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Undergraduate Program Overview

A closeup of a model of DNA with colored balls, with a female blurred out behind it.

The Clemson University Department of Genetics and Biochemistry is committed to providing a unique signature experience for each student, based on a combination of core courses and customized independent studies.

Successful graduates are prepared for a number of career paths and can select from a wide range of post-graduate opportunities including medical and other professional schools, as well as research and academia, and government.

An undergraduate academic adviser guides each student through the curriculum and general education requirements to help ensure continued progress toward a degree and graduation. Together, the student and adviser will devise an educational plan that meets University and departmental requirements, but that is individualized to fit the interests and aspirations of each student.

Connection to Industry

The department and the university are also constantly working to build bridges that connect Clemson graduates with the growing number of medical-related industries including health care, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology.



One Department, Two Options

Undergraduates in the Department of Genetics and Biochemistry may pursue a degree in either genetics or biochemistry. In addition to coursework, all undergraduate students are encouraged to engage in active research during their studies. Undergraduate students will have the opportunity to work closely with a wide range of faculty researchers in their laboratories. Prospective students: View the current undergraduate catalog. Archived catalogs may also be available for reference. Current students: Refer to the catalog corresponding to your year of matriculation for detailed information. Browse the Clemson University Catalog System.


Geneticists study the molecular structure and function of genes and their behavior in order to understand how organisms inherit and then pass on characteristics to their offspring. Your core courses in subjects such as general and organic chemistry, biology, physics and mathematics will prepare you for upper-level courses that include molecular biochemistry, molecular and general genetics, comparative genetics and population genetics. You can also tailor your degree to your specific interests by selecting from approved scientific courses including:

  • Human genetics.
  • Epigenetics.
  • Developmental biology.
  • Microbiology.
  • Human anatomy and physiology.
  • Undergraduate research.

A genetics degree from Clemson is a strong preparation for many different careers. Students graduate with an excellent foundation for health professions and graduate research, but you’ll also be prepared to apply your knowledge to any discipline related to biology, such as bioinformatics, forensic technology or genetic counseling.

  • More information about the curriculum is available in the online catalog.


Just below the surface of every living organism lies a complexity of millions of chemical reactions, each of which is necessary for an animal, plant or even virus to thrive. Your core coursework in general, organic and physical chemistry; physics; and biology will create a solid foundation for success in upper-level courses including biochemistry, metabolism, cell biology and bioinformatics. You can even tailor your degree to your specific career goals by selecting upper-level classes in approved scientific courses including:

  • Human anatomy and physiology.
  • Microbiology.
  • Immunology.
  • Medicinal chemistry.
  • Molecular basis of disease.
  • Undergraduate research.

As a biochemistry major, you’ll learn about how biochemical processes can affect human disease, genetics or even bacteria. This degree provides a strong preparation for many scientific careers and is an excellent foundation for professional health schools or graduate research in multiple science disciplines.

  • More information about the curriculum is available in the online catalog.

Student Resources

New and Transfer Student Resources

  • New Student/Transfer Orientation


    New and transfer student orientation is held regularly.


  • Academic Advising

    Academic advising is an integral part of the department’s commitment to help students meet their academic and personal goals. An undergraduate academic adviser guides each student through the curriculum and general education requirements to help ensure continued progress toward a degree and graduation. Together, the student and adviser will devise an educational plan that meets University and departmental requirements, but that is individualized to fit the interests and aspirations of each student. Contact the undergraduate adviser for more information or to set an appointment.

    Advising Coordinator

    Alison Starr-Moss, Ph.D.
    040-8 Life Sciences Building
    190 Collings St.
    Clemson, SC 29634
    Phone: 864-656-6877


    Advisors have a shared email address: Call an advisor at 864-656-2426.

    • Advising suite lobby: 040-4 Life Sciences Building
    • Kimi Brown: 040-5 Life Sciences Building
    • Britney Maston: 040-6 Life Sciences Building
    • Alyssa Taylor: 040-7 Life Sciences Building
  • iROAR

    iROAR is a comprehensive system for managing the University’s official student data of record. The iROAR team supports the Banner student system to support admissions, financial aid, registration, student billing and official student transcript processes. iROAR is where students add and drop classes, plan schedules, check grades, view registration holds and apply for graduation.


    COSMIC is the College of Science Mentoring and Inclusion Collaborative. It is an award-winning peer mentoring program intended to support incoming students with their transition to Clemson by matching them with upperclassmen mentors who come from similar backgrounds and share similar interests.

    Affinity groups in the COSMIC Ecosystem include women, men, military and veteran students; first-generation students; transfer students; students with disabilities; students of color; and LGBTQIA+ students. COSMIC also offers faculty and staff liaisons who provide academic support to mentors and mentees. This is truly an inclusive program at Clemson University, providing cross-cultural collaboration and engagement.

    To find those upperclassmen, incoming students will complete a COSMIC mentee application that shares their experiences and interests. The applications will then be matched with mentors based on the above-mentioned criteria. Mentors will help their mentees navigate college life by checking in, setting goals, answering questions and providing support. Any student admitted to the university as a College of Science major is eligible to apply. Acceptance into the program, however, is on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • RISE: Residents in Science and Engineering

    Residents in Science and Engineering living-learning xommunity is a first-year transition program in conjunction with being a unique living-learning experience. Clemson RISE provides opportunities for first-year STEM students to write their own Clemson stories. The mission of the RISE is to assist students in their transition to college by combining the academic and residential experiences in order to foster academic success and facilitate professional development.


Apply to the Department of Genetics and Biochemistry

let’s begin®

Female student (Louise Franke) closeup, with trees blurred in background.

Incredible Achievement

Biochemistry Senior Named Rhodes Scholar

Louise Franke, an Honors College student majoring in biochemistry, made University history in 2021 when she became the first Clemson student named a Rhodes Scholar. Franke is one of 32 American Rhodes Scholars selected through an intensive application and interview process. The Rhodes Scholarship provides for study at the University of Oxford and is recognized worldwide as the top undergraduate award for college students.

Read the Story
Department of Genetics and Biochemistry
Department of Genetics and Biochemistry | 190 Collings St., Clemson, SC 29634