Department Resources
This page contains resources for faculty, staff and guests. Resources for students can be found in the academics pages of the departmental website. For general questions, please contact the department.
Audio Visual Equipment and Room Reservations
There are three designated classrooms in the chemistry building: Hunter 100, Hunter 158 and Hunter 470. There are also three meeting rooms: Hunter 219, Hunter 459 and Hunter 385. In addition, there are two small rooms used primarily for test taking: 215C and 215D.
In order to support these facilities, as well as other needs, a variety of audio visual equipment is available. The department has — for use on a temporary basis — laser pointers, power cords, USB cords, projector cords, projectors, a laptop, wireless cards and smartboard accessories. Users must sign these out with an office staff member and return within 24 hours unless other arrangements are made.
Room Reservations
Contact the main office at 864-656-3065 to reserve a room. Office staff will assist in determining which room will suit a given need.
Scott Drayton, the building manager/safety officer, is responsible for all building repair and maintenance issues, fume hood operation problems, lab accident or injury reports, and building access and security. Drayton’s office is Hunter 261. Call him at 864-656-0671 or email tdrayto@clemson.edu. If regular service is required, email with all the pertinent information. In the case of an emergency, call Drayton at 864-656-0671 or the main office at 864-656-3065 indicating the urgency. For all after-hours building emergencies contact the CUPD at 864-656-2222; in the case of a personal injury emergency call 911.
Fume Hood Operation
Fume hoods in all research laboratories are mandated by OSHA regulations and specify that toxic substances may need to be handled inside a fume hood. If you experience problems with the fume hoods, contact Scott Drayton at 864-656-0671 or email tdrayto@clemson.edu.
To obtain keys for routine use, contact the main office (Hunter 219). A key request form, which requires an authorizing signature, must be completed prior to issuance of a key. Keys should be returned at final departure from the department.
Business Office Operations
The Department of Chemistry main office is located in Hunter Chemistry Laboratory 219 and is open from 8 a.m.– 4:30 p.m. weekdays. The following individuals/functions are located in this area:
Ellen Sharpe is the office manager. Specific responsibilities include the establishment, reclassification and recruitment of staff and faculty positions, listing of staff and faculty vacancies, employment coordination of postdoctoral fellow recruitment, and administrative coordination to the department chair. Sharpe is also responsible for payroll requests and changes for faculty, staff, post-docs and students; maintenance of employment related records; coordinating hourly employment; and overseeing the work study program. She processes payroll forms to include new hires; rate changes; terminations; and job earnings distributions. She can also help resolve problems concerning payroll and/or deductions. She handles the strategic planning and proposal development for gift solicitation, fundraising opportunities, and administrative support for faculty searches, faculty awards and the TPR Committee.
Keshia Kelly is responsible for providing support to the department in areas of purchasing and payables. She is responsible for reconciling income and expenses made on departmental accounts, technical service accounts, and noncontract and grant accounts. She also processes billings for technical services, travel reimbursements, purchasing cards requests, purchase requisitions, interdepartmental orders and participant support payments. Her office is Hunter 235B.
Heather Shelton is the graduate student coordinator. She plans, designs, implements and supervises a variety of professional duties and responsibilities relative to the graduate degree program and the graduate recruiting program. She is responsible for student seminars, academic advising related to academics, registration, financial aid and degree programs. She also coordinates visa processing to include J-1 and H1-B, and coordinates all incoming graduate applications, student visits and prospective-student questions.
Kristine Coleman is the undergraduate student coordinator. She serves as the principal resource person for faculty members and students on matters related to the undergraduate program. She is responsible for recording grades, filing semester grade reports, recording transfer students, maintaining advisory files, handling class scheduling and classroom assignments, student registration, processing lab exemptions, the chemistry library, and coordinating student honors and awards.
Christine Dinger is the administrative assistant for the department. Her responsibilities include issuing keys and office supplies, room reservations, sorting of incoming mail, coordinating information for the departmental seminar program, handling mailbox assignments, coordinating audio-visual equipment requests, processing UPS mailing requests, activation of data and voice lines, processing parking passes, ordering office supplies, handling copier problems, offering travel arrangement assistance, managing the lost and found, and more. She has a wide range of general information and is usually able to refer specific questions to the best source for assistance. -
Department Chair’s Office
The chair’s office is located in Hunter 219. Appointments with the Chair Bill Pennington should be scheduled through his administrative coordinator, Ellen Sharpe. Call 864-656-5017.
Computer Support
Need Help?
CCIT provides extensive computer services for faculty, staff and students. For questions or requests, contact the CCIT helpdesk at 864-656-2720 or email ithelp@clemson.edu. Visit the CCIT website for more information.
Computer Software
The CCIT Software Repository is a collection of software available for current Faculty, Staff, and Students of Clemson University. The software provided is subject to current software licenses of Clemson University. Software assistance is available to all Clemson University faculty, staff, graduate students and undergraduate students. Visit the CCIT softweare licenses webpage to learn about available software used by Clemson University.
The copiers located in 215 Hunter are to be used for regular copying or high-volume copying. They are for department use only. The copiers have many features: collating, stapling, enlargements, reductions, hole punching, emailing pdf scans, and creating transparencies. The appropriate transparencies can be obtained from the main office (Hunter 219). All faculty, staff, and students must have a copier ID code in order to use the copiers. Students should contact their advisors for codes. See a main office staff member for copy machine techincal issues. Need the printer driver? Contact Christine Dinger, in Hunter 219. Also available for use in Hunter 219 is a PDF digital sender, scanner, Macintosh computer, binding machine, large paper cutter and a heavy-duty stapler.
Facsimile Transmissions
The Department of Chemistry has one fax machine for general department business use located in the mailroom (Hunter 215; telephone 864-656-6613). All incoming faxes will be placed in recipient mailboxes. This is a business fax only; solicitations are prohibited. To send a facsimile message long distance, a long distance billing number is required. Grad students can receive this from their advisors. See a main office staff member for all other long distance fax requests.
For Employees
Paycheck Schedules
The University pays employees on the 15th and the last day of the month. If the 15th or last day of the month falls on a weekend, the payday will be the Friday prior to the weekend. Faculty is paid for their current time worked on a nine-month schedule. Staff and students are paid on a 12-month schedule and there is a two-week lag.
Useful information:
Out-of-Pocket Expenses
Reimbursements will not be made for items that are an allowable charge on the purchasing card. The Tiger Stripe Card and purchasing card are available for check out from the main office.
Hourly Employment
Work-study students are the primary source of hourly vacancies. Requests for employee hiring should be made through Ellen Sharpe in the main office. The department does not offer assistantships or hourly employment to graduate students outside of the department unless a job opening is specifically listed on the departmental job posting page.
Worker’s Compensation
Workers compensation is determined by state law and is intended as a protection for Clemson University employees. The law states that an injury or illness must arise out of and in the course of employment. Anyone injured on the job is covered, without regard to who is at fault. All Clemson employees who receive a pay check are eligible for coverage, including payment of medical expenses and part of lost wages (if applicable).
Forms/Helpful Links
Use these forms or links to access additional information.
Lab Accidents and Injuries
Laboratory Accident Report
Following an accident in a teaching or research laboratory in the Hunter Chemistry Laboratory building, an accident report must be completed. This form should be completed whether or not there are injuries. Contact Scott Drayton at 864-656-0671 or email tdrayto@clemson.edu.
Laboratory Injury Report
All injuries should be documented.Contact Scott Drayton at 864-656-0671 or email tdrayto@clemson.edu.
Lab Supplies
Chipped ice machines are located on the third and fourth floors of Hunter Chemistry Laboratory. The ice is intended for research and teaching laboratory experiments only. This ice is not suitable for human consumption.
Liquid Nitrogen
Liquid nitrogen can be obtained from Robin Wilmott in the main stockroom, Hunter 235. For orders placed by those outside the department, please have a signed IDO when making your request. Questions? Call 864-656-3128.
Scientific Stockrooms
The department has three stockrooms which maintain a stock of the commonly used chemicals and supplies required for teaching laboratories and research.
- Main stockroom — Hunter 235
- General chemistry stockroom — Hunter 141
- Organic chemistry stockroom — Hunter 337
The chemistry scientific stockrooms carry chemicals and supplies required routinely for teaching and research laboratories. Administrative supplies such as pens, pencils, and paper are stocked in the supply closet located in the main office.
The departmental library is located in Hunter 205. Books and journals are not to be removed from the library. All books and journals are to be reshelved after usage. Food and drinks are not allowed in the library.
Logos, Letterhead and More
For complete branding assets, please visit the communications and marketing department webpage. On that page, use the link to the brand asset library. Logos, Zoom backgrounds, letterhead and more can be found in the library.
Use of branded assets is restricted to official department business.
Mail and Shipping
U.S. mail and campus mail is delivered once each weekday to the main departmental office. U.S. mail is sorted and placed in mailboxes, usually by noon daily. All personal mail should be sent to a personal or home address.
Outgoing Mail
All outgoing business (non-personal) mail to be posted must be delivered to the mailroom, Hunter 215, and placed in the outgoing mailbox. Outgoing personal mail may be placed in the outgoing box as well. All personal mail must have the appropriate postage already posted on it.
The campus mailbox is for mail which is addressed to other Clemson departments.
Special Deliveries
When special delivery letters are received, the addressee will be notified via a yellow form that will be placed in the recipient’s mailbox. Recipients must take this yellow form to the campus post office to pick up their package.
UPS and FedEx packages arrive in the loading area. They are received by the main stockroom several times a day. Robin Wilmott, in Hunter 235, will write recipients’ names on the whiteboard and notify recipients via email that packages are available for pickup.
For mail requiring special handling, such as UPS or FedEx please visit the main office.
Mailbox Assignments
Administrative staff, technical staff and faculty mailboxes are located in the mailroom, Hunter 215. Graduate students, postdocs and select undergraduate students are assigned individual mailboxes. These are located in the graduate student lounge, Hunter 370. If you have a question or would like to request a mailbox, please visit the main office.
Mailing addresses for staff or faculty are:
Department of Chemistry
Office number
Hunter Laboratory, Clemson University
Clemson, SC 29634-0973Mailing addresses for graduate students, postdocs or undergraduate students are:
Department of Chemistry
370 Hunter Laboratory, Clemson University
Clemson, SC 29634-0973 -
Office Supplies
Many common office supply items are stocked in the main office, Hunter 219. Faculty, staff and graduate students may obtain supplies from the supply closet. When taking anything from the supply closet, users must write down the items taken on the checkout list on the door. Special-order items may be requisitioned by faculty, staff members and graduate students with the permission of their advisor by contacting the main office.
Parking and Visitor Parking
Parking and Transportation Services is responsible for issuing vehicle parking permits, receiving parking citation payments and maintaining records of parking permits and parking citations issued to violators of the Clemson University Parking Regulations.
To request a temporary visitor pass for guests coming in on departmental business please contact the main departmental office at least 24 hours in advance. A visitor pass can not be used for employees or students of the university. If you have lost or forgot your parking decal you will need to contact Parking and Transportation Services. -
In order to initiate a request for a purchase for items not carried in the chemistry stockrooms, a purchase order must be prepared, signed and submitted to:
- Robin Wilmott (Hunter 235) — scientific and technical supplies.
- Christine Dinger (Hunter 219) — office supplies and UPS shipments.
- Janice Brucke (Hunter 235B) — other order requests.
Security, Theft, and Lost and Found
Security and Theft
The only way to maintain security is through the use of locks and controlled issuance of keys and badges to the locked areas. Laboratories and offices should be kept locked except when someone is present. Purses, computers, books, calculators and other valuable items should be kept locked up at all times.
Lost and Found
Items found in the Department of Chemistry should be turned in to the main office, Hunter 219. The main office will hold such items until the end of each semester. If no claim is made in that time, the item will be either donated or disposed of at the discretion of the department.
Student Thesis and Dissertations
Please note that hard copies of thesis and dissertations are no longer required by the grad school or the department. Thesis and dissertation submission is now totally electronic. Bound hard copies may be ordered at the time the electronic copy (PDF) is uploaded. Department resources should not be used to create hard copies for binding. That said, if printing must be done, keep the following in mind:
Any department printer except the color laser printer in Hunter 219 may be used to print review copies of student theses or dissertations. To the extent possible, all of the printers and copiers in Hunter 219 should be reserved for department business. Printing of student theses or dissertations on these printers during business hours is disruptive and should be avoided.
Orders for special paper for use in printing student theses or dissertations will not be accommodated. If you want to use department printers for printing a thesis or dissertation you must use standard paper. Three-ring binders from the department office supplies closet may be used to bind reader copies of theses and dissertations, but they should be returned after use, to be re-used. If they are returned you will not be charged for them. These binders are about $10 each and it is wasteful to use them just once for reader copies that are usually discarded after a defense. Chemistry staff are not to help print or collate student theses or dissertations. Printing and collating of student theses and dissertations should be done by students.
The Hunter Laboratory contains a large network of telephones, including at least one telephone in the corridor of all floors. These telephones are primarily intended for emergency use, and nonemergency calls should be immediately terminated if an emergency arises.
Long distance and directory assistance calls must be placed using a billing number. Toll- free numbers, calling card calls and collect calls can be made directly without use of this billing number. Long distance billing numbers are assigned through a request to Christine Dinger in the main office. Graduate students and postdocs must get approval, as well as an account number, from their faculty advisors. If it is necessary to make a personal call from a university telephone, it should be billed to a personal calling card.
Repairs, additional services or changes in existing services can be requested through the main office. Data jacks are activated by a request to Christine Dinger in the main office that must include the jack ID number (available on the wall plate) and an account number.
All domestic and international travel requests and expense reimbursements must be submitted through Concur. If you have any questions regarding travel and reimbursement, contact the appropriate accounts payable and receivable accountant.