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Student Health Services

Building Social Connections

  • Why Social Connection is Important

    Belonging to a group gives people a sense of identity.


    Researchers have found that people are happier when they are with other people than when they are alone, regardless if you are an introvert or extrovert.

    Happiness is contagious and benefits others through three degrees of separation.

    The positive effects from connecting with others are lasting effects can last as long as a year.

    MedicalXpress. (2008, December 5). Happiness in infectious. Retrieved from URL

  • Why Social Connection Is Important for Your Health

    There is a direct connection between social isolation, loneliness and a potential downward spiral towards poor health.

    • Leads to dramatic increases in the stress hormone cortisol

    • Hardening of arteries that leads to high blood pressure

    • Inflammation in the body

    • Diminished executive function, learning and memory

    Social Connectivity Drives the Engine of Well-Being. (2013, May 27). Retrieved from URL

  • Small Steps to Increase Social Connection With Others

    Take time to look others in the eye when asking questions such as, “how are you?” Sometimes the small, kind gestures can have the biggest impact.

    Thank someone that you work with, and take the opportunity to let them know that you really mean it.

    Let someone know that you recognize the extra effort they are putting forth.

    Check out this CampusWell article: Why social support is the most overlooked self-care routine

    Wolbe, S. (2015, January 10). Social Connections and Their Positive Impact. Retrieved from URL

  • Ways to Increase Social Connection on Campus

    Get Involved

    Clemson University Student Organizations
    There are many diverse student organizations at Clemson University.  Some examples include the following focuses:  advocacy, religion, service, cultural, professional, recreation and sports, and greek life.

    On-Campus Internships and Jobs

    Campus Life
    Information about getting involved, diversity programs, recreation and entertainment on campus, safety, planning for future career, and transitioning to campus.

    Multicultural Programs
    Provides educational and celebratory programs and services that support an inclusive campus community in which its members value diversity with them and others.

    Campus Recreation Trips
    Trips are scheduled during fall, spring and summer semesters.

    Creative Inquiry
    Undergraduate Research – Creative Inquiry allows students to engage in higher-order thinking, reflect on learning and connect experiences to their traditional course work.

    Calhoun Honors College Peer Mentors
    The Calhoun Honors College Peer Mentors are upper-class honors students who serve as mentors to students new to the Honors College.  These individuals meet with a small group of five to eight mentees throughout the year to help them get to know the University and Honors College.

    ClemsonLIFE Student Volunteers/Mentors
    ClemsonLIFE is a two year program incorporating functional academics, independent living, employment and social/leisure skills in a public university setting with the goal of producing self-sufficient young adults. 

    FIRST helps first-generation college students adjust to the college experience by offering a variety of opportunities and resources, from academic support to social activities.

    Student Accessibility Services
    Student Accessibility Services believes that students with documented disabilities should be fully included and affirmed as valued community members throughout Clemson University.

    Set Expectations

    Set expectations regarding your academic schedule, roommate responsibilities, etc.  It’s important to set expectations ahead of time to reduce stress and figure out a school-life balance.

    Seek Out Resources

    Academic Success Center 

    Center for Career and Professional Development 

    First Generation Support 


    Minority Students 

    Push Yourself Out of Your Comfort Zone

    Do something that you have never done before:

  • Additional Resources
Students at Amphitheater
Student Health Services
Student Health Services | Redfern Health Center, 735 McMillan Road, Clemson, SC 29634