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Clemson University
college of agriculture, forestry and life sciences clemson university

Amy E. Scaroni

Assistant Professor of Watershed Management
Forestry and Environmental Conservation Department
Water Resources Program Team, Forestry and Environmental Conservation Department, Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science

Office: PO Box 596, Georgetown, SC 29442
Phone: 843-546-1013

Vita: Download CV


Educational Background

Ph.D. Wildlife and Fisheries
LSU 2011

M.S. Environmental Studies
College of Charleston 2006

B.S. Biology
Penn State 2002

Courses Taught

Master Rain Gardener (
Master Pond Manager (


I am a wetlands biogeochemist whose work focuses on stormwater and watershed management, with the broader goal of helping communities protect and restore water quality.

Research Interests

I work collaboratively on research that identifies interventions to improve water quality, and then I assist stakeholders integrate these results into their planning efforts. I'm particularly interested in the development and implementation of watershed plans, and the use of nature-based solutions to address water quality challenges.

Lab Members

Clare Escamilla, PhD Student (Plant and Environmental Sciences)
Brynne Sumner, Master's Student (Wildlife and Fisheries Biology)
Piper Monk, Master's Student (CofC Environmental and Sustainability Studies)

Lab Alumni:

Rosemarie Sbardella, Undergraduate Intern (Horticulture)
Cailee Sprouse, Undergraduate Intern (Environment and Natural Resources)
Anna Logan McClendon, Undergraduate Intern (Biosystems Engineering)
Maddie Rourk, Undergraduate Intern (Biosystems Engineering)

Extension and Outreach

I have a 100% Extension appointment, so my goal is to translate University-based research to make it accessible to residents of South Carolina, who can then use that knowledge to address problems and develop solutions. This involves leading workshops and trainings, developing online courses, creating resources, and utilizing a variety of communication tools to make information accessible to a broader audience. I am also interested in science communication, and using community based social marketing techniques to target behavior changes that protect water quality.


Escamilla C, Scaroni AE, White SA. An Introduction to Floating Wetlands for Stormwater Ponds. Clemson (SC): Clemson Cooperative Extension, Land-Grant Press by Clemson Extension; 2024 Jan. LGP 1185.

McKercher LJ, Kimball ME, Scaroni AE, White SA, Strosnider WHJ (2023) Stormwater ponds serve as variable quality habitat for diverse taxa. Wetlands Ecology and Management 32: 109—131. DOI: 10.1007/s11273-023-09964-x

Scaroni AE, Wallover CG, McConnell C, Williams B, McClendon AL, Locatis Prochaska A, Saari B (2022). Edisto Island Watershed Management Plan: A community-driven watershed plan addressing water quality across Edisto Island and the Town of Edisto Beach. EPA-approved, available online:

Scaroni AE, Duda MD, Criscione A, Jones M. Gauging residential knowledge and behavior to inform stormwater outreach efforts across South Carolina (2022). Journal of South Carolina Water Resources DOI: 10.34068/JSCWR/08.02.06

Jackson K, Scaroni AE. An Introduction to Wetlands of South Carolina. Land Grant Press by Clemson Extension. Clemson (SC): Clemson Cooperative Extension, Land-Grant Press by Clemson Extension; 2022 July. LGP 1148.

White SA, Beecher L, Davis RH, Nix HB, Sahoo D, Scaroni AE, Wallover CG (2021) Ponds in South Carolina. Clemson (SC): Clemson Cooperative Extension, Land-Grant Press by Clemson Extension; 2021. LGP 1114.

Ureta J, Motallebi M, Scaroni AE, Lovelace S, Ureta JC (2021) Understanding the public’s behavior in adopting green stormwater infrastructure, Sustainable Cities and Society. doi:

Scaroni AE, Wallover CG (2020) Watershed-Based Planning to Protect and Improve Surface Water Quality. Clemson (SC): Clemson Cooperative Extension, Land-Grant Press by Clemson Extension; 2020. LGP 1085.

Wallover CG, Callahan TJ, Scaroni AE, Morganello KC (2019) Rerouting water: Understanding and managing urban hydrology in historic Charleston, in Chadwick J and Jaume SC, S.C. eds., Field Excursions in the Carolinas: Guide for the 2019 GSA Southeastern Section Meeting: Geologic Society of America Field Guide 53, p. 9-17.

Buckley KA, Scaroni AE, Wallover CG Weathers M, Neal A (2017) The Development of a Communication Strategy Towards Improved Stormwater Pond Awareness and Maintenance in South Carolina, in Stormwater Ponds in Coastal South Carolina: Inventory and State of Knowledge (2017) South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium Stormwater Pond Collaborative.

Morganello KC & Scaroni AE (2016) A Guide to Rain Gardens in South Carolina. Clemson Extension publication, available at:

Needles LA, Lester SE, Ambrose R, Andren A, Beyeler M, Connor M, Eckman J, Costa-Pierce B, Gaines SD, Lafferty K, Lenihan H, Parrish J, Peterson MS, Scaroni AE, Weis J, Wendt DE (2015) Managing bay and estuarine ecosystems for multiple services. Estuaries and Coasts 38 (Suppl 1): S35-S48.

Scaroni AE, Lindau CW, Nyman JA (2014) Effect of habitat type on N2: N2O emission ratios in the Atchafalaya River Basin, LA, USA. Wetlands 34(3):545-554.

Lindau CW, Scaroni AE, Rivera-Monroy VH, Nyman JA (2011) Comparison of 15N2 Flux and Acetylene Inhibition Denitrification Methods in Atchafalaya River Basin Sediments. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 26: 337-344.

Scaroni, AE, Lindau, CW, Nyman JA (2011) Comparison of Denitrification Characteristics Among Three Habitat Types of a Large River Floodplain; Atchafalaya River Basin, Louisiana, USA. Hydrobiologia 658: 17-25.

Scaroni AE (2011) The Effect of Habitat Change on Nutrient Removal in the Atchafalaya River Basin, Louisiana. Doctoral Dissertation. School of Renewable Natural Resources, LSU.

Scaroni AE, Lindau CW, Nyman JA (2010) Spatial Variability of Soil Denitrification across the Atchafalaya River Basin, Louisiana, USA. Wetlands 30: 949-955.

Lindau CW, DeLaune RD, Scaroni AE, Nyman JA (2007) Denitrification in cypress swamp within the Atchafalaya River Basin, Louisiana. Chemosphere 70: 886-894.


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