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Contact Information

P: 864-656-2328

Campus Location

132 Long Hall, Clemson, SC 29634


Monday - Friday:
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.


Profile Photo

Matthew Koski

Biological Sciences

Assistant Professor

AG Biotech/Biosystems Research Complex / BRC GH203 [Greenhouse]
Jordan Hall 112 [Lab]
Jordan Hall 119 [Research Laboratory Service]
Long Hall 334 [Office]

Educational Background

B.S., Environmental Science, University of Michigan, 2009
Ph.D, Ecology & Evolution, University of Pittsburgh, 2015

Profile/About Me

Our lab studies the ecological and evolutionary processes that generate diversity in flowering plants. We're particularly interested in floral adaptation and plasticity in response to changing abiotic and biotic conditions across both space and time. To this end, we study adaptation across latitudinal and altitudinal gradients, and evaluate phenotypic responses to global change using retrospective herbarium-based approaches. We address questions primarily focused on floral pigmentation and plant mating systems, spanning levels of biological organization from populations to large clades.

Courses Taught

Evolutionary Biology, BIOL3350
Concepts in Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology, BIOL8000

Selected Publications

Sullivan, C. N. and M. H. Koski. An elevational cline in leaf variegation: testing Anti-herbivory and Abiotic Heterogeneity hypotheses in maintaining a polymorphism. In press American Journal of Botany.

Sherer, T. N., Heiling, J.†, and M. H. Koski. Floral thermal biology in relation to pollen thermal performance in an early spring flowering plant. Plant Biology 26: 811-820.

Heiling, J., and M. H. Koski. 2024. Divergent gametic thermal performance and floral warming across an elevation gradient Evolution 78: 665-678.

Cisternas-Fuentes A., and M. H. Koski. 2024. Effective population size mediates the impact of pollination services on pollen limitation. In press. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 291: 20231519

Leal, L., and M. H. Koski. Linking pollen limitation and seed dispersal effectiveness. In press. Ecology Letters: e14347

Cisternas-Fuentes, A., and M. H. Koski. 2023. Drivers of strong isolation and low effective population size at a leading edge of a widespread herb. Heredity 130: 347-357.

Cisternas-Fuentes, A., Dwyer R., Johnson N., Gilman, J., and M. H. Koski. 2023. Disentangling components of pollen limitation in a self-incompatible herb. American Journal of Botany: e16122

Koski, M. H,. Galloway, L.F.G. and J. W. Busch. 2022. Hybrid breakdown is elevated near the historical cores of a species range. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289

Koski, M. H., Finnell, L. M.†, Leonard, and E., N. Tharayil. 2022. Elevational divergence in pigmentation plasticity is associated with selection and pigment biochemistry. Evolution 76: 512-527

Finnell, L. M., and Koski, M. H. 2021. A test of Sensory Drive in plant pollinator-interactions: heterogeneity in the signaling environment shapes pollinator preference for a floral visual signal. New Phytologist 232: 1436-1448.

Sullivan, C.N. and M. H. Koski. 2021 The effect of global change on floral anthocyanin polymorphisms. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288

LeCroy, K.A., Arceo-Gómez, G., Koski, M. H., Morehouse, N. I., Ashman, T.L. 2021. Floral color properties of serpentine seep communities depend on community size and species richness. Frontiers in Plant Sciences 11: 2107

Prior, C.J., Layman N., Koski, M. H., Galloway, L.F., Busch, JW. 2020. Westward range expansion from middle latitudes explains the Mississippi River Discontinuity in a forest herb of eastern North America. Molecular Ecology 29: 4473-4486

Koski, M.H., MacQueen, D., Ashman T-L. 2020. Floral pigmentation has responded rapidly to global change in ozone and temperature. Current Biology 30: 4425-4431

Koski, M. H., Galloway, L.F. 2020. Geographic variation in floral color and reflectance correlates with temperature and colonization history. Frontiers in Plant Science 11: 991.

Koski, M. H. 2020. Macroevolution of floral color patterning: biased transition rates and correlations with flower size. Frontiers in Plant Science 11: 945.

Koski, M. H. 2020. The role of sensory drive in floral diversification. New Phytologist. 227: 1012-1024.

Koski, M. H., Berardi, A., and L. F. Galloway. 2020. Pollen color morphs take different paths to fitness. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 33: 288-400.

Koski, M. H., Layman, N. C., Prior, C. J., Busch, J. W. and L. F. Galloway. 2019. Selfing ability and drift load evolve with range expansion. Evolution Letters 3: 500-512.

Contact Information

P: 864-656-2328

Campus Location

132 Long Hall, Clemson, SC 29634


Monday - Friday:
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.