Advising Contacts
Reach out to your assigned academic advisor with any questions or concerns. To find your academic advisor’s name and email address, check CU Navigate under “Your Success Team” or your advising student profile.
Departmental Information
General Questions for the College of Science
Gerron Scott
Advising and professional development for the College of Science.
- Office: 105 Long Hall
- Phone: 864-656-3288
- Email: gerrons@clemson.edu
Biology (and Microbiology)
- Visit the advising webpage.
- Contact the advising team.
- Registration coordinator: Carla Duncan Brewer.
- Visit the undergraduate programs page.
- Registration coordinator: Kris Coleman.
Genetics and Biochemistry
- Visit the undergraduate programs page.
- Contact the advising team.
- Registration coordinator: Kimi Brown.
Mathematical Sciences
- Visit the undergraduate programs page.
- Registration coordinator: Jennifer Van Dyken.
- Visit the undergraduate programs page.
- Registration coordinator: Celeste Hackett.