Advanced Level 3 Program Outline
The SCNBFP ADVANCED LEVEL 3 PROGRAM is a new certificate program for 2023 and offers a higher level of instruction for those who are still relatively new to farming but are looking to further their education in key areas of agribusiness and production. The ADVANCED LEVEL 3 PROGRAM offers 20 full-day workshops and is designed so that qualified participants may choose whatever SCNBFP Advanced workshops best suit their individual needs.
How will the 2023-2024 Advanced Level 3 Program be delivered?
A hybrid program is planned for 2023-2024, with 15 of the workshops scheduled for in-person delivery (many at on-farm locations), and five delivered online, via Zoom (see Course Description for details). Each workshop will be offered through one of those platforms or the other … participants will NOT have the option to choose. Again, remote attendance will not be an option for any scheduled in-person workshop. In-person workshops will be held in a variety of locations throughout the state of South Carolina.
What is included in the 2023-2024 Advanced Level 3 Program?
- Access to a series of 20 full-day training events in various advanced-level agribusiness and production topics.
- A $15 rebate for every 2023-2024 class year SCNBFP Advanced training workshop you attend, as long as you meet all graduation requirements. (See below for details.)
- Beverages, snacks, and a catered lunch at all scheduled workshops that are held in-person
- Graduation certificate (upon successful program completion)
- Private participant-only webpage with access to all available program materials
- Access to private SCNBFP Alumni Facebook group
What will I learn in this program? The SCNBFP is fundamentally an AGRIBUSINESS program, focused on providing new and beginning farmers the knowledge and tools necessary for developing a successful business enterprise. Key agribusiness topics of the SCNBFP ‘Advanced’ program are designed to go beyond the fundamentals and include:
- Enterprise Budgets & Profitability
- Financial Assistance through Farm-Focused Grants
- Land Acquisition, Conservation, Transfer, & Preservation
- Opportunities in Agritourism
- Advanced Business Planning & Comprehensive Business Plan Development
- Advanced Farm Financial Management & Analysis
- Tax Management for Farming Enterprises
- Developing a Year-Round Operation Plan
- Social Media & Analytics for Small Farm Businesses
- Labor Issues & Management
- Website Development & Analytics
In addition, the SCNBFP Advanced Level-3 Program offers the following production-related workshops:
- Organic Production & Certification
- Scaling Up to Wholesale Markets
- GAPs Certification / FSMA/ Post-Harvest Handling
- Pasture Management & Cover-cropping
- Water Resource Management
- Conservation Issues & Techniques
- Advanced Soil Health Management
- Advanced Integrated Pest Management
Advanced workshops are facilitated by SCNBFP staff and are planned, hosted, and taught by a team of dozens of leading experts/faculty/Extension staff throughout Clemson University, as well as other resource and educational providers who support our program. This includes several USDA and SCDA agencies, The Small Business Development Center, as well as many farm-related non-profits, consultants, buyers, and even farmers, just to name a few.
Are there other benefits to participating in the SCNBFP? You bet!
- In every Advanced workshop, you will be introduced to and have the opportunity to connect with resource providers that will be invaluable to you throughout the life of your business.
- Because you will be attending workshops throughout the state, you will develop a close peer network of other new and emerging farmers.
- The SCNBFP is certified by the USDA-Farm Service Agency. FSA is often a critical loan resource for farmers, but borrowers are required to attend a certified training program to qualify. These trainings are not always offered on a regular basis, and a one-day workshop can sometimes cost more than our entire program. (Note: In order to take advantage of our certification, you must successfully complete the program and earn a graduation certificate. FSA may also contact us to verify that borrowers have attended individual workshops specific to Financial Management.)
Who may apply? In order to apply, you must meet the following criteria:
- Resident of South Carolina (This means you currently LIVE in South Carolina. If you have future plans to farm in SC but are currently residing out-of-state, please apply in another year, once you have established proven residency.) NO EXCEPTIONS.
- Age 18+
- Maximum Farming Experience: Actively farming for no more than 10 consecutive years
- Minimum Farming Experience: No less than 3 years of commercial farming experience. This does not mean that you need to be operating a large-scale farm, only that you have 3-10 years of experience producing, marketing, and selling product as a part-time or full-time licensed business or non-profit enterprise.
- Successful graduation from the SCNBFP Level-1 or Level-2 program may substitute for required experience.
- The SCNBFP is designed for farm businesses that include PRODUCTION enterprises. If your business operates only as an entertainment, recreation, event venue (etc.) without actually producing agricultural product, we will refer you to different resources, as the SCNBFP is not a good fit.
Additional Requirements?
- For workshops that will be delivered remotely, you must have reliable internet access and the ability to connect through Zoom well enough to fully participate, including enabling video (with or without Zoom virtual backgrounds) and audio. This includes equipment (computer or tablet with a webcam) with a display large enough to view presentations and class materials. (Note that smart phones are NOT considered a suitable device – you will need something with a larger display.)
- Not sure if you can connect to Zoom? Test your connection here:
- For in-person workshops, you must have reliable transportation as well as be prepared to arrive on-time and stay for the full event.
May I apply with a partner? While we absolutely encourage more than one person from your farm enterprise to apply (including spouses, family members, business partners, staff, etc.), each person should submit their own application (in their own words), and each will be evaluated on its own merit & timeliness. (Duplicate applications under more than one name will not be considered.)
What are program costs? The SCNBFP Advanced Level-3 Program is paid for on a per-workshop basis - there is no up-front tuition fee! You will pay for each workshop you wish to attend individually at the regular rate of $50 per in-person workshop, and $35 per online workshop. At the conclusion of the program, those who meet all graduation requirements will be issued a $15 rebate for all workshops attended. That’s up to a $300 rebate for those who attend all 20 workshops! (Not including workshops paid for but not attended.) Payment will only be accepted online – debit cards and all major credit cards accepted. Those accepted will be given a link to a private online store.
- Note: Rebates are offered only to those officially enrolled in the SCNBFP Advanced Level-3 Program and does not apply to those who attend as a member of the general public.
- Those enrolled in the SCNBFP Advanced Level-3 program must meet minimum graduation requirements in order to qualify for rebates.
What is the cancellation/refund policy for workshops? If you register for a workshop but find you are unable to attend, those who provide a minimum of 10 days’ notice will be issued a full refund. If you cannot provide minimum notice, another individual may attend in your place, but will not count towards graduation requirements.
What are the 2023-2024 program dates? Dates for the full-day, advanced workshops are included in the Course Description and run September 2023 through March 2024.
- We STRONGLY encourage you to confirm your availability for the dates of workshops that interest you BEFORE you apply for the program. If you are accepted then discover you cannot attend, we may miss the opportunity to offer your spot to an alternate participant.
What are the workshop times & location? SCNBFP Advanced workshops are offered throughout the state … five are offered online. Times will vary but expect all to be full-day events. To avoid conflict, we have scheduled no more than one workshop per week between September 2023 and March 2024. (See Course Description for details.)
May I bring a guest with me to workshops?
- For any workshops that are delivered online, you may have a guest sit with you at your own, shared computer or tablet. You may not share workshop links and unauthorized persons on additional devices will be removed from the Zoom event.
- All Advanced workshops are open to the general public. Any guests not officially enrolled in the SCNBFP Advanced Level-3 program will need to register separately through Eventbrite and pay full price.
What are graduation requirements? Only those who meet or exceed attendance requirements will receive a certificate of completion for the SCNBFP Advanced Level-3 Program. While we encourage you to attend as many advanced trainings as you like, minimum requirements are as follows:
To earn an Advanced Level-3 certificate of graduation
- Minimum attendance of eight (8) out of the twenty (20) scheduled SCNBFP Advanced events
- You must be present for the full day to receive credit. (For online workshops, this includes having your video on at all times, other than scheduled breaks. This is consistent with all Clemson online certificate programs.)
- In accordance with the grant that funds our program, these include ONLY official SCNBFP Advanced workshops. There are many terrific non-SCNBFP events available, but they are not able to count towards our Level-3 program.
- Submission of a complete written business plan to SCNBFP staff on or before May 1, 2024.
- Business plans will be kept confidential, but for added privacy you may redact sensitive financial information.
- AgPlan generated format is highly encouraged but not mandatory.
- You must be present for the full day to receive credit. (For online workshops, this includes having your video on at all times, other than scheduled breaks. This is consistent with all Clemson online certificate programs.)
Note that continued grant funding for the SCNBFP is largely dependent on maintaining high graduation rates. We expect all enrolled participants to make every effort to successfully complete the program. If you are unsure of your capacity to meet graduation requirements, we welcome you to attend SCNBFP Advanced workshops as a member of the general public at full price.
How do I apply? Applications are only available online. Click here to access the online application.
Here are some things you should know:
- You must apply online – paper applications are not available.
- Only a limited number of applicants will be accepted into the SCNBFP Advanced Level-3 Program. For the 2023-2024 program, we will accept the first 40 applicants who meet all eligibility requirements.
- The application is long. Please give yourself at least 30 minutes to complete the application. Do not “submit” until you are satisfied, and all sections have been completed. Please do not submit more than one application per person.
I can’t make this year work! Will the SCNBFP Advanced Level-3 Program be offered next year? Yes! At this time, we are funded to offer the SCNBFP Advanced Program in September of 2024. And remember, you may also take our advanced workshops on an individual basis without enrolling in the official Advanced Level-3 Program!
When will I find out if I have been accepted?
- Notifications will be emailed to everyone sometime the week of August 14, 2023. We will tell you if your application has been accepted or
- You will also be given instructions on confirming your acceptance and registering for workshops. FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY!
HINT: You will receive emails from the assistant program director, Diana Vossbrinck. Please enter the address into your address book so you do not miss any correspondence. The SCNBFP is not responsible for emails that are delivered to your junk/spam folders, so please monitor carefully.
What if I want to take a few of the workshops but do not want to enroll in the full Advanced Level-3 Program? No problem! All of our Advanced workshops are available to the general public on an a la carte basis. You will need to pre-register for each workshop through Eventbrite via this link. Note that those not officially enrolled in the program pay full price and are not eligible for rebates.
What if I have additional questions about the program?
- First, please review this complete Advanced Level 3 Program Outline You should also review the Advanced Level 3 Course Description document.
- We will be hosting online open-office hours via Zoom throughout the application period. If you wish to discuss the program with SCNBFP staff, please click on the link below to join us for an informal conversation. Sign in at any time during the listed hours … the one Zoom link works for all three sessions!
Zoom Link for open-office hours:
- Session #1 – Thursday, July 20, 2023, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Click here to join the open house: - Session #2 – Monday, August 7, 2023, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Click here to join the open house:
Thank you for your interest in Clemson University’s South Carolina New & Beginning Farmer Advanced Program!
This study is funded by USDA-NIFA Award No. 2021-70033-35707. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USDA-NIFA. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to people of all ages, regardless of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital or family status and is an equal opportunity employer.