Study Abroad Financial Aid
As you consider studying abroad, know that there are many opportunities and resources to help fund your program. This page provides a guide to financial aid for studying abroad, and you can meet with a financial aid study abroad counselor if you have additional questions.
How to Prepare Financial Aid for Study Abroad
1. Review Your Options.The study abroad program you choose will impact how far your financial aid goes.
Out-of-state students are billed at the in-state rate for faculty-led exchange programs abroad, which is a tremendous saving.
Students participating in third-party programs pay most of their bills through the program provider.
2. Schedule an Appointment with a Financial Aid Study Abroad Counselor.
You can find appointment opportunities on CU Navigate. If none of the available times work for your schedule, please reach out to us directly at
We strongly encourage you to meet with a financial aid study abroad counselor for an informational appointment as soon as you begin considering a semester abroad; a year in advance is not too early!
During the meeting, we will discuss any questions you may have related to financing your education abroad experience.
3. Prepare Documents and Take Final Steps.
Ensure all your documentation is turned into Student Financial Aid before the end of the semester before you study abroad. Use the information and documents provided online and/or in your appointment to confirm you have taken all appropriate steps to receive your aid. Follow up with your counselor if you have additional questions about your trip at
4. Present Your Verification of Enrollment Form.
For exchange and third-party program participants: After arriving abroad, present the Verification of Enrollment form to your primary administrative contact abroad. They will complete it on your behalf and send it back to Clemson via the contact information at the bottom of the form.
Once your Verification of Enrollment form is received, any refund you may be due will be processed. Allow one to two weeks for your refund to be released once you return your Verification of Enrollment. Use this refund to pay for any education-related expenses while you are abroad, including paying your program provider.

Financial Considerations When Studying Abroad
How To Get Started
If you’re considering studying abroad, begin by reviewing the Study Abroad website and meeting with a study abroad adviser.
Begin your financial aid research by reviewing the Tiger Training videos for the semester you’d like to spend abroad (listed in Step 2 above). These videos provide information related to financial aid eligibility, required paperwork and other considerations.
Choosing Fall, Spring or Summer Abroad
Expenses for study abroad programs vary significantly between programs, locations and the semester abroad. Generally, Summer programs have a lower cost of attendance than traditional Fall/Spring programs. However, most scholarships, grants and loans have associated restrictions regarding the number of stipends students can receive in an academic year. As a result, students generally use all the stipends available to them during the Fall and Spring semesters.
While the cost of attendance may be lower, the out-of-pocket expense may be more for Summer programs. Financial aid study abroad counselors can provide students with their best options for funding a Summer program.
Students Currently Abroad
If you are already abroad, and you are not sure what to do about your financial aid, please contact our office and review the information posted on Tiger Training immediately. Then we will work with you to resolve your situation.
Studying Abroad as a Veteran
Veterans should coordinate with the Registrar’s Office for any Veterans Affairs-related benefits for programs abroad. If you are participating in a faculty-led program, there is usually no change in your benefits. However, due to the complexities of Veterans Affairs benefits, additional research may need to be done after your initial appointment to clarify the eligibility of using this aid to fund your program abroad.