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College of Education

Ying Feng

Assistant Professor

Office: 308G Old Main
Vita: Click Here

Educational Background

Ph.D. Human Resource Development
University of Minnesota 2023

M.Ed. Sports Management
University of Minnesota 2017


My goal is to integrate engaged scholarship and innovation into my research, teaching, and service. My work bridges the gap between theory and practice, utilizing advanced methodologies such as structural topic modeling and immersive learning technologies. I am committed to fostering collaborative environments and empowering the next generation of leaders through my contributions to the field of Human Resource Development.

Courses Taught

Knowledge Management
Concepts of Human Resource Development
Organization Development
Research Concepts and Skills
Instructional Systems Design

Research Interests

I focus on exploring the ethical implications and practical applications of AI in HRD, as evidenced by my forthcoming work on AI-HR agents and ethical AI usage in learning management systems. Additionally, I investigate the HRD research-practice gap, leveraging topic modeling to understand the transfer of knowledge between academia and practice. I am also keen on studying women's leadership development, diversity, and inclusion within organizational contexts, and the impact of management practices on employee engagement and job performance across cultures.

