    When is membership recruitment? Continual

    Clemson Engineering World Health (EWH)

    Faculty Advisor: Dr. Delphine Dean

    Purpose: The Clemson chapter of EWH works on service activities related to healthcare technology, basic skills workshops to help students learn basic technical skills, and outreach activities for K-12 students.

    Who can join? Undergraduate and graduate students.

    When is membership recruitment? Year-round

  • Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

    American Institute of Chemical Engineers

    Faculty Advisor: Dr. Christopher Norfolk

    Purpose: The purpose of the student chapter is to strengthen the Clemson chemical engineering community and enrich students' experience with social, professional, and service opportunities.

    Who can join? While we typically cater to chemical engineering students, any major can join.

    When is membership recruitment? Recruitment is typically the beginning of each semester. However, new members are accepted year-round.

    Chemical Engineering Graduate Student Organization (CEGSO)

    Faculty Advisor: Dr. Mark Roberts

    Purpose: CEGSO promotes social and academic interaction between ChBE graduate students.

    Who can join? Chemical and biomolecular engineering masters and Ph.D. students

    When is membership recruitment? Rolling recruitment period

  • Civil Engineering

    Clemson American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Student Chapter

    Faculty Advisor: Professor Stephen Csernak

    Purpose: The main objective of the ASCE student chapter is to encourage its members to study civil engineering and advance the civil engineering profession. 

    Who can join? Any Clemson student

    When is membership recruitment? Year-round with membership drives in January and August (first two weeks of the semesters)

  • Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Clemson University IEEE (CU IEEE)

    Faculty Advisor: Dr. Bill Reid

    Purpose: The Purpose of CU IEEE is to join the students in the electronics and computing disciplines together and allow them to have networking, professional, educational, and common interest meetings across the entire spectrum that encompasses these disciplines.

    Who can join? Open to undergraduate and graduate students of all majors

    When is membership recruitment?  Year-round

  • Engineering and Science Education

    Clemson Society for STEM Education (CSTEMEd)

    Faculty Advisor: Dr. Cindy Lee

    Purpose: The purpose of the organization is to: inform and educate students and faculty about STEM education research and pedagogies.

    Who can join? Undergraduate and graduate students interested in STEM education

    When is membership recruitment? Year-round

  • Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

    Environmental Engineering Club (EES)

    Faculty Advisor: Dr. Freedman

    Purpose: The EES Club is a club for undergraduates in the B.S. environmental engineering program. The club provides a link between students, faculty, administration, and alumni to promote a network in the department and field.

    Who can join? Any undergraduate students in the environmental engineering major.

    When is membership recruitment? Members are primarily recruited at the beginning of each semester, although new members are welcome to join if they contact the club's officer.

    Geology Club

    Faculty Advisor: Dr. Alex Pullen

    Purpose: Geology Club engages students in the Earth sciences. The club is committed to supporting students in the geology program by preparing them for graduate school and the job market. 

    Who can join? All Clemson undergraduate students are eligible.

    When is membership recruitment? Focused recruitment is in the Fall semester.

  • Industrial Engineering

    Alpha Pi Mu Industrial Engineering Honor Society

    Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kevin M. Taaffe

    Purpose: Alpha Pi Mu is an honor society that recognizes top junior and senior industrial engineering students for their exceptional academic success. 

    Who can join? The top one-fifth of juniors and the top one-third of seniors in the industrial engineering class are invited to join. Masters and Ph.D. students are eligible for membership with a written recommendation from the department chair of industrial engineering or by another faculty member designated by the department head.

    When is membership recruitment? Members are recruited in both the fall and spring semesters.

    Clemson Consulting Club

    Main Contact: Christopher DaSilva

    Purpose: To inform students about the consulting industry, recruitment events, and the interview processes to set them up for success in getting a consulting job.

    Who can join? Open to undergraduate and graduate students of all majors

    When is membership recruitment? Year-round

    Clemson Human Factors and Ergonomics Society

    Faculty Advisor: Dr. Richard Pak

    Purpose: The society is a group of students, faculty, alumni, and human factors professionals who are passionate about finding ways to improve how people interact with products and technology. The organization is a local chapter of the National Human Factors and Ergonomics Society maintained by students at Clemson University.

    Who can join? Any Clemson University student or faculty member with experience or interest in the field

    When is membership recruitment? Continuously, but primarily at the beginning of each semester.

    Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers (IISE)

    Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jeffrey P. Kharoufeh

    Purpose: The Clemson student chapter of IISE seeks to provide a place for students to develop professional skills, provide valuable networking opportunities, and facilitate a sense of Clemson Family and build community. 

    Who can join? Open to undergraduate and graduate students of all majors

    When is membership recruitment? Members are recruited primarily in the fall, with additional recruitment in the Spring.

    INFORMS Student Chapter of Clemson University

    Faculty Advisor: Dr. Emily Tucker

    Purpose: INFORMS Student chapter`s mission is to promote Interest in the Fields of Operations Research, Management Sciences, and analytics. 

    Who can join? All interested full-time enrolled students can join.

    When is membership recruitment? Throughout the whole year, interested students can apply via Tiger Quest.

  • Materials Science and Engineering

    Material Advantage

    Faculty Advisor: Dr. Joshua Tong

    Purpose: Material Advantage is a national organization for undergraduate students in the field of material science. A joint effort of The American Ceramic Society, the Association for Iron & Steel Technology, ASM International, and the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society, the organization is dedicated to introducing material science students to the professional materials world.

    Who can join? Materials science & engineering undergraduate students, graduate students, and general engineering undergraduate students interested in materials science.

    When is membership recruitment? Membership recruitment is at the beginning of each semester, but people are encouraged to join at any time.

    Materials Research Society (MRS)

    Faculty Advisor: Dr. Thompson Mefford

    Purpose: The goal of the Materials Research Society is to embrace, cultivate and capitalize on that diversity, and use it as a resource for a dynamic and vibrant future. 

    Who can join? All students interested in materials research are welcome to join.

    When is membership recruitment? Graduate students studying materials science and engineering; in the fall.

  • Mechanical Engineering

    American Society of Mechanical Engineers (CU-ASME)

    Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jane Zhao

    Purpose: CU-ASME is a student-run professional development organization that helps prepare mechanical engineering students to become successful in their career field by exposing members to industry, providing opportunities for hands-on experience, and fostering growth in networking and professional connections.

    Who can join? Anyone who would like to be a member can join. However, typically only mechanical engineering students join. The group requires members to also become a member of ASME's national organization.

    When is membership recruitment? New members can join at any time. However, a general member recruitment meeting is held at the beginning of each semester.

    ASHRAE Student Chapter

    Faculty Advisor: Dr. Zhen Li

    Purpose: Promote student activities related to professional engineering and control of the build environment. Close relation with the professional chapter in Greenville.

    Who can join? Open to all students, particularly those in the College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences and construction science.

    When is membership recruitment? Year-round

    Clemson Formula SAE (CUFSAE)

    Faculty Advisor: Dr. Gregory Mocko

    Purpose: Clemson Formula SAE is a student-run organization dedicated to enriching the Clemson students’ education by offering one of the best ways to apply what they learn in class. From engineering to marketing, computer programming to graphic design, CUFSAE has something to offer every student.

    Who can join? Membership in this organization is open to all registered Clemson University students. There are no prerequisites for skill, knowledge, or experience - all that is sought is the right attitude and a willingness to work hard and learn.

    When is membership recruitment? Main recruitment takes place in August and September, but interested students are accepted year-round. Just send an email to

    Pi Tau Sigma

    Faculty Advisor: Dr. Xiangchun Xuan

    Purpose: Pi Tau Sigma is the international honor society for mechanical engineers. Students are chosen based on sound engineering ability, scholarship service, leadership, and integrity. 

    Who can join? Mechanical engineering students will be invited by the organization president and must have at least sophomore standing, have at least a 3.25 GPA, and be in the top 25% of their class. Open to undergraduate and graduate students.

    When is membership recruitment? Students are recruited in the fall and spring semesters.

    Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)

    Faculty Advisor Dr. Hong Seok Choi

    Purpose: Clemson SME is a professional organization devoted to promoting manufacturing within the student body of Clemson University as well as in the surrounding community. 

    Who can join? Any student with interest in manufacturing is welcome to join the society.

    When is membership recruitment? Members are typically recruited at TigerProwl in the Fall semester, but students can join anytime. Please email to become a member.

  • School of Computing

    Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) Student Chapter

    Faculty Advisor: Brian Dean

    Main Contact: Dhruv Mukherjee

    Purpose: The Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) is the main professional society in computing. Student chapters exist at many schools. Our chapter generally supports the needs of the undergraduate student body in the School of Computing.

    Who can join? Any Clemson Student (undergraduate or graduate) can join, although the chapter’s focus is undergraduates in the School of Computing.

    When is membership recruitment? Every fall

    CU Cyber

    Faculty Advisor: John Hoyt

    Purpose: The Clemson University Cyber Security team’s goals are to help promote awareness and provide the ability to mitigate many of the threats faced daily while using a computer. 

    Who can join? Open to undergraduate and graduate students of all majors

    When is membership recruitment? Members are typically recruited during the start of the Fall semester at Tiger Prowl.

    School of Computing Graduate Student Association

    Main Contact: Tyler Allen

    Purpose: Provide academic and social support for graduate students in the school of computing. Also, to operate as a liaison between graduate students and the department administration.

    Who can join? School of Computing graduate students

    When is membership recruitment? Year-round.

Upcoming Events

Events, workshops, and exhibits are held throughout the year on campus. Please click on the events for more information.

    Students building float on Bowman Field

    More Ways to Connect

    There is an abundance of events and opportunities for students to get involved - from academic to service projects. Take the PlaceFinder quiz to find great matches for you. Results will be emailed.

    THRIVE Opportunities

    THRIVE is a CECAS resource listing student opportunities and events to make the most of your Clemson Experience. Additional resources include leadership and engagement opportunities.

    Explore TigerQuest

    TigerQuest is a robust search tool filled with unique opportunities at Clemson University. Find events, organizations, news articles, and contact information.

    Start an Organization

    Want to start your own organization? Each group needs to have at least 6 students who want to participate. You can then begin the registration process with Clemson Student Affairs.

    Tiger Prowl Semester Fair

    Tiger Prowl is a fair where students can explore and connect with a multitude of extra- and co-curricular opportunities. The event happens twice a year: Fall and Spring.

    College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences
    College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences | Riggs Hall