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Contact Information

P: 864-656-2328

Campus Location

132 Long Hall, Clemson, SC 29634


Monday - Friday:
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.


Profile Photo

Casey Youngflesh

Biological Sciences

Assistant Professor

Long Hall 206 [Office]

Educational Background

Ph.D., Ecology and Evolution, Stony Brook University, 2018
Master of Con. Bio., Conservation Biology, University of New South Wales, 2011
B.S., Ecology and Evolution, University of California, Santa Cruz, 2007

Profile/About Me

The Youngflesh Lab operates at the intersection of ecology and data science. We combine ecological theory with leading-edge quantitative tools to understand the drivers of biodiversity and population dynamics and how these processes vary across scales. We view these problems largely through the lens of global change and are interested in what this work can tell us regarding which species and systems are most vulnerable to these changes.

Research in the lab develops reproducible, analytical pipelines that leverage ecological 'big data' using approaches such as hierarchical Bayesian models and deep learning. Data streams come from a variety of sources, including community science projects, satellites, remote camera networks, and field-based efforts. Our work primarily uses birds and marine mammals as mechanisms to study these dynamics, though interests span a broad range of ecological systems.

Selected Publications

Youngflesh, C, GA Montgomery, JF Saracco, DAW Miller, RP Guralnick, AH Hurlbert, RB Siegel, R LaFrance, MW Tingley. 2023. Demographic consequences of phenological asynchrony for North American songbirds. PNAS 120:e2221961120.

Youngflesh, C, JF Saracco, RB Siegel, MW Tingley. 2022. Abiotic conditions shape spatial and temporal morphological variation in North American birds. Nature Ecology and Evolution 6:1860-1870.

Youngflesh, C, J Socolar, A Arab, RP Guralnick, AH Hurlbert, R LaFrance, SJ Mayor, DAW Miller, MW Tingley. 2021. Migratory strategy drives species-level variation in bird sensitivity to green-up. Nature Ecology and Evolution 5:987–994.

Youngflesh, C, F Jones, HJ Lynch, J Arthur, Z Machá?ková, H Torsey, T Hart. 2021. Large-scale assessment of intra- and inter-annual breeding success using a remote camera network. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 7:97-108.

Youngflesh, C, Y Li, HJ Lynch, K Delord, C Barbraud, R Ji, S Jenouvrier. 2021. Lack of synchronized breeding success in a seabird community: Extreme events, niche separation, and environmental variability. Oikos 130:1943-1953.

Youngflesh, C. 2018. MCMCvis: Tools to visualize, manipulate, and summarize MCMC output. Journal of Open Source Software 3:640.

Youngflesh, C, S Jenouvrier, Y Li, R Ji, DG Ainley, G Ballard, C Barbraud, K Delord, KM Dugger, LM Emmerson, WR Fraser, JT Hinke, POB Lyver, S Olmastroni, CJ Southwell, SG Trivelpiece, WZ Trivelpiece, HJ Lynch. 2017. Circumpolar analysis of the Adélie penguin reveals the importance of environmental variability in phenological mismatch. Ecology 98:940-951.

Contact Information

P: 864-656-2328

Campus Location

132 Long Hall, Clemson, SC 29634


Monday - Friday:
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.