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Police Department

Crime Awareness

The Clemson University Police Department encourages students, faculty and staff to be responsible for their own security as well as the security of others. The University strives to increase safety and security awareness by offering educational programs and disseminating information related to personal safety.

Public Safety Educational Programs

The Clemson University Police Department (864-656-2222) and Fire staff (864-656-2242) offer numerous educational and personal safety programs for students, faculty and staff. The following programs, for students, faculty and staff are offered each semester:

  • Rape Awareness— classes for men and women that discuss stranger rape, acquaintance rape and risk-reduction techniques
  • Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.)— a practical self-management program designed to educate women on techniques that reduce the risk of becoming a rape victim and how to escape an attack
  • Sexual Awareness for Men— a program designed to educate men on South Carolina law, communication, how to prevent rape and what happens when a rape occurs at Clemson
  • Common Sense Self-Defense— police officers interact with participants to provide information on crime in the workplace and at home, and to give practical risk-reduction techniques
  • Violence in the Workplace— an educational program that identifies the problems and characteristics associated with workplace violence
  • Campus Safety: Crime at Clemson— an informative program that discusses the types of crimes that occur at Clemson and offers advice on reducing the risk of becoming a victim
  • DUI (Driving Under the Influence) Awareness— uniformed officers discuss state law and present DUI arrest demonstrations. Law enforcement and safety presentations can be tailored to a specific group or situation. For more information, contact the Clemson University Police Department

For further information regarding fire training, please refer to the fire safety policies within this report.

Officers have a meeting inside an office space.
  • Residential Programs
    Within University Housing, Residential Life offers a variety of educational events for students living in University Housing and serves as a resource for resident assistants and other staff in the development of publications and activities that promote safety. Residential Life staff addresses and formulates policies, provides information, handles crises and counsels students on a variety of personal and emotional concerns.
  • Redfern Health Center Programs
    Redfern Health Center’s Office of Health Promotion promotes and provides support for healthy lifestyles and the reduction of high-risk behaviors. Peer educators, graduate assistants and professional health educators offer information, programming, counseling and referrals on a wide range of subjects. These include alcohol/drug abuse, tobacco cessation, sexual assault, sexual responsibilities, AIDS/HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Most programs involve students in role-playing activities that demonstrate the consequences of high-risk behavior, provide opportunities for students to discuss these issues and explain the media’s involvement in glorifying drugs, alcohol and sex. Goals of the sexual assault and sexual responsibility programs are to help students clarify male and female expectations in social situations, increase awareness of the dangers of alcohol and drug use, including the consequences of intoxication and sexual activity; improve male and female communication and explain University policies and state laws regarding alcohol and drug use. Programs are presented by members of the Health Promotion staff and include a question-and-answer session and evaluation. Free educational materials on these programs and others are available.
  • Student-Athlete Enrichment Program
    Through the Student-Athlete Enrichment Programs at Vickery Hall, a facility built by private contributions to the athletic department, counseling, tutoring and other academic support services are provided for Clemson student-athletes. All first-year students are required to attend a weekly personal growth and development program in the fall. The program focuses on three primary areas: academics, career planning and personal development. The personal development program includes educational programs, speakers, a mentoring program and other activities designed to help student athletes deal responsibly with alcohol and drugs, dating relationships, conflict resolution and other issues.
  • Disaster Situations
    The University has a formal disaster management plan adopted by the Board of Trustees to establish procedures that will help officials make the best use of all available resources to manage disasters, minimize loss of life or injury and protect University resources and facilities. In the event of a disaster, the president or his designee will activate the plan immediately, establish an emergency operations center and mobilize key officials. The plan includes procedures for communicating with those immediately affected by the situation and with the general public. For further information regarding the University’s Disaster Management Plan, please visit

Personal Safety

The Clemson University Police Department offers students and employees the following personal safety tips and suggestions:

  • Whenever possible, do not carry or store large sums of cash. Instead, use the TigerOne Card
  • Utilize the campus transit services.
  • Be aware of the emergency telephones and their locations.
  • Avoid being in classrooms or office buildings alone at night. If you must be there, let the campus police know where you are and how long you will be there.
  • Stay near a telephone.
  • Report any suspicious persons or activity to University police, whatever the time, day or night.
  • Know who is at your door before opening it.
  • Vary your routine. Do not walk the same route night after night.
  • When walking at night, be alert. Listen for footsteps and voices to be sure no one is following you
  • Avoid unlit areas. Whenever possible, walk and park in well-lit public areas
  • Always lock the doors in your car, room, apartment or house. Keep the car doors locked even when you are driving
  • Never pick up hitchhikers.
  • When driving, always make sure you have enough gas to reach your destination
  • When walking to your car at night, have your car keys in hand before leaving the building
  • When walking from your car to your residence, have your door key in hand before you leave your car. If you are being dropped off, ask the driver of the car to wait until you are safely in your residence
  • Take advantage of the rape awareness and rape defense training offered by Clemson University Police
  • If you drink, drink responsibly
  • Participate in educational programs provided by the Clemson University Police Department as described in the Safety Awareness section of this report

Additional Resources

The Clemson University Police Department offers a number of services to help keep students safe.

Emergency Phones - Emergency speaker telephones are located across campus. These phones are in yellow casings and are wired with emergency buttons that will automatically dial the Clemson University Police Department, identify the caller’s location and activate the unit’s speakerphone. Phone locations are identified on the campus map in the University directory.

University Housing

SC Sex Offenders Registry

Office of Human Resources