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Office of Research Compliance


Using this Guide

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General Questions

Does my research project or teaching activity involving live vertebrate animals need IACUC approval?

Details on which University activities require an Animal Use Protocol (AUP) and IACUC approval can be found in IACUC Policy 2.1 (PDF).

How long does it take to gain IACUC approval for a new project, course or activity?

We recommend submitting a new application approximately 4-6 weeks prior to the start of your project.

Is there a deadline for applications to be reviewed at the next IACUC meeting?

Yes.  Review the IACUC meeting schedule (PDF) for key dates and deadlines.

How do I submit an Animal Use Protocol (AUP) application for IACUC review?

New applications must be submitted through the web-based electronic protocol submission system, InfoEd.

How long will my protocol be active after approval?

Protocols are approved for a three year period.  Annual reports are provided by the Principal Investigator (PI) and reviewed by the IACUC.

Do I need to do a literature search?

Current literature searches (within 6 months) are required for all Animal Use Protocols which fall into Pain Category D or E.  Reduction, Refinement and Replacement (The 3-R’s) must be part of the keywords used in the search.  For assistance with literature searches and to obtain information on alternatives to painful procedures, contact a science librarian.

What kind of training will I and others listed on the protocol need?

Regulations in both the PHS Policy and The Animal Welfare Act require that Clemson University provide training for investigators, students and staff.  Training is offered online with the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Program.  Additionally, personnel with “significant animal contact” (defined as any contact with animals), must enroll in the Clemson University Medical Surveillance Program (MSP).  Find more information on our Training Page.

Can non-Clemson personnel help with an animal project or class?

Yes. Non-Clemson University personnel participating in activities covered by an AUP must be listed on the protocol and qualifications/training must be provided. When you submit an application, InfoEd will provide a mechanism to record your non-Clemson personnel. Details for non-Clemson personnel can be found in IACUC Policy 2.3 (PDF).

Can I modify an approved protocol?

Yes, modifications can be requested by submitting an Amendment.  Modifications may include personnel updates or procedure/testing related requests.  Amendments to approved protocols must be submitted through InfoEd.

Who do I contact for animal procurement or to discuss the facilities and services available for research support?

The Office of Animal Resources, which provides facilities with updated technology and equipment in addition to skilled staff.

Where can I find all IACUC Policies?

Please see the IACUC Resources Page.

Where can I find the IACUC Meeting Schedule and Key Contacts?

Controlled Substances