Mechatronics and Systems Research
Research themes: This laboratory researches nonlinear & intelligent controls, virtual design, mechatronic systems, and diagnostic & prognostic strategies with application to energy, smart products, and transportation systems. The laboratory has access to the departmental machine shop, which has full-time technicians to support research activities.
Lab facility/equipment: The Director of the Mechatronics and Systems Research Laboratory in the Fluor Daniel Engineering Innovation Building on Clemson University’s main campus.
The Mechatronics Laboratory has over 500ft2 of floor space dedicated to the design and analysis of multiple domain dynamic systems. Real-time data acquisition and control hardware and software support system design, nonlinear controller design, and diagnostic studies with human test subjects as needed. A custom hardware-in-the-loop vehicle cabin steering simulator facilitates advanced driver safety research. A variety of sensors and actuators, all under computer control, support research in thermofluid system operation, renewable energy harvesting, and human-machine interface designs for both unmanned aerial vehicles and manned ground vehicles.
The Systems Research Laboratory has 300ft2 floor space supporting advanced cooling strategies, waste heat energy harvesting, electro-hydraulic systems, and acoustic research. One cell offers an International Dyno Corporation Model 500 dynamometer and Electro-Mechanical Micro-Dyn 35 dynamometer, assorted small displacement gasoline/diesel engines, Omega temperature and fluid flow sensors, and assorted actuators and sensors. Another cell features acoustic and vibration research supporting the analysis and redesign of rotating equipment for improved human-machine environments. The hydraulics bench has a Bosch hydraulics pump, two Bosch servo-proportional valves, a Moog servo-valve, assorted sensors, and hydraulic cylinders and motors. The laboratory has real-time workstations used for data acquisition and control.

John Wagner
Lab Director
(864) 656-7376