Variety Trials
South Carolina Grain Sorghum Official Variety Trials (OVT) Results
Grain Sorghum production information is provided to help growers in the Southeast with profitable and environmental crop production put together by Clemson University Extension and research personnel. Resources and relevant publications are linked below, and are regularly updated.
Alex Coleman
Extension Small Grains & Sorghum Specialist
Agronomic Crops Program Team, Edisto Research and Education Center
Office: 64 Research Rd
Phone: (864) 992-5988
Email: amcolem@clemson.edu
South Carolina Grain Sorghum Official Variety Trials (OVT) Results
Contact the specialists to learn how to obtain a printed copy: Mike Marshall, marsha3@clemson.edu
Or download/preview the PDF file online (334 pages, 6.86MB).
The researchers are studying specific substances present in the grain that have beneficial health properties for people and do not cause negative outcomes in animals. Read more about this research and other news stories featuring Sorghum research in Clemson's Newsstand.
News Articles on SorghumThe Land-Grant Press publishing program is expanding offerings with additional publication series dedicated to the needs of various Cooperative Extension and University audiences. The Land-Grant Press mission is to provide science-based, peer-reviewed scholarly work for the purpose of practical application.
View Grain Sorghum Publications