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Harper McMinn-Sauder
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Forestry and Environmental Conservation Department
Office: 120 Jordan Hall
Email: hmcminn@clemson.edu
Vita: Download CV
Personal Website: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=h-idN7AAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
Educational Background
Ph.D. Entomology
The Ohio State University 2022
B.S. Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology
Wichita State University 2017
Research Interests
Honey bee nutrition and landscape use
Pollination ecology
Pollinator health
Pollen metabarcoding
McMinn-Sauder, H., Lin, C.H., Eaton, T., & Johnson, R. (2023). The major role of spring trees in Ohio honey production for bees located in high and low agricultural intensity. Apidologie, 54(4), 37.
Semple, J.C., McMinn-Sauder, H., Stover, M., Lemmon, A.R., Lemmon, E.M., & Beck, J.B. (2023). Goldenrod herbariomics: Hybrid-sequence capture reveals the phylogeny of Solidago. American Journal of Botany.
Quinlan, G., Sponsler, D., Gaines-Day, H., McMinn-Sauder, H., Otto, C., Smart, A., Colin, T., Gratton, C., Isaacs, R., Johnson, R., Milbrath, M., Grozinger, C. (2022). Grassy-herbaceous land moderates regional climate effects on honey bee colonies in the Northcentral US. Environmental Research Letters, 17(6), 064036.
McMinn-Sauder, H., Lin, C.H., Eaton, T., & Johnson, R. (2022). A comparison of springtime pollen and nectar foraging in honey bees kept in urban and agricultural environments. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 66.
McMinn-Sauder, H., Richardson, R., Eaton, T., Smith, M., & Johnson, R. (2020). Flowers in Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Pollinator Plantings and the Upper Midwest Agricultural Landscape Supporting Honey Bees. Insects, 11(7), 405.
Richardson, R.T., Sponsler, D.B., McMinn-Sauder, H., & Johnson, R.M. (2019). MetaCurator: A hidden Markov model-based toolkit for extracting and curating sequences from taxonomically-informative genetic markers. BixRxiv, 672782. https://doi.org/10.1101/672782.
In Review: McMinn-Sauder, H., Colin, T., Gaines-Day, H., Quinlan, G., Smart, A., Meikle, W., Johnson, R., Sponsler, D., Next-generation colony weight monitoring: a review and prospectus. Apidologie.