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College of Education

Edmond Bowers

Professor and Director of Assessment and Engagement

Office: 426 Edwards Hall
Phone: 864-656-1983
Vita: Click Here

Educational Background

Ph.D. Applied Developmental and Educational Psychology
Boston College 2009

M.Ed. Middle School Science
University of Notre Dame 2003

BS Science-Business and Anthropology
University of Notre Dame 2001


Edmond P. Bowers serves as the Director of Assessment and Engagement in the College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences. Dr. Bowers is also a professor of Youth Development Leadership, with a joint appointment in the Department of Education and Human Development. Dr. Bowers received both B.S. and M.Ed. degrees from the University of Notre Dame and a Ph.D. in Applied Developmental and Educational Psychology from Boston College. Prior to arriving at Clemson, he served as a post-doctoral fellow and research assistant professor in the Institute for Applied Research in Youth Development (IARYD) at Tufts University. Dr. Bowers has experience teaching and working with students from the preschool to the graduate level, both in the U.S. and abroad. Framed by the positive youth development (PYD) perspective, his research focuses on describing, explaining, and optimizing the development of young people. Dr. Bowers is particularly interested in applying and adapting the Five Cs model of PYD to understand how youth relationships with non-parental adults (e.g., mentors, teachers, coaches, youth leaders) facilitate the strengths of youth (e.g., critical reflection, hope, self regulation) to promote healthy and positive development. Through this research agenda, Dr. Bowers has collaborated with researchers and practitioners to design, implement, and evaluate research-based programs and materials in diverse school- and community-based settings across the globe. Dr. Bowers is co-editor of the journal, Applied Developmental Science, and he serves as a senior member of the research board for the National Mentoring Resource Center.

Courses Taught

YDP3050: Theory and Philosophy of Youth Development Work
YDP4550: Youth and Technology
YDP4990: Youth Development Fieldwork
YDP8000: Theories of Youth Development
YDP8010: Child and Adolescent Development
YDP8050: Youth Development in the Context of Family
YDP8880: Youth and Technology
YDP8900: The Profession of Youth Development Leadership
PADM8410: Public Data Analysis

Research Interests

positive youth development
out-of-school time programming
professional development of youth-serving professionals
models and measures of youth thriving


Applied Developmental Science

Google Scholar Profile

ResearchGate Profile