Student Awards
Outstanding Achievements

Honors & Awards
Every spring, the College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences recognizes outstanding students for academics, service, research, teaching, and leadership achievements.
These awards showcase some of our undergraduate and graduate students in several categories. Each award is presented at the CECAS Honors and Awards Day Ceremony in early April.
Personal Accomplishments
If you would like to be considered for the College Awards, please fill out the CECAS Student Information Form. The questionnaire is intended to summarize all of your credentials: proof of academic excellence, extracurricular activities that demonstrate leadership abilities, athletic interests, and abilities, concern for others, and broad interests in all phases of life around you.
Student Information Form

Blue Key Academic and Leadership Award
As a result of funds generated from Tigerama, an endowment has been established to give an award to one student in each of the seven colleges at the University who has distinguished themselves in terms of academic scholarship and campus leadership.
Amanda Lee Beall
J. Wesley Davis Leadership Award
The J. Wesley Davis Leadership Award is given in memory of Dr. J. Wesley Davis, a graduate of Clemson University in electrical engineering and a former president of the Clemson University Engineering Foundation. This award is given to a senior engineering student for outstanding scholarship, leadership in a student engineering organization, and a high potential for success in the engineering profession.
Teague McCracken
Biosystems Engineering
Phi Kappa Phi Certificate of Merit:
Each college is invited to select one student to receive this award. The student must be a graduating senior with a GPA of 3.4 or above and have made noteworthy contributions in such areas as leadership, service, and creative endeavors to his/her department, college, and Clemson University.
Katelynn Rose
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Jacquelwyn Willis Anthony Award
This award, established by alumna Janine Anthony Bowen, honors her mother as a source of inspiration and encouragement during her college career. This award is presented to a student for distinguished service to PEER, which is the support network for minority students in the College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences.
Aissatou Wann
Industrial Engineering
Outstanding Graduate Researcher Award
This award is given to one graduate researcher who has been recognized by faculty for conducting outstanding research during the school year.
Tyler Ard
Mechanical Engineering
Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award
This award is given to one graduate teaching assistant who has been recognized by faculty, students, and fellow graduate teaching assistants as exemplary in undergraduate teaching.
Margaret Ann Bolick
Engineering and Science Education
Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award
The Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award is given to one undergraduate researcher who has been recognized by faculty for having shown outstanding research potential in their field of study.
Yitong (Gary) Chen
Mechanical Engineering
Outstanding Senior in the School of Computing or Applied Sciences
This award is given to the outstanding senior in the School of Computing or Applied Sciences and is on the basis of scholarship, character, and other factors demonstrating the recipients’ integrity in the field of Computing and Applied Sciences.
William Cummings
School of Computing
Robert W. Moorman Award
Dr. Robert W. Moorman was the son of Commandant Thomas Moorman, a graduate in civil engineering and head of the Engineering Mechanics Department from 1958-1974. The Roberts W. Moorman Award is given in his honor to the most outstanding junior in engineering on the basis of scholarship and character.
Justin Tyler Furgala
Samuel B. Earle Award
Dr. Samuel B. Earle was Director of the Engineering Department from 1911 to 1933 and Dean of the School of Engineering from 1933 to 1950. The Samuel B. Earle Award is given in his honor to the most outstanding senior in engineering on the basis of scholarship and character.
Giovanni Orlandi
Mechanical Engineering
Robert W. Snelsire Diversity Prize
The Robert W. Snelsire Diversity Prize honors the memory of Dr. Bob Snelsire, a professor of electrical engineering who was also a champion of underrepresented students in the college. This award recognizes a student who has been of service to Programs for Educational Enrichment and Retention (PEER) or the Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) program.
Voné T. Whaley
Industrial Engineering
Student Spotlight
Some of the best and brightest students in the College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences were recognized for their outstanding work in several areas. The college produces a series of videos to showcase what each student liked most about Clemson.
- Campus Leadership
- Service
- Integrity in the Field
- Creative Endeavors
- Academic Scholarship
- Character
- Research
Previous Winners
2023 Winners
Student awardees for the 2023 Honors and Awards Ceremony: Gabriel Cutter, Grace Haller, Aniela Nozka, Christopher A.J. Sanders Jr., Arabella Rose Hunter, Justin Lee Cromer, Eliza MaCaulay, Nathan Goulet, Vaishnavi Kanduri (wearing red), Lucky Cho and Nitya Harikumar.
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2022 Winners
Student awardees for the 2022 Honors and Awards Ceremony: Maria Elizabeth Christenbury, Josh Arrington, Arabella Rose Hunter, Jennifer Briglio, Nicholas Isaiah Deas, Ashley Babinchak, Douglas Keith Stewart, Di Nguyen, Moses Namara, Maddy Counts and Jourden Brown.
View Story2021 Winners
Student awardees at the 2021 Honors and Awards Ceremony: Maureen Buckley, Adam Kummetz, Catherine Crowe, Annelise Waling, Emily T. Miller, Anish Chaluvadi, Joshua Norman, Leah Wiitablake, Xiaohong Zhang, Evs Evans, and Makenna Lee.
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2020 Winners
Student awardees for the 2020 Honors and Awards Ceremony: Thomas Birdsong, Austin Bruner, Mary Grace Stachnik, Corrina Laird, Mallory Ann Jordan, Natalie DellaMaria, Allison Kaczmarek, Jared Capuano, Mitra Shabani, Longxiang Guo, Azrin Jamison, and Illana Jamison.
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