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- Agricultural and Applied Economics (MS)
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- Agriculture (MS, PhD)
- Animal & Veterinary Sciences (MS, PhD)
- Entomology (MS, PhD)
- Food, Nutrition and Culinary Sciences (MS)
- Food, Nutrition, and Packaging Sciences (PhD)
- Forest Resources (MFR, MS, PHD)
- Packaging Science (MS)
- Plant and Environmental Sciences (MS, PhD)
- Wildlife and Fisheries Biology (MWFR, MS, PhD)
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Educational Background
M.S. Entomology
Louisiana State University 2019
B.S. Biological Sciences
Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2016
I'm a PhD student in the Caterino Arthropod Diversity Lab working on biogeography and evolution. I am incredibly interested in the "why" questions behind evolutionary patterns and distributions. I'm the Entomology Club president, serve on the organization committee for ComSciCon-ATL 2022, and am eager to discuss insects with anyone who will listen.
Research Interests
My research focuses on the evolution and distribution of Trechus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in the southern Appalachian mountains. Trechus is a tiny beetle that lives in leaf litter and eats other litter dwelling arthropods. These high elevation endemics may provide key information about the history of these mountains and the creatures within them.
Extension and Outreach
I started doing outreach as part of my MS appointment at LSU and continue to participate in and organize outreaches at the Botanical Gardens and local community groups as a part of the Entomology Club and a representative of the Arthropod Museum here on campus.
Shorter Wooden, P. L., F. Huval, C. Carlton, G. Reagan (2020). Dasymutilla occidentalis, Eastern Velvet Ant (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae). LSU AgCenter. Bug Biz Pest Management and Insect Identification Series
Shorter Wooden, P. L., F. Huval, C. Carlton, G. Reagan (2020). The Greenhouse Millipede, Oxidus gracilis (Diplopoda: Paradoxosomatidae). LSU AgCenter. Bug Biz Pest Management and Insect Identification Series
Shorter Wooden, P. L., F. Huval, C. Carlton, G. Reagan (2020). Lawn Shrimp, Arcitalitrus sylvaticus (Amphipoda: Talitridae). LSU AgCenter. Bug Biz Pest Management and Insect Identification Series
Holt, J.R., L. Bernaola, K.E. Britt, C. McCullough, M. Roth, J. Wagner, M. Ragozzino, L. Aviles, F. Huval, M. Mandey, B.W. Lee, M. Asche, A. Hayes, A. Cohen, A. Marshall, H.E. Quellhorst, R.V. Wilkins, V. Nguyen, J. Maille, R.K. Skinner, J.J. Ternest, S. Anderson, S.W. Gula, K. Hauri, J. Eason, M. Mulcahy, S. Lee, J.W. Villegas, P. Shorter (2020). Synergisms in Science: Climate Change and Integrated Pest Management Through the Lens of Communication—2019 Student Debates. Journal of Insect Science, 20(5).
Wooden, Patricia L.S. (2019). Influence of the Annual Flood Pulse of the Atchafalaya River and Updates on the Ecology of Floodplain Aquatic and Semi-Aquatic Hemiptera and their Associates. LSU Master's Theses. 5010.
Shorter, P.L., D.A. Hennen, P.E. Marek. (2018). Cryptic diversity in Andrognathus corticarius Cope, 1869 and description of a new Andrognathus species from New Mexico (Diplopoda, Platydesmida, Andrognathidae), ZooKeys, 786: 19-41