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Theses and Dissertations
- Theses and Dissertations Overview
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- Defending Your Thesis or Dissertation
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- Submitting
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- Finishing the ETD Process
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- Survey of Earned Doctorates
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- Graduation Ceremonies
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Graduation Ceremonies

Master’s and Specialist’s Degree Graduation
Graduation information for master’s and specialist’s graduates is provided by the Office of the Registrar. If you have questions about those ceremonies, contact registrar@clemson.edu.
Master’s/Specialist’s Degree CeremoniesDoctoral Commencement Ceremony (hooding ceremony)
Tuesday, May 6th, 2025
Littlejohn Coliseum
3:00 pm
The doctoral commencement ceremony (hooding ceremony) is the official ceremony for doctoral graduates, so doctoral graduates do not participate in the general graduation ceremonies for master’s students and undergraduates.
Confirming Attendance
Doctoral students who apply for graduation will receive an email about a month before the ceremony asking them to confirm whether they will attend the ceremony and to provide further information via a registration link. This email will be delivered to the student's clemson.edu address (not g.clemson.edu) so, as always, soon-to-be graduates should ensure their clemson.edu account is not full or otherwise disabled.
Official Clemson doctoral regalia is required for graduates in the doctoral commencement ceremony (hooding ceremony). The deadline for ordering doctoral regalia is several weeks before the ceremony. Dates for the next several ceremonies are on the deadlines page.
You may choose to rent some items (the gown and tam, for example) and purchase others (the hood). Questions about regalia ordering and delivery should be directed to the University Bookstore.
Doctoral Commencement Ceremony Programs
November 2020 (May 2020 and August 2020 graduates)
- May 2016
- December 2015 (inaugural doctoral commencement ceremony)