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News and Events

Department News and Events

The Department of Genetics and Biochemistry at Clemson University focuses on undergraduate and graduate education in genetics and biochemistry. As part of a land-grant University, we understand the value of being locally relevant and globally impactful — and preparing our graduates to be leaders in an increasingly diverse and interconnected world. Find out more about departmental activities on this page.


Department of Genetics and Biochemistry News


The Department of Genetics and Biochemistry in the College of Science regularly publishes an online newsletter as well as a blog that feature the news, research and goings-on of the people in the department. Have a suggestion for something that should appear in the newsletter or blog? Submit items for consideration to

Department Newsletter

Molecular Connections newsletter header. The Department of Genetics and Biochemistry newsletter, with DNA-like art on left.

The most-recent issue of Molecular Connections, the Department of Genetics and Biochemistry newsletter, was published in Spring 2024.

Upcoming Events

    Dr. William Marcotte Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award

    Erin Jones named 2023–24 winner

    Headshot of woman, Erin Jones, with blurred nature background.Erin Jones has been named the 2023–24 recipient of the Dr. William Marcotte Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award. She graduated in May 2024 with a genetics major, and minors in biochemistry and women’s leadership.

    Jones was a part of the Clemson Honors College, an EPIC Seifert Scholar, a Clemson Goldwater nominee, a recipient of the Undergraduate Student Award of Excellence for the Advancement of Women and an Amgen Scholar. Jones was a recipient of the Outstanding Junior in the College of Science Award, the Outstanding Senior in the College of Science Award and the Outstanding Senior in Genetics Award.

    While at Clemson, scientific and sociology research was at the forefront of Jones’ academic career, researching pay equality, eukaryotic pathogens, E. coli copper tolerance during urinary tract infections and human umbilical-derived mesenchymal cells to treat spinal cord injuries. Jones presented her research at the University of Georgia during its annual Molecular Parasitology and Vector Biology Symposium and has papers published in the Journal of Regenerative Medicine and Biology Research, the Open Forum of Infectious Diseases, and the Journal of Sexual Aggression.

    Named for the longtime department chair of the Department of Genetics and Biochemistry, the Dr. William Marcotte Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award fund supports an award to top undergraduate students in the disciplines.

    Support the Marcotte Award

    We hope you will support our continued commitment to the Dr. William R. Marcotte Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award and past, present and future recipients. Gifts may be designated to the Marcotte fund on the giving page.

    Department of Genetics and Biochemistry
    Department of Genetics and Biochemistry | 190 Collings St., Clemson, SC 29634