IDEAS Monthly
Current Issue
Student-built autonomous vehicle highlights future of search-and-rescue
Students worked with military and industry sponsors to create Deep Orange 15, a vehicle they unveiled on Aug. 13 at Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering & Technology Symposium.
Two Fulbright Scholars boost global prestige of the college
Two of the college’s faculty members are starting the academic year overseas as Fulbright Scholars, a prestigious honor aimed at encouraging cultural and educational exchange.
Debora F. Rodrigues selected as chair of the Department of Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
Rodrigues’ well-rounded research credentials, exceptional leadership skills and extensive experience in fostering international, multidisciplinary and translational research uniquely qualify her to lead the department.
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IDEAS Magazine Archives
From 2008 to 2021, IDEAS Magazine served as the flagship publication of Clemson's College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences. Each issue contained news and stories highlighting the achievements of students, faculty, staff and alumni in the college. Web versions of the magazine are available below.