Collide Collage Connect Heal Weave
The Graft | Joel Rodgers and Patrick Gibson | Third Year Fluid Studio | Professor Dave Lee
The Graft | Joel Rodgers and Patrick Gibson | Third Year Fluid Studio | Professor Dave Lee
The Graft | Joel Rodgers and Patrick Gibson | Third Year Fluid Studio | Professor Dave Lee
The Graft | Joel Rodgers and Patrick Gibson | Third Year Fluid Studio | Professor Dave Lee
The Graft | Joel Rodgers and Patrick Gibson | Third Year Fluid Studio | Professor Dave Lee
Corey Sosebee
RUD 8630 | Professor Wortham-Galvin
Urban form results from a collision or collage of interests, technologies, political ideologies and values through history, a series of tensions between utopia and tradition; totalitarian and participative; formal plans and informal adaptations. The justapositions between different approaches are key to the urbanity that emerges. Rather than a new layer covering the old, we see many layers in tension. This view opposes any singular meaning or timeless essence; the city embodies the aesthetic of the collage and the urban designer is a bricoleur exploiting the fragments at hand, recycling and transforming their meanings. Instead of bringing a purified notion of how the city should be, the urban bricoleur seeks to enable a multiplicitous city where there is no singular big story.
School of Architecture
Copyright © Clemson University
School of Architecture | Lee Hall 3-130, Clemson, South Carolina 29634