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Leisure Skills
Learn a new skill for life.
The leisure skills program allows Clemson students to take a leisure or recreational course for one credit, while also helping them explore non-academic hobbies or career options. The program typically offers more than 150 learning options every semester in subjects such as dance, shotgun and other sports, yoga, fitness, outdoor recreation and first aid.
About the Program
The leisure skills curriculum began in 1972, responding to a lack of a physical education curriculum at Clemson University. Since its inception, the leisure skills program has been housed within Clemson's parks, recreation and tourism management department and has grown to serve over 2,500 Clemson undergraduates each semester.
We offer over 140 sections of one-credit courses each semester with topics ranging from photography, kayaking and shotgun to meditation and everything in between. The leisure skills program reflects the founding history of Clemson University. In his will, Thomas Green Clemson decreed:
"My purpose is to establish an agricultural college which will afford useful information to the farmers and mechanics, therefore it should afford thorough instruction in agriculture and the natural sciences connected therewith - it should combine, if practicable, physical and intellectual education."
We welcome students and visitors alike to explore our offerings and to remember the importance of meaningful leisure in our lives.
Program Mission Statement
The Clemson University Leisure Skills Program believes that individuals can advance their lives both personally and professionally through involvement in recreation. With that in mind, our mission is to serve the educational, recreational and personal development needs of Clemson University students through the teaching of leisure and life skills activities. The program is committed to offering a variety of classes to meet the diverse interests of the Clemson University students.
Course Listing
You can find a complete listing of leisure skills courses in the Clemson University Undergraduate Catalog System.
Course Registration
Clemson University students can register for leisure skills courses using the iRoar Registration System just like you register for other Clemson courses. All leisure skills courses begin with the code LS.
What Students Can Expect
Leisure skills courses start meeting during the first week of classes every semester. All leisure skills courses have an attendance policy, but implementation can vary from course to course.
These classes are designed for ongoing participation, so regular attendance is expected and required.
The safety of our students and instructors is our number one priority. All courses are designed with safety considerations.
Students also complete a waiver and release of liability linked to the associated risks of the leisure activity. This paper helps to keep you informed and safe as you participate in our leisure skills courses.
Medical Information Form
We ask all students to complete a medical information form on the first day of class. This form provides the instructor with crucial information in the case of an emergency. We recommend that you bring your health insurance card to your first class meeting to help you fill out this form.
Class Locations
All leisure skills courses start in a regular classroom in an academic building or Fike on Clemson’s campus. While some remain in their original classrooms, many of our courses move to alternate outdoor locations that are better suited to the leisure activity. Students without transportation to outdoor locations can typically find a ride with a fellow class member.
Student Lab Fees
Student lab fees help to ensure that all leisure skills courses are able to provide students with top rate equipment for use during class.
All leisure skills courses aim to ensure that students are acquiring the skills necessary for the leisure activity, so courses always incorporate some type of assessment. Assessments can vary from course to course but can include quizzes, tests, papers, activities and group work that require out-of-class work.
Grading for leisure skills classes is no different than your other academic classes, in that you will receive a letter grade and should expect to have tests, papers or other forms of assessment for each class.
Course Fees and Equipment
Typically, all required materials are provided for students except clothes, their writing material and enthusiasm.
Students pay a lab fee when they register for a leisure skills course. These fees are used to fund all aspects of the program from purchasing and maintaining equipment, facility rentals and instructor salaries.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I take a leisure skills course more than once?
You can only receive credit for the same leisure skills course once. For example, if you take LS1450 (Camping and Backpacking) in spring 2012 and successfully complete the course, you cannot receive credit for LS1450 again in any subsequent semester. You can enroll in the course if you choose, but be aware you will not receive credit.
Can I audit leisure skills courses?
No, leisure skills courses cannot be audited. All participants must be registered for the course.
Why are my leisure skills course options full?
Despite the fact that we offer over 100 sections of leisure skills courses each semester, space in our courses does tend to fill up quickly. This is especially true during the initial registration period each semester and for our more popular courses. We recommend you check out our new courses (LS1000) or other LS courses, as you can find space in a new, exciting leisure skill.
We suggest you check back often, especially in the week before and first week of classes as we have considerable turnover during those time periods. Further, we suggest you add yourself to the wait list for your desired course. Finally, you are welcome to contact the instructor to see if he or she is willing to accept an extra student.
I discovered that I need an additional credit past the typical registration period. Can I register for a leisure skills course at any time?
Just like other courses, leisure skills courses typically cover a good deal of material/skills in the beginning of the semester; therefore, leisure skills courses follow the deadlines set by the Registrar’s Office.
There are some courses (especially those involving out-of-class trips) whose attendance expectations do not allow for registration past the first two or three weeks. The best bet is to check with the instructor of the course to ensure that a late registrant could be successful in the course.
Finally, in the spring semester we do offer LS1010 (Challenge Recreation) that does not start until the middle of spring semester, making late registrations possible.
Do I have to have previous experience in the leisure activity to enroll in a leisure skills course?
No, you don’t have to possess prior experience in the leisure activity to enroll in a leisure skills courses. Our courses are a great fit for beginners, for novices and for seasoned veterans – there’s always a chance to learn something new.
We do offer a few advanced/intermediate courses for those who have either taken a leisure skills course before or have other previous experience in the leisure activity. Prerequisites are provided in the course description in the undergraduate course catalog.
Can graduate students enroll in leisure skills courses?
Yes, graduate students can enroll in leisure skills courses.
What are LS 1000 courses and how are they different from other course options?
LS 1000 courses are how we introduce new courses to the leisure skills curriculum before making them permanent courses.
The LS 1000 course offerings are different every semester and offer students a great chance to try out a new activity.
Why should I take a leisure skills course?
The leisure skills program aims for its courses to act as an introduction to new activities that could lead to our students finding a lifelong leisure activity. Previous leisure skills students have found our classes to be a way to incorporate activity into their rigorous academic schedule at Clemson. Further, they’ve found leisure skills courses to be a way to meet Clemson students outside their own major. Every student finds different benefits from leisure skills courses, making them a great addition to your Clemson course schedule.
Are leisure skills courses offered during the summer?
Yes, we do offer a limited number of courses (around 2-4 courses) during the summer semesters. Typically, these courses include bowling and basic yoga, among others.
Where do the ideas for leisure skills courses come from?
Our instructors provide the wide array of courses we can offer. Our course ideas come from motivated individuals who are willing to share their expertise and passion for a leisure activity with others. Instructors propose a course idea and it is evaluated for its educational value, lifelong leisure potential and safety. New courses start as LS 1000 courses then progress into permanent courses upon their success.
Leisure Skills Instructors
Our instructors have varying backgrounds, but generally speaking leisure skills instructors are people who are passionate about what they teach and are experts in that area.
Some of our instructors also teach in other departments on campus, but most of the instructors teach as a way to stay involved in their expert area.
All leisure skills instructors must be at least first aid/CPR certified in addition to being certified to instruct in their expert area in accordance to industry standards.
If you are interested in teaching for the leisure skills program, contact Emily Turke.
Find Out More
If you have general questions about the leisure skills program, please email turke@clemson.edu.

Clemson leisure skills program creates thriving fly fishing community
You often hear people say, “there’s something in” Clemson’s hills, but there’s also something in its streams. That’s where you’ll find groups of Clemson University students casting flies when the weather’s right.
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