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Haibo Liu
Professor of Turfgrass and Soil Sciences
Plant and Environmental Sciences Department
Office: 258 P & A Building
Phone: 864-506-6260
Email: haibol@clemson.edu
Educational Background
Post-doc. Plant Sciences
Rutgers University 1994-96
Ph.D. Plant Sciences
University of Rhode Island 1992
M.S. Horticulture
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1988
B.S. Landscape Architecture
Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, China 1982
Courses Taught
Current courses and other teaching activities
Hort 2120 Introduction to Turfgrass Culture (Fall Semester)
Hort 2130 Introduction to Turfgrass Culture Lab (Fall Semester)
Hort 2710/4710/6710 Coordinating Turf Internships (Open to all semesters)
Hort 4080 Turfgrass Discovery and Inquiry (Open to all semesters)
Hort 4200/6200 Applied Turfgrass Stress Physiology (Spring Semester)
Hort 8120 - Special Problems in Horticulture (Open to all Semesters)
PES 4520/6520 Soil Fertility and Management (Spring Semester)
PES 4530/6530 Soil Fertility and Management Lab (Spring Semester)
PES 4850/6850 Environmental Soil Chemistry (Fall Semester)
PES 8900 Special Topic: Plant Nitrogen Metabolism (Fall Semester)
PES 8910 M.S. Studies and Thesis Research (Open to all semesters)
PES 9910 Ph.D. Studies and Dissertation Research (Open to all semesters)
Guest Lecturer of Hort 1010 Introduction of Horticulture on Introduction of Turfgrass Science and Management
Instructor of South Carolina Turf School on Turf Nutrition and Fertility
Keynote Speakers for Southeastern Chinese Golf Course Superintendents Association
2009-present Professor in turfgrass and soil sciences, Clemson University
2002-2008 Associate Professor in turfgrass science and management, Clemson University
2001-2002 Associate Professor in turfgrass science and management, Western Kentucky University
1996-2001 Assistant Professor in turfgrass science and management, Western Kentucky University
1994-1996 Post-Doc. Rutgers University turfgrass science
1990-1993 Research Assistant III of turfgrass science and management, Univ. of Rhode Island
1988-1992 Ph.D. student in turfgrass science, Univ. of Rhode Island
1985-1988 MS student in turfgrass management, Univ. of Illinois
1982-1985 Assistant Lecturer of woody plants, Beijing Forestry Univ., Beijing, China
1978-1982 Undergraduate student in landscape architecture, Beijing Forestry Univ., Beijing, China
Dr. Haibo Liu, Professor in Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences (PES) at Clemson University with a specialized area of turfgrass nutrition, stress physiology, and the environment.
Research Interests
- Plant Nutrition
- Plant Foliar Nutrient Absorption
- Plant Stress Physiology
- Aluminium Toxicity
- Nitrogen Use Efficiency
- Turfgrass and the Environment
Extension and Outreach
Local and National Levels (educational activities and research grants)
- Sports Turf, Golf Course Management, Lawn Care
- South Carolina Sports Turf Managers Association
- Carolinas Golf Course Superintendents Association
- The South Carolina Sod Producers Association
- Golf Course Superintendents Association of America
- United States Golf Association Green Section
- National Turfgrass Evaluation Programs
- Test trials for multiple companies on turfgrasses, fertilizers, wetting agents, pesticides, plant growth regulators, soil amendments, paints, dyes, equipment, and and other turf products
International Levels (educational activities and research grants)
- International Turfgrass Society
- Sod Producers International
- Eastern Chinese Golf Course Superintendents Association (ECGCSA)
Academic Organizations and Societies
- Crop Science Society of America
- Soil Science Society of America
- American Society of Agronomy
- The American Society for Horticultural Science
Selected (Since 2008) peer-reviewed, book chapters, and Extension-related publications including the most current year conference abstracts
Patrick, C., Liu, H., White, S., Luo, H., & Taylor, J. 2025. Nickel tolerance in cool-season grasses. International Turfgrass SocietyResearch Journal, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1002/its2.185
Taylor, J. W., Liu, H., White, S. A., & Luo, H. 2025. Effect of iron fertilization on the growth of bermudagrass and zoysiagrass under shade and full sun. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1002/its2.181
Menchyk, N., Liu, H., Luo, H., Li, Z., Martin, S. B., Bethea Jr, F. G., & Park, D. M. 2024. Two golf course putting green turfgrass responses to urea nitrogen and nickel. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. https://doi.org/10.1002/its2.161
Bethea, F. G., Jr., Liu, H., Bruce, T., Bridges, W., & Lou, H. 2024. Foliar solution hydrophobicity influenced by plant species, product, and concentration. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal, 1–8. https://doi.org/10.1002/its2.153
Liu, H. and M. Pessarakli. 2024. Chapter 11 Photosynthetic Enzyme Cation Cofactors and Regulations. P178-202 in Pessarakli, Mohammad, ed. 2024. Handbook of Photosynthesis. Fourth edition. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Liu, H. and M. Pessarakli. 2024. Chapter 20 A Few Turfgrass Photosynthesis Factors and Practical Management. P401-412. in Pessarakli, Mohammad, ed. 2024. Handbook of Photosynthesis. Fourth edition. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Pessarakli, M. and H. Liu. 2024. Chapter 43 Artificial Photosynthesis Development, Promises, and Challenges. P784-792. in Pessarakli, Mohammad, ed. 2024. Handbook of Photosynthesis. Fourth edition. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Liu, H.; Todd, J.L.; Luo, H. Turfgrass Salinity Stress and Tolerance—A Review. Plants 2023, 12, 925. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12040925
Abenina, M.I.A., J.M. Maja, M. Cutulle, J.C. Melgar, and H. Liu. Prediction of Potassium in Peach Leaves Using Hyperspectral Imaging and Multivariate Analysis. 2022. AgriEngineering 4(2), 400-413; https://doi.org/10.3390/agriengineering4020027
Liu, H., M. Pressarakli, H. Luo, N. Menchyk, C.M. Baldwin, and D.H. Taylor 2021. Chapter 35 Growth and physiological responses of turfgrasses under stressful conditions. Page 713-776. Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology, Expanded 4th Edition.
Liu, H., M. Pressarakli, H. Luo, N. Menchyk, C.M. Baldwin, and D.H. Taylor 2021. Chapter 15 Turfgrass Nitrogen Management: A Review. Page 343-386. Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology, Expanded 4th Edition
Liu, H., N. Menchyk, F. Bethea, C. Baldwin, J. Taylor, and C. Patrick. 2019. Chapter 16 Turfgrass nutrient management under stresses: A part of integrated stress management. p293-313. In Mohammad Pessarakli (ed) Handbook of Plant and Crop Stress, 4th Ed. Taylor & Francis Group, Raton, Florida.
Liu, H., N. Menchyk, F. Bethea, and C. Baldwin, J. Taylor, and C. Patrick. 2019. Chapter 17 Nutrient management of golf course putting greens under stress. p315-341. In Mohammad Pessarakli (ed) Handbook of Plant and Crop Stress, 4th Ed. Taylor & Francis Group, Raton, Florida.
Liu, H., N. Menchyk, F. Bethea, and C. Baldwin, J. Taylor, and C. Patrick 2019. Chapter 26 Turfgrass Hyper-accumulative Characteristics to Alleviate Heavy and Toxic Metal Stresses. p523-538. In Mohammad Pessarakli (ed) Handbook of Plant and Crop Stress, 4th Ed. Taylor & Francis Group, Raton, Florida.
Williams, P.B., A. Khalilian, M.W. Marshall, J.M. Maja, H. Liu, D. Park, and A.M. Nafchi. 2019. Cotton response to variable nitrogen rate fertigation through an overhead irrigation system. Agricultural Sciences. 10:66-80.
Zhao, J.S. Yuan, M. Zhou, N. Yuan, Z. Li, Q. Hu, F.G. Bethea Jr., H. Liu, S. Li, and H. Luo. 2019. Transgenic creeping bentgrass overexpressing Osa-miR393a exhibits altered plant development and improved multiple stress tolerance. Plant Biotechnol. J. 17:233-251. doi: 10.1111/pbi.12960.
Williams, P.B., A. Khalilian, M.W. Marshall, J.M. Maja, H. Liu, D. Park, and A.M. Nafchi. 2018. Development and Testing of a Variable Rate Nitrogen Application System through an Overhead Irrigation System. Journal of Water Resource and Protection. 10:994-1011.
Liu, H. 2018. Golf Course and Environment. Golf People. 82 (May, 2018): 58-65.
Mirmow, W.N., H. Liu, L.B. McCarty, and J. Rieck. 2017. Winter traffic stress on a transition zone bentgrass green. Golfdom February 22, 2017.
Liu, H. 2016. Springtime and never have the turf energy nutrient –phosphorus neglected. SCSTMA Newsletter. Vol. 2(1), April.
Liu, H., L.B. McCarty, and N. Mirmow. 2015. Fall potassium fertilization and winter traffic effects on 'Crenshaw' creeping bentgrass putting green playability and performance. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2015 Research Summaries: 220-222.
Liu, H., and F. Bethea. 2015. Foliar urea-nitrogen use efficiency of warm-season putting green turfgrasses under salinity stresses. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. March/April. 14(2): 23-26.
Liu, H. 2015. Potassium nutrient for warm-season turfgrasses. SCSTMA Newsletter. Vol. 1(4), November.
Liu, H. 2015. Controlled (slow) release nitrogen fertilizers for sports fields. SCSTMA Newsletter. Vol. 1(3), August.
Liu, H. 2015. Why annual soil samples? SCSTMA Newsletter Vol. 1(1), March.
Liu, H., and N. Menchyk, 2014. Supplemental nickel applications and foliar urea fertility on two warm-season turfgrass species under salinity stress. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online (progress report). January/February. 13(1): p. 17-19.
Bethea, Jr. F.G., D. Park, A. Mount, N. Menchyk, and H. Liu. 2014. Effects of Acute Moisture Stress on Creeping Bentgrass Cuticle Morphology and Associated Effects on Foliar Nitrogen Uptake. HortSci. 49:1582-1587.
Menchyk, N., D.G. Bielenberg, S. Martin, C. Waltz, H. Luo, F. Bethea, Jr., and H. Liu. 2014. Nitrogen and Trinexapac-ethyl Applications for Managing 'Diamond' Zoysiagrass Putting Greens in the Transition Zone, U.S. HortSci. 49:1076-1080.
Menchyk, N, D. Park, and H. Liu. 2014. Nickel and turfgrass growth: all you need to know. Sports Turf. May:20-21.
Hull, R.J. H. Liu, and N. Menchyk. 2014. How turfgrasses use urea-nitrogen. Golfdom. February: 34-47.
Baldwin, C.M. and H. Liu. 2013. Morphological and physiological characteristics of 42 bermudagrass cultivars grown in the transition zone. Inter. Turfgrass Soc. Res. J. 12: 391-404.
Baldwin, C.M., H. Liu, L.B. McCarty, H. Luo, and J.E. Toler. 2013. Winter cultural practices and shade impacts on ‘Tifeagle’ bermudagrass spring green-up. Inter. Turfgrass Soc. Res. J. 12:257-262.
Li, Z., Hu, Q., Zhou, M., Vandenbrink, J., Li, D., Menchyk, N., Reighard, S.R., Norris, A., Liu, H., Sun, D., Luo, H. 2013. Heterologous expression of OsSIZ1, a rice SUMO E3 ligase enhances broad abiotic stress tolerance in transgenic creeping bentgrass. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 11(4): 432-445.
Liu, H. and N. Menchyk. 2013. Supplemental nickel applications and foliar urea fertility on two warm-season turfgrass species under salinity stress. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online (progress report). March/April. 12(2): p. 14-15.
Liu, H., N. Menchyk, F. G. Bethea Jr., and H. Luo. 2013. 'Diamond' zoysiagrass putting greens in the transition zone. Inter. Turfgrass Soc. Res. J. 12:761-766.
Stiglbauer, J.B., H. Liu, L.B. McCarty, D.M. Park, and J.E. Toler. 2013. Seashore paspalum green establishment affected by sprig rates, nitrogen sources and rates. Inter. Turfgrass Soc. Res. J. 12: 251-256.
StJohn, R. N. Christians, H. Liu, and N. Menchyk. 2013. Secondary Nutrients and Micronutrient Fertilization in Turfgrass Monograph 56 Crop Science Society of America. Madison, WI. P 521-542.
Atkinson, J.L., L.B. McCarty, H. Liu, J. Faust, and J.E. Toler. 2012. Diamond zoysiagrass golf green response to reduced light environments with the use of trinexapac-ethyl. Agron. J. 104: 847-852.
Menchyk, N, F, Bethea, and H, Liu. 2012. Diamond not in the rough. Green Section Record. Vol. 50 (9). 1-4.
Hull, R.J., J.A. Amador, H. Liu, and J.C. Fetter. 2012. Do organic nitrogen sources leach less nitrate from turf? Turfgrass Trends March 37-44.
Liu, H., N. Menchyk, F. Bethea, and C. Baldwin. 2011. Chapter 38 Turfgrass nutrient management under stresses: A part of integrated stress management 965-988 in Mohammad Pessarakli (ed) Handbook of Plant and Crop Stress, Third Ed. Taylor & Francis Group, Raton, Florida.
Liu, H., N. Menchyk, F. Bethea, and C. Baldwin. 2011. Chapter 39 Nutrient management of golf course putting greens under stresses. 989-1018. In Mohammad Pessarakli (ed) Handbook of Plant and Crop Stress, Third Ed. Taylor & Francis Group, Raton, Florida.
McCarty, L.B. and H. Liu. 2011. Developing Turf Fertilizer Programs and Fertilizer Calculations. pp. 273-298. in Best Golf Course Management Practices (3rd edition). Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Hull, R.J., and H. Liu. 2011. Do organic nitrogen sources leach less nitrate from turf? Turfgrass Trends November 37-44.
Hull, R.J., and H. Liu. 2011. Turfgrass nutrient interactions in management II. Turfgrass Trends-Golfdom February: 43-47.
Atkinson, J. L. L. B. McCarty, and H. Liu. 2011. Shade tolerance of 'Diamond' zoysiagrass managed under putting green conditions with the use of trinexapac-ethyl. Golf Course Mgt. 79 (7): 82-84.
Li, Z., C.M. Baldwin, Q. Qian, H. Liu, and H. Luo. 2010. Heterologous expression of Arabidopsis H-pyrophosphatase enhances salt tolerance in transgenic creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.). Plant, Cell & Environment. 33:272-289.
Baldwin, C.M, H. Liu H, L.B. McCarty, H. Luo, and J.E. Toler. 2010. 'L-93' creeping bentgrass putting green responses to various winter light intensities in the southern transition zone. HortScience 44:1751-1756.
Hull, R.J., and H. Liu. 2010. Turfgrass nutrient interactions in management I. Turfgrass Trends-Golfdom October: 43-47.
McCarty, L.B., R.K. McCauley, H. Liu, F.W. Totten, and J.E. Toler. 2010. Perennial ryegrass allelopathic potential on bermudagrass germination and seedling growth. HortScience 45(12): 1872–1875.
Baldwin, C.M., and H. Liu. 2010. Nitrogen management for 'Champion' bermudagrass under full sun and shade. USGA Turfgrass Environ. Res. Online. 9(6): 1-8.
Baldwin, C.M., and H. Liu. 2010. There's more to tree shade than just light quantity. TurfGrass TRENDS. 66(10):41-43.
Baldwin, C.M., H. Liu, and L.B. McCarty. 2010. Response of creeping bentgrass to winter shade. Golf Course Management. 78(1): 108-112.
Baldwin, C.M. H. Liu, and L.B. McCarty. 2010. Managing an ultradwarf bermudagrass under shade. Golf Course Mgt. 78(3): 104-108.
Baldwin, C.M., H. Liu, L.B. McCarty, H. Luo, C.E. Wells, and J. E. Toler. 2009. Altered light spectral qualities impact on warm-season turfgrass growth and development. Crop Science 49:1444-1453.
Baldwin, C.M., H. Liu, L.B. McCarty, H. Luo, C.E. Wells, and J. E. Toler. 2009. Nitrogen and plant growth regulator Influence on 'Champion' bermudagrass putting green under reduced sunlight. Agronomy J. 101:75-81.
Gaussoin, R., C. Schmid, K, Frank, T. Butler, H. Liu, W. Sarvis, and C. Baldwin. 2009. Foliar uptake of nutrients applied in solution to Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostis palustris Huds.), Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua var. reptans (Hausskn.) Timm) and Ultra-Dwarf Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon x C. transvaalensis Burtt-Davy). International Plant Nutrition Colloquium: 1396-1405.
Yan, J., J. Chen, T. Zhang, J. Liu, and H. Liu. 2009. Evaluation of aluminum tolerance and nutrient uptake of 50 centipedegrass accessions or cultivars. HortScience 44 (3):857-861.
Hull, R. J. and H. Liu. 2009. Improving foliar fertilization of turf- basic research on plant cuticles suggests ways to do it better. Turfgrass Trends. June.
McCauley, R. K., L. B. McCarty, H. Liu, and J. E. Toler. 2009. Optimizing overseed spring transition by integrating mowing height, nitrogen rate and sulfonylurea herbicide us. Inter. Turfgrass Soc. Res. J. 11:399-416.
Liu, H., T. Whitwell, D. C. Garrett, L. B. McCarty, S. B. Martin, J. Adelberg, J. E. Brown-Faust, and C. M. Baldwin**. 2009. Survey of undergraduate turf education and the internship experience. Inter. Turfgrass Soc. Res. J. 11: 607-617.
Baldwin, C. M., H. Liu, L. B. McCarty, H. Luo, and J. E. Toler. 2009. Dormant bermudagrass spring green-up influenced by shade. Inter. Turfgrass Soc. Res. J. 11: 711-722.
Stiglbauer, B.J., H. Liu, L.B. McCarty, D.M. Park, J.E. Toler, and K.R. Kirk. 2009. Diamond zoysiagrass putting green establishment affected by sprigging rates, nitrogen sources, and rates in the southern transition zone. HortScience 44:1757-1761.
Sarvis III, W. G., H. Liu, L. B. McCarty, and J. E. Toler. 2009. Performance of Poa trivialis as overseeded turf under shade conditions. Inter. Turfgrass Soc. Res. J. 11: 837-848.
Totten, F.W., H. Liu, L.B. McCarty, J.E. Toler, C.M. Baldwin. 2009. Foliar vs. granular fertilization on creeping bentgrass greens in the transition zone. Golf Course Mgt. 77(10) 74- 80.
Hull, R.J., and H. Liu. 2009. Improving foliar fertilization of turf. Turfgrass Trends, June 1, 2009.
Baldwin, C.M. H. Liu. L. B. McCarty, S. H. Long. 2008. Impact of winter traffic on creeping bentgrass. Golf Course Mgt. 75(3): 98-103.
Baldwin, C.M. and H. Liu. 2008. Altered light spectral qualities impact on warm-season turfgrass growth and development. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online 7(9):1-12.
Sarvis, W.G., H. Liu, L.B. McCarty, and J.E. Toler. 2008. Wetting agents provide ways to manage summer stress of bentgrass in the transition zone. Turfgrass Trends. Vol. 17 No. 5.
McCauley, R.K., L. B. McCarty, H. Liu, and J. E. Toler. 2008. Optimizing spring transition of perennial ryegrass. Golf Course Mgt. 76(10): 107-110.
Baldwin, C.M., H. Liu, L.B. McCarty, H. Luo, and J.E. Toler. 2008. Winter Foot and Equipment Traffic Impacts on a'L93' Creeping Bentgrass Putting Green. HortScience 43(3):922-926.
Liu, H., C. M. Baldwin, F. W. Totten, and L. B. McCarty. 2008. Foliar fertilization for turfgrasses. II International Conference on Turfgrass Science and Management for Sports Fields. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 783:323-332.
Totten, F. W., H. Liu, L. B. McCarty, J. E. Toler, and C. M, Baldwin**. 2008. Efficiency of foliar versus granular fertilization: a field study of creeping bentgrass performance. J. Plant Nutri. 31(5): 972-982.
Hu, Q., K. Nelson-Vasilchik, D. Viola, P. Zeng, H. Liu, A. P. Kausch, J. M. Chandlee, T. K. Hodges, H. Luo. 2008. FLP-mediated site-specific recombination in rice. Plant Biotechnology 6(2): 176-188.
Liu, H., C.M. Baldwin, H. Luo, and M. Pessarakli, 2008. Enhancing turfgrass nitrogen use under stresses. p. 557-581. In M. Pessarakli (ed.) Handbook of turfgrass management and physiology. Taylor and Francis Group, LLC Boca Raton, Fl.
Liu, H., H. Luo, and C.M. Baldwin. 2008. Acid soil and aluminum tolerance in turfgrasses. p.375-388. In M. Pessarakli (ed.) Handbook of turfgrass management and physiology. Taylor and Francis Group, LLC Boca Raton, Fl.
Clemson University Turf MajorSouth Carolina Sports Turf Managers Association
Sports Turf Managers Association
Carolinas Golf Course Superintendents Association
Golf Course Superintendents Association of America