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Catherine A. Griffith
Clinical Associate Professor
Office: 200 Old Main
Phone: 864-656-7645 (Dept)
Email: cgriffi@clemson.edu
Vita: Click Here
Educational Background
Ph.D. Special Education
University of Virginia 2007
Ed.M. Mind, Brain, and Education
Harvard Graduate School of Education 2002
B.A. Psychology
Randolph-Macon College 2000
Catherine A. Griffith, Ph.D., BCBA is a Clinical Associate Professor of Special Education in the Department of Education and Human Development. She coordinates the Master of Education (M.Ed.) program in Special Education with emphases in academic and behavioral interventions and teaches coursework on individuals with learning disabilities and emotional and/or behavioral disorders, intensive academic interventions, and applied behavior analysis. She also serves as a Technical Assistance Consultant for the Behavior Alliance of South Carolina.
Her central research interests include providing effective instruction and supervision to preservice teachers and educating inservice teachers on evidence-based academic and function-based behavior interventions for school-aged individuals with disabilities.
Previously, she served as a researcher for the National Dropout Prevention Center investigating the effects of a computerized reading program on struggling adolescent readers in five school districts across the country. She is a former middle school special education teacher who instructed students with learning disabilities and emotional/behavior disorders in self-contained, resource, and inclusion classes.
Courses Taught
EDSP 3700: Introduction to Special Education
EDSP 3720: Characteristics and Instruction of Individuals with Learning Disabilities
EDSP 3740: Characteristics and Instruction of Individuals with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders
EDSP 3760: Characteristics and Instruction of Individuals with Learning Disabilities and Emotional/Behavioral Disorders
EDSP 4920: Mathematics Instruction for Individuals with Mild Disabilities
EDSP 4960: Special Education Field Experience
EDSP 4980: Directed Teaching in Special Education
EDSP 8120: Practicum in Learning Disabilities
EDSP 8210: Educational Assessment of Individuals with Disabilities
EDSP 8230: Teaching Individuals with Disabilities in Integrated Settings
EDSP 8550: Intensive Academic Interventions for Individuals with Disabilities
EDSP 8570: Integrating Knowledge and Skills to Develop Preservice Special Educators’ Instructional Expertise
EDSP 8580: Directed Teaching in Special Education
EDSP 8610: Supporting Students with High Incidence Disabilities
EDSP 8720: Advanced Classroom Management
EDSP 8730: Experimental Analysis of Behavior
EDSP 8740: Single Case Research Design
EDSP 8760: Behavior Analytic Supervision
EDSP 9500: College Teaching and Field Supervision in Special Education
Research Interests
Hirsch, S. E., Griffith, C., Kelley, M. H., Carlson, A., & McKown, G. (2023). Increasing preservice teachers’ knowledge and skills using a mixed-reality simulator: The tale of two studies. Teacher Education and Special Education. https://doi.org/10.1177/08884064231154028
Hirsch, S. E., Lewis, T. J., Griffith, C. A., Carlson, A., Brown, C., & Katsiyannis, A. (2023). An analysis of selected aspects of functional behavioral assessments and behavior intervention plans. Journal of Special Education. https://doi.org/10.1177/00224669221146168
Hirsch, S. E., Griffith, C. A., Chow, J. C., Walker, A. C, & Walters, S. (2022). Professional learning and development for special educators serving students emotional and behavioral disorders in self-contained settings. Behavioral Disorders. https://doi.org/10.1177/0198742922111083
Hirsch, S. E., Mathews, H., Griffith. C., Carlson, A., & Walker, A. (2023). Using Project ECHO during the pandemic to connect special educators who work with students with Emotional Behavioral Disorders. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. DOI: 10.1177/10634266231154196
Griffith, C. A., Hirsch, S. E., & Burns, T. (2021). Implementing functional assessment-based interventions in secondary settings: Strategies for overcoming barriers. TEACHING Exceptional Children. https://doi.org/10.1177/00400599211029675
Stecker, P. M., Hodge, J., & Griffith, C. A. (2020). Response to intervention framework:
An application to school settings. In M. M. Martel (Ed.) The clinical guide to assessment and treatment of childhood learning and attention problems (pp. 77-97). Elsevier Academic Press. ISBN: 978-0-12-815755-8
Griffith, C. A., Lloyd, J. W., Lane, K. L., & Tankersley, M. (2010). Grade retention of students
during grades K-8 predicts reading achievement and progress during secondary schooling. Reading & Writing Quarterly, 26, 1-16.