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Alana West
SC 4-H Youth Development Assistant Director
4-H Youth Development Program Team, Newberry County Cooperative Extension Office
Office: Newberry SC
Phone: 803-768-8442
Email: AWILLIN@clemson.edu
Educational Background
M. Ag. Ed. Agricultural Education
Clemson University 2006
B.S. Agriculture and Applied Economics
Clemson Univiersity 2004
Upon graduating from Clemson University with Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Applied Economics (04’) and a Master’s of Agricultural Education (’06), Alana started her Extension career in 2006 as the 4-H Agent in Cherokee County, SC. After serving there for four years she was transferred back 'home' to Newberry County where she has worked as the 4-H agent for the past 13 years. In her career, she has served in officer positions on both the SCACAA and SCAE4HA, as well as with Extension Senate. Within the SC 4-H Program Team she has served as chair of both the Natural Resource Committee and the Healthy Lifestyles Committee, as well as served as a member on the Science Committee, Horse Committee, and Livestock Steering Committee. She has received many regional and national awards over the years for her Extension efforts including receiving the 2023 Inaugural EELI Marlyne Walker Leadership Award, 2021 Distinguished Service Award from the National Association of County Agricultural Agents, and 2019 Newberry County Young Professionals Inaugural 4 Under 40.
West, A. W., A. T. Phillips, S. T. Guynn, N. Nemire, J. Bible, and T. A. Burns. 2023. Response to continuing 4-H youth development in SC during a pandemic: The SC 4-H@Home program. The Journal of Extension, 61(1), Article 18. https://doi.org/10.34068/joe.61.01.18