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Prabhsimran Singh
Ph.D. Graduate Research Assistant
Plant and Environmental Sciences Department
Office: BRC 111
Phone: 864-789-0743
Email: prabhs@clemson.edu
Educational Background
Ph.D. Plant and Environmental Sciences
Clemson University Current
M.S. Soil Science
Punjab Agricultural University 2021-2023
B.S. Agriculture (Honours)
Punjab Agricultural University, 2015-2021
I pursued my studies in the field of agricultural sciences in one of the renowned agricultural universities of India i.e., Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India. During my undergraduate studies, I am a recipient of University Merit Scholarship and University Merit Certificate. During my master's I conducted research on the stability and structural composition of soil organic carbon in a long-term fertilizer management study in maize-wheat system. This research was part of the All India Coordinated Research Project conducted by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research. I have been awarded FMC Science Leader's Fellowship in recognition for excellent master’s research problem and highest OCPA (overall credit point average).
Research Interests
I am particularly interested in exploring the role of different agro-ecosystems on soil carbon dynamics.
Singh, P., Nazir, G. and Dheri, G.S., 2023. Influence of different management practices on carbon sequestration of agricultural soils–a review. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 69(12), pp.2471-2492.
Nazir G, Singh P, Gulzar M, Parveen S, Nabi S, 2024. Role of soil and water management in mustard crop yield. Agritech Publication. https://agritechpublication.com/agritech-current-issue (Extension Paper)
Singh P., Dheri G.S., Nazir G., Kalia A. 2025, Does long-term fertilization impact soil carbon's functional group composition and its distribution in aggregates? Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. (accepted)