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A. Denise Attaway
PSA Communications
Office: 2031 Barre Hall
Phone: 225-788-5245
Fax: Clemson University
Email: avaa@clemson.edu
Educational Background
Ph.D Human Resource Education
Louisiana State University 2013
M.A. Technical Communications
Louisiana Tech University 2003
B.A. Journalism
Louisiana Tech University 1989
Dr. Attaway is a writer/editor/photographer for PSA Media Relations. Her background includes working for newspaper, radio and in public relations. She has experience in writing, editing, building websites, shooting still shots and shooting video.
Research Interests
Research interests involve determining how different communities utilize media to communicate, analyzing data to determine patterns of media use based on the message being presented, as well as determining how to effectively communicate a message so that a majority of the communities sending the message, as well as the communities receiving the message, will benefit.
Extension and Outreach
-- Gold Award. 2024. Writing for Newspapers. Association for Communication Excellence.
-- Board of Directors. 2020 to present. Clemson University Pulse Quality and Nutritional Breeding Program.
-- USDA-REEIS grant. 2018. Wrote the communications component for the $1 million USDA-REEIS grant to study Breeding Biofortified Pulse and Cereal Crops for U.S. Organic Cropping Systems. Serving as communications contact for this grant.
-- Part of the first group at the LSU AgCenter to utilize social media to publicize our efforts and engage the community in research efforts involving blueberries, participated in conducting media relations trainings, as well as planning and implementing the first Biofuels Session for Clover College (4-H Short Course).
-- Attaway, D. 2020. Doctoral candidate receives endowment to help fund Organic Pea Research. Direct Driller magazine, Issue 11. October 2020. p. 32
-- Attaway, D. 2020. Farmers learn science of soil health at Clemson Conference. Direct Driller magazine. Issue 8. January 2020. p. 65.
-- Attaway, D. 2019. Cover Crops can Increase Soil Moisture by as Much as 10 Percent. Direct Driller magazine. Issue 6. July 2019. pp. 8-9. https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/files.thefarmingforum.co.uk/DirectDriller/Direct+Driller+Magazine+Issue+6.pdf
-- Attaway, D. 2014. Energycane, sweet sorghum show promise as crop options for Louisiana and Mississippi farmers. Sugar Journal. June 2014.
-- Attaway, D. 2014. Energycane, sweet sorghum show promise as crop options for Louisiana and Mississippi farmers. Louisiana Agriculture Magazine Winter 2014, 57(1).
-- Attaway, D. 2014. Energycane, sweet sorghum show promise as crop options for Louisiana and Mississippi farmers. Louisiana Agriculture Magazine. Winter Magazine 2014.
-- Attaway, D. 2013. Utilizing community media to facilitate cross-cultural communication between LSU AgCenter field and state agents and Louisiana agricultural producers. (Doctoral dissertation - LSU) https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gradschool_dissertations/3144/
-- Attaway, A.D., Clark, B. and Hummel N. 2012. Growing Blueberry Knowledge via Social Networks. International Journal of Fruit Science, 12(1-3). PEER REVIEWED ARTICLE
-- Hummel, N., Attaway, D., Machtmes, K., Coneva, E., Morgan, K., & Cline, W. 2011. Collaborative Development of Nutrition Information for the All About Blueberries eXtension Community of Practice. Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics - CHIN ASTRON ASTROPHYS-ENGL TR 01/2011; 43(4). DOI:10.1016/j.jneb.2011.03.115.
-- Hummel, N., Attaway, D., Machtmes, K., Coneva, E., Morgan, K., & Cline, W. 2011. Collaborative Development of Nutrition Information for the All About Blueberries eXtension Community of Practice. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 43(4), S38.
-- Attaway, D. 2011. Growing Blueberry Knowledge via Social Networks. Poster Session. American Society for Horticulture Science Conference. Waikoloa, HI. 09.26.2011.
-- LSU TechPawlooza. Oral presentation about how the All About Blueberries Community of Practice is using Google Analytics to measure web traffic, and Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, Flickr and YouTube to send out our blueberry information to the public. 03.03.2011.
-- Growing Blueberry Knowledge via Social Networks. Poster Session. Southern Region for the American Society for Horticulture Science Conference. Corpus Christi, TX. 02.06.2011.
-- An Overview of eXtension's "All About Blueberries" Website. Presentation. Southern Region of American Society for Horticulture Science (SRASHS) Conference. Corpus Christi, TX. 02.06.2011.
-- Attaway, A.D. 2010. Creating a Community of Practice for Blueberries. Oral Presentation. American Society for Horticulture Science Conference. Palm Desert, CA.
-- Attaway, A.D. 2010. Growing Blueberry Knowledge via Social Networks. Poster session and proceedings paper about how the LSU AgCenter’s All About Blueberries project staff is using social networks to publicize its project. Kalamazoo, MI.
-- Attaway A.D., Clark B. and Hummel N. 2010. Growing blueberry knowledge via social networks. American Society of Horticultural Science. Palm Desert, CA. Aug. 2-5. Journal of Fruit Science.
-- Hummel N.A., Attaway A.D., Coneva E.D., Braswell J., Cline W.O., Marshall D., Ferrin D.M. Machtmes K.M., and Roy H.J. 2010. 2010. Creating a community of practice for blueberries. American Society of Horticultural Science. Palm Desert, CA. Aug. 2-5. Journal of Fruit Science.
-- Attaway, A.D. 2010. LSU Technology Share Fair. Oral presentation about how All About Blueberries Community of Practice is using Google Knol to collaborate among group members located throughout the United States. Baton Rouge, LA.
-- Attaway A.D., Clark B. and Hummel N. 2010. Growing blueberry knowledge via social networks. North American Blueberry Research and Extension Workers Conference. Kalamazoo, MI. Jul 25-28.
-- Hummel N.A., Attaway A.D., Coneva E.D., Braswell J., Cline W.O., Marshall D., Ferrin D.M. Machtmes K.M., and Roy H.J. 2010. Creating a community of practice for blueberries. North American Blueberry Research and Extension Workers Conference. Kalamazoo, MI. Jul 25-28.
-- Attaway, A.D. 2009. Southwest Louisiana Community Rebuilding seminar in Grand Lake, LA.
Clemson articles by Denise AttawayCAFLS Blog posts
Southeast Farm Press articles
Cotton Grower Mag articles