Courses offered in the online M.S. in biological sciences program vary by semester. This page currently reflects courses offered for the Spring 2025 semester.
Spring 2025 Courses
BIOL 8430 Understanding Genetics and Evolutionary Biology
This course is for teachers who want to increase their content knowledge in the areas of genetics and evolution. The course will focus on Mendelian genetics, molecular genetics, gene expression and regulation, population genetics, forces of evolutionary change and the role of evolutionary change in the origin of new species and the diversity of life. Instructor: Aimee Deconinck. Textbook: TBD.
BIOL 8450 Understanding Animal Biology
This course is designed for teachers and for those who want to increase their content knowledge about the taxonomy, morphology, adaptations, and evolution of vertebrates and invertebrates. Instructor: Virginia Abernathy. Recommended textbook: “Integrated Principles of Zoology,” 18th edition, by Hickman et al. Publisher: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. ISBN: 978-1260205190. $69.99.
BIOL 8470 Understanding Microbiology
This course is designed for teachers and for those who want to increase their knowledge about microorganisms. Topics include prokaryotic cell structure and function, microbial growth and growth control, food microbiology, bacterial genetics, immunology, virology, microbial diseases and epidemiology. Laboratory concepts will be emphasized. Instructor: Kaustubha Qanungo. Textbook: “Prescott’s Microbiology,” by Willey, Sherwood and Woolverton, 11th edition. Publisher: McGraw-Hill, 2020; with Connect access card form. ISBN: 9781260409154. Clemson Bookstore price: about $126.65. Students have the option to buy the loose-leaf version of the book (hard copy) with Connect access card as well. ISBN: 9781260692235. Price: about $146.65. Connect is a single-product access card that give access to the full electronic book and the publisher’s electronic interface, Learnsmart, which is required for the course assignments and integrated into Canvas. Buying a hard copy of the book for the course is not required and completely optional. Students are requested not to register with Connect outside of Canvas and only use the Canvas link to do so to avoid grade-sync issues.
BIOL 8480 Understanding Scientific Research
This course looks at research problems in selected areas of biological sciences to provide an introduction to research planning and techniques. Teachers will undertake either an instructor approved, individual project or participate in a group project involving their classroom during the academic year. Both are assisted by and under the supervision of the instructor. Note: The original idea was to have each in-service teacher setup a classroom experiment and have students help in data gathering. However, often this is not possible (especially during the summer) and most BIOL 8480 students have come up with a research topic not involving their classroom. BIOL 8400 Understanding Biological Inquiry and BIOL 8490 Understanding Scientific Communication are strongly recommended before enrolling in BIOL 8480 because BIOL 8400 covers experimental design and data analyses and BIOL 8490 covers scientific manuscripts. Instructor: Robert Ballard. No textbook required.
BIOL 8490 Understanding Scientific Communication
This course will help teachers develop their ability to write grant proposals, scientific manuscripts, and conference presentations on biological topics, and to communicate about biological issues with public audiences. Instructor: Cassandra May. No textbook required.
Spring 2025 Registration
Most of our students have other responsibilities, which dictates how many courses they take each semester. Many enroll in one class, others enroll in two classes, and some do a combination of one or two classes per semester. Typically, we recommend not more than two courses each fall and spring semester. Students may register for more than two courses after they have demonstrated that they can manage the workload.
- BIOL 8480 Understanding Scientific Research may be taken any semester; however, BIOL 8400 Understanding Biological Inquiry and BIOL 8490 Understanding Scientific Communication are strongly recommended before enrolling in BIOL 8480 because BIOL 8400 covers experimental design and data analyses and BIOL 8490 covers writing scientific manuscripts.
Using iROAR
Students will use iROAR to register for classes. After you decide which course or courses you will take this semester, do the following:
- Visit the iROAR website.
- Click “Student Registration Services.”
- Click “Register for Classes.”
- Select the appropriate term: Spring 2025.
- Enter your CU ID and password.
- Click “Continue.”
- Click “Find Classes.”
- Enter subject and course number (example: BIOL 8430).
- Click “Add Class.”
- Click “Submit.” Note that students are NOT registered for a class by clicking “Add.” Students must click the submit button under their class summaries to be registered. This button is located in the bottom right of the page. A schedule is saved when “Submit” is clicked.
- Click “Find Classes” if you plan to take more than one course.
Key Information
- REGISTER: Online registration for Spring 2025 opens November 6.
- THESE ONLINE COURSES RUN: January 8–May 2, 2025.
- IMPORTANT DATES: View academic calendars.
- GRADUATION: View Clemson University Graduate School graduation deadlines.