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Serving South Carolina

Richland County Extension Office

Come see us in Richland County

Clemson Extension employs Extension agents who work closely with state extension specialists and researchers located on campus and at the various research and education centers located across the state.

Your local Extension agents provide expertise in agribusiness, agronomy, food safety, nutrition, horticulture, livestock and forages, forestry and wildlife resources, rural health, water resources, and 4-H and youth development.

Master Gardener Volunteers are available to assist clients on Monday through Friday. Please access the Clemson Research and Education Center off of Two Notch Road.

Visitors can enter through the Two Notch Road or Clemson Road entrance of the Sandhill Research and Education Center. At the gate keypad, please press the call button. There are two options to choose from: Richland Ext./Soil Sample or Main Office. Press the Richland Ext./Soil Sample button and a staff member will open the gate to enter the grounds. Please call the Richland County Cooperative Extension Service at 803-865-1216, if you have any questions or require assistance accessing the property.

We're here to help

Office Hours
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Monday - Friday
Closed for lunch from 1:00 to 2:00 pm
Phone: 803-865-1216
Email Us

Mailing Address
900 Clemson Road
Columbia, SC 29229

Staff Listing

Name Title Email Phone
Brian Beer Area Livestock and Forages Agent 803-745-5001
Robert Carter Area Forestry & Wildlife Agent 803-572-8491
Will Culler Senior Agribusiness Extension Agent and Lexington County Coordinator 803-206-9795
Victoria Cushman Administrative Assistant 803-865-1216
Zach Dantzler Extension Associate- Interim, Agronomic Crops- Calhoun/Richland Counties, Climate-Smart Peanut Systems 803-837-1160
Charly Greenthaler Water Resources Agent, Midlands Region 803-520-1679
Jevencia Hill Richland, Lexington, and Kershaw Counties Rural Health and Nutrition Extension Agent 803-999-1958
Faith Isreal Food Systems and Safety Agent 803-722-1195
Jackie Jordan Urban Horticulture 803-722-1196
Myeesha Lance EFNEP Midlands/Piedmont Regional Coordinator 864-986-1539
Rob Last Commercial Horticulture Agent 941-284-4133
Terasa Lott Midlands District Director 843-269-5904
Rosemary Martin-Jones Richland County 4-H Youth Development Agent 803-722-1192
Amy Overbaugh Administrative Coordinator 803-722-1193

If your name should appear on this list and it does not, please log into the employee profile edit screen to set up or edit your employee profile ››

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Cooperative Extension Richland County
Cooperative Extension Richland County | 900 Clemson Road, Columbia, SC 29229