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Clemson University
college of agriculture, forestry and life sciences clemson university

Jamie Duberstein

Research Scientist
Forestry and Environmental Conservation Department, Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science

Office: Georgetown, SC
Phone: 706-410-6722



Educational Background

Ph.D Forestry
Clemson University 2011

M.S. Interdisciplinary Ecology
University of Florida 2004

B.S. Wildlife Management, Biology
University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point 1998

Research Interests

I investigate relationships between plant communities, microtopography, hydrology, soils, and wildlife in tidal freshwater and oligohaline marshes, tidal freshwater forested wetlands, and non-tidal forested wetlands. Much of his research focuses on the impacts of global climate change, regional weather patterns, and human-induced hydrology changes to wetland systems. The most common methods used to collect data include harvesting and sorting marsh grass samples, non-destructive woody vegetation surveys, tree growth measurements using dendrometer bands, deploying and downloading automated water quality and quantity loggers, hummock and hollow percent cover estimates with occupancy surveys, and measurements of tree sap flow rates. These data are used to discern relationships between plant communities and environmental drivers, determine the effects of management on wetland function and carbon sequestration, and model stand water use of forested areas under differing community compositions and/or environmental stresses.


Duberstein JA, Krauss KW, Baldwin MJ, Allen ST, Conner WH, Salter Jr. JS, Miloshis M (2020) Small gradients in salinity have large effects on stand water use in freshwater wetland forests. Forest Ecology and Management 473:118308.

Wang H, Krauss KW, Noe GB, Stagg CL, Swarzenski CM, Duberstein JA, Conner WH, DeAngelis D L (2020) Modeling soil porewater salinity response to drought in tidal freshwater forested wetlands. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 125: 17.

Godfrey ST, Waddle JH, Baldwin RF, Conner WH, Bridges Jr. WC, Duberstein JA (2020) Herpetofauna occupancy and community composition along a tidal swamp salinity gradient. Wetlands, 40: 1561-1575.

Stricker C, Drexler J, Thorn K, Duberstein J, Rossman S (2019) Carbon chemistry of intact versus chronically drained peatlands in the southeastern USA. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 124: 2751-2767.

Zhai L, Krauss KW, Liu X, Duberstein JA, Conner WH, DeAngelis DL, Sternberg LdSL (2018) Growth stress response to sea level rise in species with contrasting functional traits: A case study in tidal freshwater forested wetlands. Environmental and Experimental Botany 155: 378-386.

Krauss KW, Noe GB, Duberstein JA, et al. (2018) The role of the upper tidal estuary in wetland blue carbon storage and flux. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 32: 817–839.

Godfrey ST, Duberstein JA, Mota J, Moore W (2018) Anolis Carolinensis (Green Anole) Nest sites and communal nesting. Herptological Review 49: 115.

Godfrey ST, Duberstein JA (2018) Lithobates sphenocephalus (Southern Leopard Frog). Natural History. Reproduction. Herpetological Review 49: 305.

Drexler JZ, Fuller CC, Orlando J, Salas A, Wurster FC, Duberstein JA(2017) Estimation and uncertainty of recent carbon accumulation and vertical accretion in drained and undrained forested peatlands of the southeastern USA. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 122: 2563–2579.

Duberstein JA, Krauss KW (2016) Forested Wetland Habitat. In: Kennish MJ (ed) Encyclopedia of Estuaries. Springer.

Krauss KW, Duberstein JA, Cormier N, Young HS, Hathaway SA (2015) Proximity to encroaching coconut palm limits native forest water use and persistence on a Pacific atoll. Ecohydrology 8:1514-1524.

Krauss KW, Duberstein JA, Conner WH (2015) Assessing stand water use in four coastal wetland forests using sapflow techniques: annual estimates, errors and associated uncertainties. Hydrological Processes 29: 112-127.

Conner WH, Duberstein JA, Day JW Jr, Hutchinson S (2014) Impacts of changing hydrology and hurricanes on forest structure and growth along a flooding/elevation gradient in a south Louisiana forested wetland from 1986 to 2009. Wetlands 34: 803-814.

Duberstein JA, Conner WH, Krauss KW (2014) Woody vegetation communities of tidal freshwater swamps in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida (US) with comparisons to similar systems in the US and South America. Journal of Vegetation Science 25: 848-862.

Duberstein JA, Krauss KW, Conner WH, Bridges Jr. WC, Shelburne VB (2013) Do hummocks provide a physiological advantage to even the most flood tolerant of tidal freshwater trees? Wetlands 33: 399-408.

Krauss KW, Duberstein JA (2010) Sapflow and water use of freshwater wetland trees exposed to saltwater incursion in a tidally influenced South Carolina watershed. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40: 525-535.

Duberstein JA, Krauss KW, Conner WH (2010) Physiological and growth differences of mature baldcypress trees in relation to salinity in “freshwater” tidal swamps undergoing persistent drought. Southeastern Biology 57: 314.

Krauss KW, Doyle TW, Conner WH, Duberstein JA (2009) Research insight from tidal freshwater forested wetlands. Wetland Science and Practice 26: 18-21.

Krauss KW, Duberstein JA, Doyle TW, Conner WH, Day RH, Inabinette LW, Whitbeck JL (2009) Site condition, structure, and growth of baldcypress along tidal/non-tidal salinity gradients. Wetlands 29: 505-519.

Duberstein JA, Conner WM (2009) Use of hummocks and hollows by trees in tidal freshwater forested wetlands along the Savannah River. Forest Ecology and Management 258: 1613-1618.

College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences
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